Thursday, 18 July 2013
Natural Health Remedy - Feel Better More Quickly
Natural Health Remedy - Feel Better More Quickly
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Being ill and feeling run down all the time is not the best way to enhance your productivity at work and your energy at home. The reality of this situation is that many people suffer from fatigue and don't know that there is a simple remedy for it. When your body does not receive the correct amounts of the proper nutrients, it cannot carry out its everyday functions properly. This is often caused by a lack of vital nutrients in the body.
In the meantime, you are expecting all kinds of things from your body. You might want it to deliver, but your inputs are just not creating the right outputs. Feeling lethargic, with a lack of energy and stamina is a sure sign of loss of natural nutrients in the body.
Many natural health remedies will help you fight all these issues with which your body is faced. A natural health regimen will incorporate the right eating habits, which means your body will get the right food to help you keep fatigue and lethargy at bay.
Natural health remedies come in many forms; these can be natural health products for internal and external use, natural health medicine or natural health tonics. As a consumer, you have a number of options. You should start with one product, build a regimen, and then move on to the next.
A natural health remedy can also involve using natural health products to help you keep your body as healthy as you possibly can. Natural health remedies will help you maintain wellness, not simply treat the symptoms, as is the case in most of modern American medicine.
Your body is like a car. It needs the right fuel, in the proper amounts, so that it can keep running at maximum performance. Natural health remedies will give you a helping and natural advantage in all the little everyday ailments that you are faced with. As a consumer, you have a number of options. You should start with one product, build a regimen and view the results, and then move on to the next.
In addition to using natural health remedies, you should also learn what to eat and in what proportions, so you can prevent stress and fatigue. Changing your diet will have benefits that last beyond the day or the week; changing your diet will have a lifelong impact on your energy level and productivity.
Many of the natural health remedies are praised for their fast and effective means of dealing with many of today's ailments. Their long history is something that cannot be denied. Chinese herbal medicine has been around for centuries, and in the Western world, folk medicine is being proven by modern science to be based in fact. No longer is folk medicine viewed as an archaic tradition from the hill country of the Southern states. It is joining the mainstream of modern America because people are sick and tired of not only the cost of pharmaceuticals, but because many feel that doctors are simply "throwing" medicine at a problem instead of finding a cure.
My own experience is an example of this. After knee surgery 3 years ago, I developed serious allergies that caused me to break out in hives on a daily basis. Nothing a prominent allergist or my family doctor has done can find the reason for these daily attacks, yet they "keep me going" by prescribing huge doses of Allegra and Tagamet. Out of pocket expenses for these medications, if I did not have co-pay, would be outrageous.
This experience has caused me to become interested in natural herbal remedies and all things related to natural medicine. My quest for a cure has begun with research. I have developed a websites, & , to address the issues facing people today who are seeking answers.
The website is designed to be interactive, with a form on the home page designed for the reader to ask for more information and to give suggestions for topics. I urge everyone interested in natural herbal remedies to visit today, and leave your feedback.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
How To Stop Flare-ups Of Rosacea?
Rosacea causes a red face in the center forever. But this flares up and may
cause more coloration and also pustules if some thing triggers it. We have to
stop the rosacea from flaring up, so that we can manage the condition. Otherwise
all the treatment will fail.
Rosacea- what may flare it up?
Rosacea is a condition of the very small blood vessels on the surface of the
facial skin. Anything that causes normal red face will flare up the rosacea. Try
eating very spicy food even if you have no rosacea and you may observe a red
flush on your face. so these are the triggers-
Sun exposure
Eating Spicy Food
Change in temperature
Excess exercising
Irritating facial cosmetics
Once you know about these flare ups, you need to find out what causes more
trouble to you. Avoid all of them as much as possible and you will be keeping
your rosacea under control. Try to wear a high SPF sunscreen or sun block. Use
umbrella and try to avoid walking out in the sun in the noon. Avoid the triggers
to stop flare-ups of rosacea.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to
be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip
given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not
liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this
How to improve the Cholesterol levels naturally?
You have many ways to lower the Cholesterol levels naturally .Be away from the
drugs that control the Cholesterol levels because they can be dangerous for you
,as they may cause liver and immune problems ,general weakness and weaken the
muscles ,and also it may be cancer risk.
Here are the natural ways that lowers your Cholesterol:
1 -Lifestyle changes.
2 -Reducing stress.
3 -Exercise.
4 -Giving up smoking.
5 -Diet.
And a magic secret which is: Drinking more water.
How can you do that?
1- Lifestyle changes:
· You have to eat balanced food, like fresh fruits and vegetables.
· Olive oil and Fish oil in your diet is very important and very useful for your
· Be away from eating hydrogenated oil and processed food.
· Fast food is very dangerous as it is full of bad fats and salts and with no
· Cookies, cakes, muffins contain sugar and unhealthy fats.
So you have to stay away from these poisons to improve your health. It may be
inconvenient at the beginning but you have to adapt to this routine.
2-Reducing stress:
The good way to reduce the stress is by starting to add some beneficial tool to
your arsenal, like bio-feedback, meditation and going out to have some time to
relax as traveling at least one day.
Be away from caffeine especially in soda and coffee .As you have to remove the
soda from your drinking habits.
3 -Exercise:
Exercise can help you to reduce the stress and it is one of the most important
things to improve your health and lower your Cholesterol level, at least walking
everyday, this will decrease the bad Cholesterol (LDL).
4 -Giving up smoking:
It is the most important thing you have to do for yourself and for the people
you love, by giving up smoking, the good Cholesterol (HDL) will increase
You have to follow your doctor instructions and orders about the balanced food
like: vegetables and fresh fruits.
Some useful food is:
Good fats and oils like (Olive Oil ,Fish Oil).
Fresh vegetables and fruits.
Fish (mercury free).
Grapes and Orange juice.
Blueberries (they are so useful, they are fruits but in a class by themselves).
Nuts and Seeds.
Oats and soluble fibers.
Be away from:
Red meat.
Fast food.
Canned or prepared food.
Refined sugar.
Here are some supplements that can help in improving your health and lowers your
B complex.
Vitamin C, E,D.
Coral Calcium.
Fish Oil.
Plant Sterols.
Don't hesitate and make all these changes in your lifestyle to go through a
positive way to improve your health without spending money on Cholesterol drugs.
How to Prevent Hepatitis A
How to Prevent Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is a very highly contagious infection of a person's liver and it is caused by a virus. It isn't considered as dangerous as other viral types of Hepatitis, but it does cause severe pain and inflammation that affects the human liver's abilities to function properly.
The most likely way of contracting Hepatitis A is through food or water that has been in close contact with someone who has already been infected. People that are infected may appear to be normal while not knowing that they are already sick from the virus. It is said that some people don't even develop any signs or symptoms, while others may feel like they have a severe case of the 'flu.
Some symptoms of Hepatitis A are fatigue, nausea, dark urine, muscle pains and itching. Some people even experience their skin changing to a yellowish color, also know as "jaundice". It is said that you can have the virus for a month or more before you even start noticing any types of symptoms. But, when they do appear, they come suddenly, which makes people feel like they are coming down with a case of the 'flu.
Some of the likeliest ways of contracting Hepatitis A are traveling to or working in places that are at high risk, from involvement with sexually active gay men or using drugs, whether injected or non-injected . Blood transfusions can also present a risk and have been widely blamed for some cases. Some people have been known to contract the virus from working in a research type setting with the virus present.
Practicing good hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself, together with avoidance of high risk situations. However, the safest way to avoid contracting the virus is to get a vaccine shot, or immune globulin. Immune globulin is said to only protect you for a short time, while the actual vaccine can protect you for up to twenty years or more. Another type of vaccine known as Twinrix is specifically designed for people who are eighteen years or older. Twinrix is said to be just as effective as the regular vaccines HAV and HAB. But it is noted that some side effects are included with this shot. Soreness around the injection area, headaches and fatigue often follow after the shot although such side effects are usually gone with a 48 hour time frame. Following all safety precautions when traveling to a foreign region is also a must, remembering to always peel and wash any fruit or vegetables before eating and avoiding uncooked food.
There is really no specific treatment for Hepatitis A. People are advised to receive adequate nutrition, so they can avoid any type of permanent liver damage. When nausea is a problem, they are advised to eat small snacks throughout the period instead of large meals which could make them sick. Easily digested foods are the safest bet. It is said that people who are infected usually tolerate food better in the morning than later in the day. Doctors generally advise their patients to avoid drinking alcohol at all costs during the main phases of the virus. Even after full recovery, they are told not to mix alcohol with any type of medication, mainly Tylenol, because this can cause major damage to the liver.
Experts say that sufferers should regain their energy after the signs and symptoms disappear. The liver should also heal within one or two months. It is noted that some people experience relapses over six to nine month periods.
Eczema – What Is It, What Causes It, and How to Treat It
Eczema, also known as Dermatitis, is a condition of the skin, which can affect people of any age. The severity of the disease can vary - in mild forms the skin is hot, dry and itchy, while in more severe cases the skin can become broken, raw and bleeding. Although Eczema can sometimes look unpleasant, it is fortunately not contagious. With treatment of the affected skin area, the inflammation of eczema can be reduced, though the skin will always be sensitive and will require extra care in order to avoid and control flare-ups.
Eczema comes in various forms, and can have several causes, depending on the particular type of eczema that a person has. One type of eczema is thought to be hereditary, while other types of eczema are caused by irritants coming in contact with the skin; for example detergents. Eczema can also be caused by blood circulatory problems in the legs, with older people.
Atopic Eczema: The most common form of eczema. It can be found in both children and adults and often runs in the family. Symptoms of Atopic Eczema include unbearable itchiness, overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: A form of Eczema which develops when the immune system reacts against a substance in contact with the skin. Such reactions may occur when the skin is in contact with substances like nickel in earrings, belt buckles, or buttons. Some people also suffer these symptoms when wearing certain perfumes. Once a substance irritation is discovered, contact with the offending substance should be avoided.
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: This is a type of eczema caused by regular contact with everyday substances, such as detergents or chemicals which are irritating to the skin. Irritant Contact Dermatitis is best avoided by keeping the irritant away from the skin, and keeping any sensitive skin areas well moisturized.
Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema: An eczema which commonly affects babies under one year old, also known as Cradle Cap. It often starts on the scalp or nappy area and can quickly spread, although it is neither sore nor itchy. Creams and bath oils can assist the healing process.
Adult Seborrhoeic Eczema: A form of eczema which generally affects adults between the ages of 20 and 40. Often appearing as mild dandruff, it can spread to the face, ears and chest. The skin affected turns red and inflamed, and then starts to flake. Infected areas can be treated with anti-fungal cream.
Varicose Eczema: Caused by poor circulation, Varicose Eczema often affects middle-aged to older people, causing the skin to become speckled, itchy, and inflamed. The affected areas should be treated with emollients and steroid creams before the skin breaks down, often resulting in ulcers.
Discoid Eczema: An Eczema generally found in adults. It can suddenly appear as several coin-shaped patches of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. These areas become itchy and can weep fluid. Discoid eczema is usually treated with emollients, and steroid creams if necessary.
SUMMARY: Pharmacies offer a wide range of products for the treatment of Eczema, yet eczema sufferers should also look for ways of minimizing environmental allergens commonly found in the home.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
A Healthy Approach To Stress
Different people get bothered for different reasons. A big sports game, an office presentation, deadlines at work, even other people and relationships --- all these can cause us stress. This feeling of mild anxiety can cause different outcomes, even negative consequences. A student can fail his or her exam simply by being stressed out or when he encounters a mental block that prevents effective study or getting the right answers to an exam.
Stress, as a normal human reaction, is the body's reaction to rising challenges and tough situations. Everyone, in some way or another, encounters stress whenever possible. It is simply inevitable. People and events tend to clash, therefore resulting in stress. People work, play, study, do things everyday, and it is impossible not to feel stressed at one way or another. At this point, when people do not want to experience any much of this, they turn to medications for anti stress, also associated with anti-anxiety for instant relief.
A healthier approach to relieving stress is by practicing stress techniques that can maintain the person's state of balance and regulation in both body and mind. Exercise is a stress technique that is not only good for your physical health but also helps relieve a person's tension and frustration. Sports and other fitness routines are excellent ways to relieve tension. Many people who want to manage stress go to a boxing class, join a cycling club, or engage in other exercise activities that would allow them to release their stress.
Aside from exercise, another useful technique is to practice deep breathing, which gives the person a feeling of relaxation. Proper breathing counts and rhythm is used as stress techniques that eventually lead to more relaxation. Relaxation activities such as Yoga or Tai chi can also eliminate stress by relaxing the mind and body, and thereby relieving stress patterns around the body. Yoga and tai-chi also helps develop concentration and positive body awareness. These Oriental arts have been practiced by millions of people for centuries and medical research have documented the beneficial effects of these modes of exercise. By moving slowly with ease and always in a state of relaxation, the person performing these activities will feel good, and soon the feeling of relaxation will follow. Muscle relaxation also works in relieving stress. By deep breathing and constant contraction and relaxation of different body parts, the person will feel relaxed every after contraction, which also releases stress. Massage therapy also helps fight stress. Massaging your scalp, putting pressure on your shoulders or even your eyes can really decrease stress in that certain part of the body.
People should take a second look at these stress techniques. But for those who have tried every massage or stress management technique, taking a prescription drug may very well be the last option. However, the use of these medications almost always have side effects. But with proper doctor's advice, the use of safe and proven drugs may help people who need fast relief. There are a lot of healthy ways to beat stress.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
A Glimpse Into The Holistic Approach To Medicine
If you've been listening to the medical community intermittently recently, you may have heard the word “holistic” dropped every so often. You might have heard it, but you may not have much of an idea of what it means and simply dismissed it as medical jargon. The term is used to describe an approach of medicine that performs the usual task of diagnosing and treating a problem, but spreads out to encompass other aspects of the patient. Essentially, the “holistic approach” hopes not only to improve physical health, but also to bring a balance between the body, mind, and spirit to improve health in the long-term. As such, holistic medicine also touches upon aspects such as lifestyle and social interactions. This medical philosophy can be applied to everything from pain relief to muscle training, from physical training to social skills.
The philosophy itself is neither new, nor Western in origin. Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with the offshoot systems in Japan and Korea, as well as the Indian Ayur Veda system are both holistic in approach. Essentially, both systems focus on correcting the physical and mental imbalances that cause problems in both the body and mind. This stands in contrast to Western medicine, where problems are taken as separate considerations from the general state of the body. For example, while a Western doctor who abides by Western medical philosophy might recommend mild doses of Tramadol for pain relief, a TCM practitioner or someone who believes in the holistic approach might be more inclined to ask the patient about things like his emotions or personal problems. This is done because it is believed that the body's negative responses can be reflective of imbalances of the mind or spirit.
The main focus of most holistic medical systems, regardless of their country of origin, is to return the body to a state of balance. The body is generally viewed as a combination of different parts and elements, which come together harmoniously when a person is in imperfect health. An imbalance occurs when one of those aspects becomes greater than the others, which in turn is attributed to the physical ailment that a patient suffers. For example, if part A and part B are in equal amounts, then they counter each other and are in balance. However, if there is too much part B, then it may cause pain in the joints or limbs. In such a case, the best way to bring about pain relief would be to restore the balance between part A and B, either by reducing part B to part A's level, or making part A equal part B.
The term “holistic” bas been used to describe a number of alternative systems of medicine and health, such as the aforementioned TCM and Ayur Veda. On occasion, it has also been used to describe more modern systems that focus on natural cures and treatments. In more recent times, some doctors with Western training are employing the holistic approach in their diagnosis and treatment procedures, which is an approach that is welcomed among Western medicine practitioners in the Far East. This combination of two philosophies once seen as conflicting is not quite common, but is reportedly starting to catch on in Korea, China, Taiwan, and Japan.
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