SkyBlue Cross Alternative Health Blog

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Why Nutritional Supplements are very important to us

Why Nutritional Supplements are very important to us

Few things have been as controversial as nutritional supplements have been recently. Depending on who you listen to, they are either the answer to any problem you have or they are the devil incarnate. The truth about nutritional supplements, though, is really somewhere in between.

Nutritional supplements are more widely used now than in other time in history. This is because many people have turned to nutritional supplements in order to fill the gaps in what they know to be unhealthy diets that don’t meet the minimum daily requirements for many, many necessary vitamins and minerals. Others have turned to nutritional supplements in order to enhance everything from their workout regimes to their memory and mental functions.

Considering the controversy over whether it’s safe to take nutritional supplements or not, you probably wonder just what you can really expect from taking nutritional supplements. Do they have any real benefit?

The fact is that taking nutritional supplements in their recommended dosages is extremely helpful for everyone from infants to elderly people. The methods used to grow and process our foods have changed drastically in the last 100 years. In many cases, this means that the food itself is deficient in many essential, basic vitamins and minerals.

Add that to the fact that people are so time-starved today that many of us practically live on meals out of paper bags makes taking nutritional supplements almost mandatory. Taking vitamins and other nutritional supplements is a good way to be certain you get all the proper vitamins and minerals you need daily.

However, nutritional supplements should never be used as a substitute for a good diet. Eating at least three (and many experts recommend five) well-balanced meals and two well-balanced snacks per day is still the best way to be sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay fit and healthy. Adding nutritional supplements to good eating habits simply goes the extra mile to see that you’re getting all the nutrients that your body needs each day.

There are many high-quality multi-vitamins available at your local drugstores, as well as through many online sources. The key thing to remember when you decide to take (and you should!) nutritional supplements of any kind is to take them only as directed. Those directions are put on the bottles and packages for a reason—to ensure the vitamins and other herbal supplements are taken correctly.

This is vital for any nutritional supplement you take to be both as safe and effective as it should be. Too high doses of anything can cause side effects you aren’t expecting and don’t want. When you take more of any vitamin or nutritional supplement than the manufacturer recommends you take daily, then you run the risk of taking more than your body can effectively and safely process in a twenty-four hour period of time.

Any risk of taking too much or of unwanted side effects is slight, though, for nutritional supplements when they’re taken as directed. Even slightly higher dosages, in most cases, will have few side effects because your kidneys will flush them from your system, which keeps your body from absorbing too much of any one vitamin or mineral. Still, to be totally safe, take nutritional supplements exactly as instructed.

If you’re still uncertain as to whether you should take a nutritional supplement each day, ask for your doctor’s advice. This is particularly true if you’re on any prescribed medications. It is possible for some supplements to decrease the efficiency of some prescribed medicines and to interact with them, causing unwanted side effects. However, despite many news headlines you may have read, this is rare, especially when nutritional supplements are taken as directed.

Taken properly, nutritional supplements are an excellent way to ensure your body has all it needs to be healthy. Just be sure to use them to supplement, not substitute for, a good healthy diet.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Why correct amount of nutritional supplements is important to Health

Why  correct amount of nutritional supplements is important to Health


In nutritional supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) set by the FDA is a guideline of the minimum amounts needed of a nutrient to stay healthy, but in numerous cases consuming more may be right for you. You ought to consult your doctor before taking larger quantities but in many cases, additional quantities may be needed to meet your personal requirements. Some medications and medical conditions can impact the body's ability to absorb and utilize vitamins and minerals and your doctor, nutritionist or other health care provider can advise you what amounts are best for you.

Keep in mind that if you take the right amounts of herbal or other supplements, there is a huge benefit in better health, more energy and greater mental clarity. The problem occurs only when vitamins and minerals are consumed in huge quantities, well over the published RDA. Since many nutritional supplements can appear as if they are candy to a child, always store your supplements in a safe place, out of reach of little hands.

One reason it is important to take the correct amounts of nutritional supplements is that over-supplementation can impact your health and even be hazardous. For instance, if you take high doses of Vitamin E, it won't be harmful but it can cause Vitamin K to be useless in clotting blood. If too much Vitamin E were taken in conjunction with blood thinners that various medical conditions require, significant dangers such as nose bleeds and injuries that can't be stopped from bleeding could potentially result. Since Vitamin E is stored in the body's fat, the impact can be cumulative when consuming too much of this necessary vitamin.

If excessive amounts of calcium are taken, the potential that formation of kidney stones can happen should be considered. Certain dietary issues such as high quantities of dairy products in the diet combined with large quantities of tea add to the possibility of painful stone formation.

Folic acid, when taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements, is very important. When too much is taken, Vitamin B12 deficiency can be masked. Amounts of niacin well in excess of the RDA can damage liver tissues as well as cause gastrointestinal upsets while the right dosage can be very important to good health and a sense of wellness.

Iron is another thing to be certain to take the right amount rather than too much. Some children have been poisoned by overdosing on iron and you should always make certain to purchase iron in a childproof package.

Selenium, when taking the right amounts, is very beneficial. Amounts over the RDA can result in vomiting, nervous system problems and even hair and nail loss. Lesions on the skin can appear. It is very important to take this very necessary supplement in recommended quantities.

Taking doses, much over the RDA, of Vitamin A has the potential to cause serious liver damage. It can even cause birth defects if huge amounts are taken during pregnancy, especially if this occurs during the first trimester of the pregnancy.
Nerve disorders and muscle weekends can result from taking far too much Vitamin B6 over a prolonged period of time. Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and urinary tract problems if taken in extremely large doses.

Taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements containing Vitamin D is important. The result of overdosing on Vitamin D can be irreversible kidney damage, potentially causing the need for dialysis for the rest of the person's lifetime. Heart and blood vessel damage can also occur when the dosage is much too high.
Zinc, a very necessary component for health, can reduce the body's ability to absorb copper and mute the body's immune system response. Immune system response is crucial for the body to be able to fight off illness and disease.

Any supplements, even if they only contain herbs and botanicals, have the potential to be dangerous if not used with caution. Again, if taken in the right amounts, they can be quite useful; just don't take higher quantities than recommended. Since there is no RDA for any of these products controlled by the FDA, never exceed the dosage on the label unless a qualified health care professional tells you to do so. Also, remember to keep in mind, herbal supplements are not necessarily approved by the FDA but instead, are only regulated.

Brewer's yeast in huge amounts can cause nausea and diarrhea. Chaparral can result in toxic hepatitis when over-dosage occurs. Comfrey in large amounts has been found to cause liver damage. Excessive use of germanium can result in kidney failure and has even resulted in death so be vigilant about any product that contains this substance. Ginseng can help memory and mental clarity in the right amounts when too much has been shown to cause blood pressure fluctuations, anxiety and insomnia. Ma Huang when taken in large amounts can cause blood pressure to increase, muscle injury to occur and nerve damage. Yohimbe has the potential to cause kidney failure, seizures and death when taken in huge amounts.

It is easy to see why you must take the right amounts of nutritional supplements. The benefits are great when used properly but the dangers, as with almost any medication or natural supplement, can be very bad. Listen to your health care professionals about how much to take and be sure to let them know what natural supplements you may be ingesting so they can ensure your health remains the very best. By avoiding dangerous over-dosage of substances that are healthy when taken in smaller quantities, always read the label and if you doctor has recommended taking more or less than the label recommendations, note that fact on the bottle or package so that you don't make a dangerous error.

Saturday 27 April 2013

How to better health with kinds of Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements

 How to better health with kinds of Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements

For years, many people have popped a multi-vitamin and thought that they had their nutritional lives “under control.” They believed that by pulling a bottle of multi-vitamins off a store shelf, and by being fairly regular in taking the product, they were satisfying appropriately the vitamin and nutritional needs and requirements of their bodies.

In point of fact, merely taking any old multi-vitamin or similar type of combination nutritional supplement may not be in your best interest. Rather, it is important for a person who is serious about his or her health to understand precisely how different types of vitamins, minerals and related nutritional supplement products can interact with one another.

For example, there are certain types of vitamins and minerals that enhance one another when they are taken together. On the other hand, there are other vitamins and minerals that can degrade the effectiveness of other products when taken at the time same time.

The fact that different vitamins and minerals do work together differently underscores the necessity of consulting with a doctor or qualified, certified nutritionist before you embark on a program of taking vitamins and minerals and before utilizing certain nutritional supplements. By meeting with an appropriate professional, you will be able to identify your own dietary needs. In addition, these professionals can work closely with you to determine what combination of products can best be utilized to meet your nutritional goals and objectives. These professionals can now be found in nearly any community in many places around the world. The Internet can be a useful resource in assisting you to track down a bona fide professional who can assist you with your dietary decisions and planning.

There are also some helpful resource books on the market that can assist you in determining what combination of vitamin, mineral and nutritional supplement products can best be utilized to further your own healthy living and dietary goals. These books now are readily available at most major booksellers in the brick and mortar world as well as at a wide array of different types of venues on the Internet and World Wide Web.

Regardless of the prevalence of these resource materials in both the brick and mortar world and on the Net, it remains very important for you to connect with a doctor or nutritionist in order to develop what truly is a healthy, meaningful and lasting dietary program that will enhance your life today and tomorrow.

Friday 26 April 2013

The Powerhouse Nutrient-Yerba Mate: For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health

 The Powerhouse Nutrient-Yerba Mate: For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health
Many think of Yerba Mate as a tea beverage. While the chemical components are quite similar to green tea, it is in fact far more nutritious, because scientific study has shown it to contain nearly all of the necessary life-sustaining vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It has been found to be loaded with an even richer and more potent array of antioxidants than green tea.

Yerba Mate, a popular South American beverage, is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the small evergreen Yerba Mate tree found in the highlands of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Tea comes from a different plant altogether. So while Yerba Mate is similar in chemical structure to tea, it is a completely different beverage altogether.

The Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Uruguay have long been drinking this beverage, and introduced it into modern civilization. It is now consumed by millions of South Americans every day, as a healthy and beneficial energizing coffee alternative.

Yerba Mate contains 52 more known active chemical compounds than green tea. It is loaded with potent phytochemical antioxidants, and in far greater quantities than in green tea. Like green tea, it has anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits, again, in higher quantities.

This amazing plant has an incredibly rich nutritional profile. It provides: Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B Complex, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid and even Amino Acids. Scientists are saying it is quite likely that it contains more powerful nutrients that are yet unknown and undiscovered.

There are so many incredible benefits attributed to Yerba Mate, both from scientific studies and centuries of observation. Some of these benefits include:

- anti-aging
- boosts immunity
- increases mental clarity
- helps with digestive problems
- improvement in general well-being, mood, and sleep
- helps to lose weight
- cleanses and detoxifies the blood
- increases supply of oxygen to the heart
- supplies many nutrients needed by the heart for growth and repair
- reduces stress
- reduces the effect of debilitating disease
- allergy relief
- firmer and smoother skintone

Experiencers of digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids have found these to be relieved and easily overcome over a short period of daily use. Some people who require antacids have reported they no longer need to use them after a short time of using Yerba Mate.

People with heart problems have reported clogged arteries clearing up in even just 3 weeks of using Yerba Mate - their doctors have ordered them to stop taking their pills for circulation and clogged arteries.

It has even been used as a food substitute due to its rich nutritional profile. It will eliminate feelings of hunger and give the sensation of having had a full meal. While this is important for those experiencing conditions of famine, it is also helpful for people desiring to lose weight.

There are far too many benefits to go into detail in the space of this article. This is a very powerful healing plant. Because of its vast amount of health benefits for the whole body, Yerba Mate is truly a tonic for wellness.

In addition, essential vitamins and nutrients are best absorbed by the body when taken in their live, natural state. This is why it is far more efficient to use a liquid nutrient like Yerba Mate instead of a multivitamin supplement.

Yerba Mate is one of the most excellent nutrients available in the world today, and should be given the attention of all who are interested in excellent health, anti-aging, wellness, and healing.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Some Foods Can Prematurely Age You!

Some  Foods Can Prematurely Age You!
Did you know that the food you eat could be prematurely ageing you? Science has made some amazing discoveries in the last decade in nutrition. We really should be taking note of what we put in our mouth because more than ever, "we are what we eat". Do you know the impact of what you are eating? Probably not. It's time to find out because over-indulgence in certain types of food cause the body to prematurely age.
Would you like some more free radicals with your lunch...? There is frequent mention these days about 'free radicals' and how they are constantly attacking the body, causing potentially serious damage.
A free radical is the name for a molecule that has an unpaired electron. They are a normal by-product of metabolism and without them you would die. To put the record straight, it's the over-production of free radicals that causes damage to the body. We are advised by nutritional experts to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. This is because they are rich in antioxidant phytonutrients...substances that neutralise free radicals and so help protect the body.
One of the essential tasks of free radicals is in producing energy from the food you eat. Every time you eat, free radical activity is intense. The more food you eat, the more free radicals are formed, and the more antioxidants your body needs to neutralise them. Big meals are big trouble! Effective Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E; minerals such as selenium, zinc, and herbs such as aloe vera and grapeseed extract.
The Reality of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are root vegetables, pasta, rice, bread, grains, fruit, pastries, cakes, biscuits, crisps, sweets etc. They are easy to prepare, filling, tasty and cheap. Most meals are dominated by carbohydrates, as most of us 'full up' on them. When you eat carbohydrates you're eating a form of sugar. Carbohydrates are converted by the body into glucose, which is either used immediately for energy, or stored in fat cells. Carbohydrates make up an excessive proportion of the diet, add together a lack of exercise and excess sugar and the inevitable result is excess weight. By reducing your overall carbohydrate intake and reducing the size of your meals, you reduce your body's exposure to free radical activity, and, the amount of excess food that meals, you reduce your body's exposure to free radical activity, and, the amount of excess food that gets stored as unwanted fat. A double bonus!
Big meals are too much stress Food is in abundance - look around the supermarket shelves at the food mountain! Fill your trolley, take it home and fill your kitchen cupboards - fill your plate and fill your stomach till you can barely move. How many times a week do you overeat? How many free radicals are attacking your body and accelerating the aging process? You could choose to eat less.
Think about your meals over the last week. Better still, keep a food diary for the next week, record each meal by drawing a plate divided up showing how much protein, carbohydrate, fat, vegetables and fruit you eat at each meal/snack. After a week you'll be able to see for yourself how much sugar you are eating.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Powerhouse Nutrient Yerba Mate For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health

The Powerhouse Nutrient Yerba Mate For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health


Many think of Yerba Mate as a tea beverage. While the chemical components are quite similar to green tea, it is in fact far more nutritious, because scientific study has shown it to contain nearly all of the necessary life-sustaining vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It has been found to be loaded with an even richer and more potent array of antioxidants than green tea.

Yerba Mate, a popular South American beverage, is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the small evergreen Yerba Mate tree found in the highlands of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Tea comes from a different plant altogether. So while Yerba Mate is similar in chemical structure to tea, it is a completely different beverage altogether.

The Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Uruguay have long been drinking this beverage, and introduced it into modern civilization. It is now consumed by millions of South Americans every day, as a healthy and beneficial energizing coffee alternative.

Yerba Mate contains 52 more known active chemical compounds than green tea. It is loaded with potent phytochemical antioxidants, and in far greater quantities than in green tea. Like green tea, it has anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits, again, in higher quantities.

This amazing plant has an incredibly rich nutritional profile. It provides: Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B Complex, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid and even Amino Acids. Scientists are saying it is quite likely that it contains more powerful nutrients that are yet unknown and undiscovered.

There are so many incredible benefits attributed to Yerba Mate, both from scientific studies and centuries of observation. Some of these benefits include:

- anti-aging
- boosts immunity
- increases mental clarity
- helps with digestive problems
- improvement in general well-being, mood, and sleep
- helps to lose weight
- cleanses and detoxifies the blood
- increases supply of oxygen to the heart
- supplies many nutrients needed by the heart for growth and repair
- reduces stress
- reduces the effect of debilitating disease
- allergy relief
- firmer and smoother skintone

Experiencers of digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids have found these to be relieved and easily overcome over a short period of daily use. Some people who require antacids have reported they no longer need to use them after a short time of using Yerba Mate.

People with heart problems have reported clogged arteries clearing up in even just 3 weeks of using Yerba Mate - their doctors have ordered them to stop taking their pills for circulation and clogged arteries.

It has even been used as a food substitute due to its rich nutritional profile. It will eliminate feelings of hunger and give the sensation of having had a full meal. While this is important for those experiencing conditions of famine, it is also helpful for people desiring to lose weight.

There are far too many benefits to go into detail in the space of this article. This is a very powerful healing plant. Because of its vast amount of health benefits for the whole body, Yerba Mate is truly a tonic for wellness.

In addition, essential vitamins and nutrients are best absorbed by the body when taken in their live, natural state. This is why it is far more efficient to use a liquid nutrient like Yerba Mate instead of a multivitamin supplement.

Yerba Mate is one of the most excellent nutrients available in the world today, and should be given the attention of all who are interested in excellent health, anti-aging, wellness, and healing.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

How to choose The Right Vitamin Supplement

 How to choose The Right Vitamin Supplement


Millions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encourage good health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, minerals and herbs flooding the market these days, it's sometimes difficult to know what to choose.

The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplements are not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich whole foods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in their very purest form, and interact with each other and your body in a way supplem...

Millions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encourage good health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, minerals and herbs flooding the market these days, it's sometimes difficult to know what to choose.

The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplements are not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich whole foods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in their very purest form, and interact with each other and your body in a way supplements cannot. However, taking vitamin supplements in addition to eating a vitamin-rich diet can be a great way to stay healthy and protect against damage from harmful free radicals.

When shopping for vitamin supplements, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Always read the label

Reading labels is a wise practice you should do every time you shop for supplements. Labels can tell you more about dosages, ingredients, safety precautions, and other important information.

Choose a reputable manufacturer

Always choose products with “USP” on the label. “USP” is the abbreviation for the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the inclusion on the label means the product has been tested and checked for quality and safety.

Check the Date

Expired vitamins can lose their potency. Always make sure there is an expiration date printed on the bottle, and never purchase or use expired supplements.

Avoid Giant Doses

Do not choose supplements that offer extremely high doses of a particular vitamin or vitamins. Too much of anything can be harmful, sometimes even fatal.

Store Safely

Always keep your vitamins out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dark, dry place as heat and humidity can affect the integrity of the vitamins.

Always Do Your Homework

Research is always a good idea before deciding to take vitamin supplements. Consult with your doctor. Perform some Internet searches or visit your local library. There is a wealth of resources available for you on the topic of vitamin supplements and the benefits they offer.

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