Superfood is a term used by various people in a wide variety of manners and contexts. For example, it is sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may confer health benefits as a result. Another common definition is that a superfood is one which has high concentrations of essential nutrients with proven health benefits, with few properties generally considered to be negative (such as being high in saturated fats or artificial ingredients, food additives or contaminants). An often-cited example of a superfood (or superfruit) is blueberries. They contain high concentrations of various antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber,[1] they have a compound, pterostilbene, which acts to protect the heart in the same way as cholesterol-lowering drugs, are low in calories and are most often organically grown
In fact, our society overloads the medical community with too much responsibility when their job is to deal with full-blown illness and emergencies. It is MY job to make sure that I do not find myself immersed in illness. Most illness does not happen overnight- it takes time and clear-cut neglect. The current model of nutrition (Standard American Diet) is damaging us, without a doubt!
This belief has served me well. Through self-education and self-observation, I have found ways to continue my good health and vitality. It is rare that I need intervention, and even then it is usually with alternative health care providers who are assisting my need for prevention. When I “feel” something is wrong or off, I know what I need to do. It works!
It is obvious to almost everyone (although they may not practice it) that regular exercise, natural whole-food consumption, plenty of good water, etc., are key to optimal health. One of the most important ways to ensure continued good health is the regular consumption of ‘super foods’. These are called super because they go beyond the normal provision of nutrients. They provide exceedingly high amounts of the building blocks we need for our health, so much so that they can actually initiate change in our bodies for the good. The difference is tangibly felt when these foods are introduced and used regularly.
Included in these nutrient dense super foods are:
Bee Pollen- Completely balanced for vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzyme precursors and all essential amino acids, this food is a full spectrum blood building and rejuvenative substance. Recent research has shown that bee pollen counteracts the effects of aging, and increases both mental and physical capability. Two teaspoons of unsprayed pollen is the usual daily dose for therapeutic applications.
Flax Oil- Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, protein and zinc with no cholesterol. Clinical studies show that this oil is good for skin, smoother muscle action, stronger cardiovascular performance, better digestive function, provides fuel for the heart, helps prevent blood clotting, reduces high blood fats of all kinds, promotes clearer thinking and improves stamina. It also helps to burn fats and increase stamina by supporting liver function.
Garlic: This humble herb is an incredible cleaning machine! It is a powerful, full spectrum anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and has proven itself to rid the body internally and externally of any antigens or pathogens. It has been proven in hospitals in laboratories worldwide to destroy cancer and break up tumors, thin the blood and normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The best way to consume this wonder-food is raw. A great way to do this is in juice. Juice up some other veggies and throw in some cloves of garlic (tomatoes, beets, celery, carrots, etc.) Throw in fresh squeezed lemon juice for good measure!
Algae: Known as the Masters of Regeneration, algae is an ancient food used by civilizations far back into history. Algae itself is an ancient plant, being the first to use photosynthesis (blue-green algae being the oldest). There are sea algaes such as kelp, wakame, etc. which are highly regarded for their rich mineral content. And there are fresh-water algaes such as Spirulina and Aphanizomenon-flos-aqua (AFA), which have a myriad of health benefits attached to them due to their nutrient dense make-up. Algaes build the immune system, cleanse the blood (mind-blowing amounts of chlorophyll!), increase energy, balance mood swings, reduce stress, improve memory and concentration, and reduce anxiety and depression. AFA is grown wild and has for thousands of years. Spirulina is grown agriculturally. For a comparison see AFA vs. Spirulina
Sprouts: Ideal for a natural source of protein that also helps the body cleanse itself, sprouts are rich in almost every nutrient, vitamins, enzymes, essential fatty acids, minerals, anti-oxidants and are cholesterol free. Sprouts can be delicious in sandwiches and salads. There is a variety available these days with varying flavors.
These are a few of the super foods available to us today. I use all of the above regularly with excellent results.
Power-Out Morning Smoothie:
Nut milk (almond, hazelnut, etc.)
Mazama Mix (algae and sprouts mix available from Cell Tech)
Flax oil
Bee pollen
Sesame seeds (high in calcium)
Linda Rector, Healthy Healing,1998
Scott Ohlgren, Cellular Cleansing Made Easy, 2002
James Balch, Nutritional Healing, 1997
Karl Abrams, Algae To The Rescue, 1996
Jeffrey Bruno, Edible Microalgae: A Review of the Health Research, 2000
Here are some GREAT books that I regularly refer to for the health of the people I love. You can order them directly from this site by clicking on the titles.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing,
by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch,C.N.C.
My copy of this book is well worn from use. It is a practical A-Z reference to drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements. I think every home should have one. It’s easy to use and the information is incredibly useful.
Healthy Healing
by Linda Rector Page, N.D., Ph.D.
Another wonderful resource book for all natural self-healing. This book is extensive in its information. She not only gives you many choices but she also recommends specific manufacturers. There are recipes and diet suggestions for all types of challenges as well as cleansing programs. Another well used reference book in our home.
Smart Medicine For A Healthier Child
by Janet Zand, Lac,OMD,Rachel Walton,RN and Bob Rountree, M.D.
This great book is a practical A-Z reference to natural and conventional treatments for infants and children. It is a parent’s guide to safe and effective relief of common childhood disorders using nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathy, acupressure, diet and conventional medicine. I like the fact that they cover both ends of the healing spectrum and you are given information to make an informed choice.
Your Body's Many Cries for Water
by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
The importance of water in our diets cannot be overstated. However, because it is so simple, people tend to forget about it. This book will remind you in a very complete way how very, very important water is to our health. You can make a HUGE difference in your health just by increasing your water intake. The author, an M.D., points out scientific studies which show the relationship of dehydration to asthma, allergies, arthritis, migraines, hypertension, chronic fatigue and many other degenerative diseases.
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