SkyBlue Cross Alternative Health Blog

Showing posts with label high cholesterol TLC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high cholesterol TLC. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Newest Food Heal Therapy has been developed for Stroke Survivor's high Cholesterol Controlled

Most Stroke Survivors have to take Satins for their blood cholesterol controlled Life-L;long, and suffer the Satins Side effects whole life; This bad situation can be changed with Functional Food TLC Hereafter.

  An Innovative High Cholesterol naturally controlled healthcare Module just be released by Toronto Famous HealthCare Consultant Company:SkyBlue Cross.

Maxwell Chan, Senior Consult, SkyBlue Cross  Says:

Most Stroke survivors have to have their blood cholersterol well controlled in case stroke happen again.  However, most blood cholesterol  medicines are easy to take, but all medicines have side effects. Statin side effects can be uncomfortable, making it seem like the risks outweigh the benefits of these powerful cholesterol-
lowering medications.
Some common side effects of  blood cholesterol Satins  include:
       Muscle pain and damage. One of the most common complaints of people taking statins is muscle pain. ...
   Liver damage. Occasionally, statin use could cause an increase in the level of enzymes that signal liver inflammation. ...
   Increased blood sugar or type 2 diabetes. ...
   Neurological side effects.

Nowadays, Convention Medicine for Stroke  survivors' blood cholesterol medical treatments have unique goal that is to lower the blood cholesterol, and save the patient's risk of life, most  the underlying causes of high blood cholesterol are put asides,  then stroke survivor's  high blood cholesterol issue   become treatable health problem, but unfortunately they can never be cured. stroke survivors can only  take a lot of Satins just only for saving possible risk of getting stoke again, and suffer  Satins  side-effect  for lifelong.

Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Mediation/Intervention Program [ aka Functional Food TLC] is side-effect free, effective natural health therapeutic  luifestyle changes . It is a System-Oriented approaching and has both patient and healthcare practitioner integrated into an interactive partnership.  It is revolutionary in healthcare industry; it can better address the patient need. By updating the traditional disease cantered focus to a more patient-centered approach; Functional food TLC practitioners can spend more time with their patients, acknowledge patients' more detail   information  as to family genetic  issue, living environment, lifestyle factors which may  have influence  at their  complex chronic health issue,… and so on. By this way, Functional food TLC can better serve each patient unique expression of health, and treat patient's unique, complex, chronic health problem. For more detail Information,Please Refer:

Functional Food TLC come with  following great  features:

1. Functional Food TLC offers a powerful new healthcare system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 19th century.

2. Functional Food TLC incorporates the most value God-pharmacy-functional food, the best, most effective  side-effect free natural health remedies,  great  abstracts of traditional Indian and Chinese Medicine, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.

Source: http://functionalfoodtherapeuticlifestylechangeinterventi...

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Functional Food TLC, 21st Century Therapy against Complex Chronic Disease

Convention medicine, which has been developed since 19th century, is for acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is in need of emergency care, such as stroke, or broken arm. Nothing can do for complex chronic diseases. It is the reason that why high cholesterol, and high blood pressure can be treated, but unfortunately cannot be cured. 

Convention medicine,   which has been developed since 19th century, is good at acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is short term, and in need of emergency care, such as stroke, or broken arm. Practitioners only need to apply pre-set treatments such as surgery or medicine that target at the immediate health problem or symptom.

Nowadays, most medicine cares for common chronic diseases, for example: high cholesterol. Almost All high cholesterol  medical treatments have unique goal that is to lower the cholesterol level, they put aside the underlying causes of high cholesterol,   then high cholesterol   become treatable health problem, but unfortunately cannot be cured; High cholesterol  patients have to take prescription and suffer Satins side-effect  for lifelong.

Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Mediation/Intervention Program [ aka Functional Food TLC] just be invented against High Cholesterol in side-effect free, effective natural health therapy way. It is a System-Oriented approaching and has both patient and healthcare practitioner integrated into an interactive partnership.  It is revolutionary in healthcare industry; it can better address the patient need. By updating the traditional disease cantered focus to a more patient-centered approach; Functional food TLC practitioners can spend more time with their patients, acknowledge patients’ more detail   information  as to family genetic  issue, living environment, lifestyle factors which may  have influence  at their  complex chronic health issue,… and so on. By this way, Functional food tlc can better serve each patient unique expression of health, and treat patient’s unique, complex, chronic health problem.
Functional Food TLC come with  following great  features:
Functional Food TLC offers a powerful new healthcare system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 19th century.
Functional Food TLC incorporates the most value God-pharmacy-functional food, the best, most effective  side-effect free natural health remedies,  Great  abstracts of traditional Indian and Chinese Medicine, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.
Functional Food TLC enables physicians and other health professionals to practice proactive, predictive, personalized therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.

For more detail information, please search " Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program: Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program " on google. the book  also  give out 14 common underlying causes of high cholesterol and related medical solutions. is owned by SkyBLUE Cross Corp., which is a Complementary and Integrated Medicine consulting company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2006. SkyBlue Cross believe  Complementary and Integrated medicine as kind of Great Pyramids of medicine and health,  and many human being treasures of medicine  have been discovered and served  people in the world.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Should High Cholesterol patient have to take Satins Whole Life?

Without treating the underlying causes of High Cholesterol, millions of hyperlipidemia patients have to suffer the incurable disease and take whole life Statins and related side-effects.It is time for this situation to be ended.


 A Newest Food Heal Therapy for High Cholesterol just be invented  and developed.

Maxwell Chan, Senior consultant, SkyBlue Cross Say:

According to High cholesterol is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and specifically for coronary heart disease (CHD).Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. In fact, it kills more Americans each year than all cancers combined. Approximately 17% of all national healthcare spending[In 2015, U.S. health care spending increased 5.8 percent to reach $3.2 trillion, or $9,990 per person]  focuses on this disease alone.

Convention medicine,   which has been  developed since 19th century, is good at acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is short term, and in need of emergency care, such as stroke, or broken arm. Practitioners only need to apply pre-set treatments such as surgery or medicine that target at the immediate health problem or symptom.

Nowadays, most cares for high cholesterol have unique goal that is to lower the cholesterol level, they put aside the underlying causes of high cholesterol,   then high cholesterol   become treatable health problem, but cannot be cured; hyperlipidemia patients have to take prescription for lifelong.

Hyperlipidemia is not a sickness, but kind of digestion system metabolic status instead, which may be complicated health status connected to liver, kidney, and spleen functions. Each high cholesterol patient has its particular underling cause, simply applying a lifelong taking satins prescription   to all high cholesterol could be medical malpractice.

There are different types of high cholesterol with different underlying causes of high cholesterol. It is terrible medical malpractice to treat high cholesterol without addressing the cause. To address the underlying cause of high cholesterol the most important key to treat cholesterol. Book: "Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level: Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program" give out 14 common complex types of high cholesterol and treatment solutions which make high cholesterol become curable, and let high cholesterol patient don't need to take prescription Satins for lifelong  anymore.

Functional food therapeutic lifestyle change mediation/intervention program just be invented against High Cholesterol in side-effect free, effective natural health therapy way.

For more detail information, please search "Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level: Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program" on google. the book  also  give out 14 common underlying causes of high cholesterol and related medical solutions. For more detail information, please visit:

Functional Food therapeutic lifestyle changes program demand practitioners to spend time with their patient, observing their lifestyle, considering all their interactions among lifestyle, complex chronic diseases, environment, and family genetic influence. By this way, the program   can help each high cholesterol patient to treat the specific hyperlipidemia.

To address the underlying causes of disease with a system-oriented approach, and to integrate both patient and medical/healthcare practitioner in an interactive natural health therapeutic partnership is tendency of 21st century healthcare.

Functional food therapeutic lifestyle change mediation/intervention program makes use of the above Innovative health care philosophy and developed many especial programs for many common chronic diseases.


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

a $4.99 Little Book Really can save USA High cholesterol cost up to $120 billion per year?

"Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level with Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention Program" give out 100% natural health,Money saving solution against High Cholesterol, which may save USA $120 Billion per year


TORONTO - May 1, 2017 - PRLog -- An Outstanding  natural health consulting service company SkyBlue Cross, announced that they have published their Natural Heal Research Achievement:

Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level with Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention Program ( aka Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Mediation program ),  The Functional Food Lifestyle Mediation Program  follow and apply National Institute of Health  & CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ) Guideline  & Suggestions   that Therapeutic Lifestyle changes can be the Lifestyle modifications against complex health Problems. The company also have developed many natural health ways to deal with the many complex health problems with their simple, effective Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program (aka Mediation Program)
According to, a Promising new cholesterol-lowering drugs, priced at $14,000 a year per person, could add $120 billion annually to the USA's health care costs if taken by all eligible patients, according to an economic analysis published Tuesday in JAMA. For more detail information, please visit:  for more detail information.
SkyBlue Cross Founder, Senior Consultant Maxwell Said: " Most High cholesterol is caused by liver lipid metabolic Problem. (Note: there are also many other reasons too, refer Dr. John and Maxwell's book "Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level") Nowadays, conventional treatment for this kind disease is to interfere liver lipid metabolism; the treatment has a chance to make liver lipid metabolism become disorder, increase the liver burden. These could be the reason why some many Satins side effects have been found. For more  detail information, please visit:

Dr. John, one of authors of  book "Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level" said:"  Most Chronic Diseases should be caused by long time harmful lifestyle and unbalanced nutrient intake. Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Mediation Program could be the right effective solution for Chronic Diseases issues. "Naturally Balanced your Cholesterol Level" not only can help you have your cholesterol balanced, but also can help you to treat the causes of high cholesterol." For most detail Information, please refer:
About SkyBlue Cross: Sky BLUE Cross is a Complementary and Integrated Medicine consulting company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2006. SkyBlue Cross considers  Complementary and Integrated medicine as kind of Great Pyramids of medicine and health,  and many human being treasures of medicine  have been discovered and served  people in the world.

Reference Sources:

New cholesterol drugs could add $120 billion to annual U.S. health costs. Refer below url:


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program Review

Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program Review

A.      Overview: Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program is step by step complementary and Integrated Medicine procedure which includes:

Step 1. Find out the cause of disease: for example  causes for prostatitis, causes for constipation.
Step 2.choose the right functional foods recipe  per patient’s especial  health situation
 Step 3. Designed to provide patients  with the support, knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to identify and overcome the different challenges faced in the adoption and maintenance of a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle.

B. Functional Foods do have a amazing capability at health improvement.

During the first 50 years of the 20th century, scientific focus was on the identification of essential elements, particularly vitamins, and their role in the prevention of various dietary deficiency diseases. This emphasis on nutrient deficiencies or “undernutrition” shifted dramatically, however, during the 1970s when diseases linked to excess and “overnutrition” became a major public health concern. Thus began a flurry of public health guidelines, including the Senate Select (McGovern) Committee’s Dietary Goals for the United States (1977), the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (1980, 1985, 1990, 1996, 2000— a joint publication of the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services), the Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health (1988), the National Research Council’s Diet and Health (1989) and Healthy People 2000 and 2010 from the U.S. Public Health Service. All of these reports are aimed at public policy and education emphasizing the importance of consuming a diet that is low in saturated fat, and high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and stroke.
Scientists also began to identify physiologically active components in foods from both plants and animals (known as phytochemicals and zoochemicals, respectively) that potentially could reduce risk for a variety of chronic diseases. These events, coupled with an aging, health-conscious population, changes in food regulations, numerous technological advances and a marketplace ripe for the introduction of health-promoting products, coalesced in the 1990s to create the trend we now know as “functional foods.” This report includes a discussion of how functional foods are currently defined, the strength of the evidence both required and thus far provided for many of these products, safety considerations in using some of these products, factors driving the functional foods phenomenon, and finally, what the future may hold for this new food category.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, diet plays a role in 5 of 10 of the leading causes of death, including coronary heart disease (CHD), certain types of cancer, stroke, diabetes (noninsulin dependent or type 2) and atherosclerosis. The dietary pattern that has been linked with these major causes of death in the United States and other developed countries is characterized as relatively high in total and saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and refined sugars and relatively low in unsaturated fat, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. An accumulating body of research now suggests that consumption of certain foods or their associated physiologically active components may be linked to disease risk reduction (6). The great majority of these components derive from plants; however, there are several classes of physiologically active functional food ingredients of animal or microbial origin.
Refer: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002) 56, Suppl 3, S29-S33. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601481

C. lifestyle practices has a more massive influence to our health:

"A very short list of lifestyle practices has a more massive influence on our medical destinies than anything else in all of medicine," says Dr David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center and president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, in a telephone interview. "There's almost nothing in all of medicine that has the vast, consistent, and diverse evidence base."
He remarked that there is no pill, and there never will be any pill, that can reduce the burden of chronic disease in the way that healthy lifestyle factors can.
So why don't we use lifestyle factors more?


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program Review

………. A great  medical health concept discovered from great pyramid of health

Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle  Change Programs  are developed  under foundation of  Cholesterol TLC Program [ Created by the National Institutes of Health’s National Cholesterol Education Program, the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLC) is endorsed by the American Heart Association as a heart-healthy regimen that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.] Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) is a program that can help you have the cholesterol balanced well under general health situation; This program is recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. However, the program may not work very well for most chronic disease patients and disabilities.
 Functional food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program is safety, effective medical/health solution for highly complicated health problems. They are great medical/health therapeutic program to some of the today’s common diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, constipation, metabolic syndrome, High cholesterol, etc.
The Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle  Change Programs’s advantages is that It mainly care about how patient’s  feel and causes of disease, then choose the  right therapeutic functional  foods and lifestyle. The Program is safety and effective.
Medical errors kill more than a quarter million people every year in the United States and injure millions. Add them all up and "you have probably the third leading cause of death" in the country, says Dr. Peter Pronovost, an anesthesiologist, and critical care physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
"you have probably the third leading cause of death" in the country, says Dr. Peter Pronovost, an anesthesiologist, and critical care physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
 While there are filled with tons of magic, Doctor and magic food online to claim “ heal. .. problems...Bla blah in 33 days.”
Nowadays, most common health problems in the world may be caused by our wrong medical style  i.e. most medical professional already get used only to care about examination data, instead of the causes of diseases and how the patient feels. It is a dreadful medical concept or usage. Below are some typical  examples to support  the saying:
1. prostatitis: most prostatitis should be caused by weak Kidney or other body function.  However, most family doctors get used to applying antibiotics to treat prostatitis which can only weaken the kidney function, and cause a most prostate problem only. And most patients know prostatitis is incurable by this way, but they may not know this kind of treatment may cause chronic kidney disease to them, Sure, we have some reasons this could be the primary reason for Prostate cancer. For the  right attitude and treatment to prostatitis, please  refer Dr. John and Maxwell’s coming published book  “ natural heal Prostatitis-----   Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program.”
2. Heart disease- High blood pressure related:
  By Complementary and Integrated Medicine, we believe this could be the main reason that High Blood Pressure Related Heart Disease happens. For the  right attitude and treatment to high blood pressure, please  refer Dr. John and Maxwell’s  natural heal High Blood Pressure----- Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program.”
3. high Cholesterol related –Heart Disease: most High cholesterol caused by liver lipid metabolic Problem. (  there are also many other reasons too, refer Dr. John and Maxwell’s <Natural heal High Cholesterol>) Nowadays, conventional treatment for this kind disease is to interfere liver lipid metabolism;  the treatment has a chance to make liver lipid metabolism become disorder, increase the liver burden. These could be the reason why some many Satins side effects have been found. For the  right attitude and treatment to high cholesterol, please  refer Dr. John and Maxwell’s coming published book  natural heal High cholesterol-----   Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program.”
4. Vitiligo is  defined as incurable skin disorder which affecting %1 of the world population, it is said that it may be caused by the disorder of adrenal glands or thyroid gland.
Michael Jackson’s Vitiligo medical accident is famous medical malpractice example which the doctor didn’t even make clear the causes of the depigmentation, and applied tons of expensive prescription and operation, then let Michael Jackson’s health entirely collapsed.
 For the right attitude and treatment to Vitiligo, please  refer Dr. John and Maxwell’s  published book  “ natural heal Vitiligo, Strengthen Immunity-----   Functional Food ( aka Superfood) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program.”

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