SkyBlue Cross Alternative Health Blog

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Little book "Naturally Have your High Blood Pressure Controlled" May help Canada to Save 20 Billion HBP Cost per Year

Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Intervention Program Can Help Canada to  Save High Blood Pressure Cost of 20 Billion per Year


TORONTO A natural health consulting company, SkyBlue Cross Corp., announced that: they have published their Natural Heal Research Achievement:
Naturally Have your High Blood Pressure Controlled with Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention Program (aka Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Mediation), which is following and applying CDC Guidelines & Suggestions that Therapeutic Lifestyle changes can be Lifestyle modifications against complex health Problems. The company also finds ways to deal with the many complex health problems with their easy, effective Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program.
According to CBCNews August 12, 2015, In 2010 alone, the federal government spent $13.9 billion treating the symptoms and consequences of hypertension.  And the research comes from the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medicine, and was published in the Hypertension medical journal. It says nine out of 10 people will develop the condition during their lives. $20 billion by 2020.
SkyBlue Cross Senior consultant Maxwell Chan says: "CDC.GOV had recognized that the Lifestyle Change Program can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and many other complex Health Problems like high blood Pressure; Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Intervention Program is actually an effective Lifestyle Mediation Program which can be an effective therapy against many modern complex health problems. Unlike general Blod Pressure pills which  just only  create many side effects then reduce the blood pressure; The program starts with finding out the cause of high blood Pressure, then applying the Functional Food Lifestyle Mediation program to eliminate the effects of the cause of high blood Pressure. With general functional foods and a healthy lifestyle, it is possible that everyone may be able to solve the problem of High Blood Pressure. The company also offers online support via their website:

Consultant Maxwell also said that: "There are different types of high blood pressure with different causes. It is terrible medical malpractice to treat high blood pressure without tracking the cause. Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Intervention Program is designed to eliminate effects of the causes of high blood pressure and get Balanced Blood pressure. It is a naturally healthy, safe Lifestyle mediation.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.GOV): Report of High Blood Pressure in the United States: About 75 million American adults (29%) have high blood pressure — that's 1 of every 3 adults and Only about half (54%) of people with high blood pressure have their condition under control; High blood pressure costs the nation $46 billion each year. This total includes the cost of health care services, medications to treat high blood pressure, and missed days of work.

About SkyBlue Cross Corp.: Sky BLUE Cross is a Complementary and Integrated Medicine consulting company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2006, SkyBlue Cross treats Complementary and Integrated medicine like the Great Pyramids; many human treasures of medicine have been discovered that serve people.

Maxwell Chan

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