SkyBlue Cross Alternative Health Blog

Monday, 17 September 2012

Get Rid Of Acne With Healing Diets

Get Rid Of Acne With Healing Diets
Healing diets can help us in indirect ways. Learn the basis of why a healing diet can work, and how it specifically relates to acne. Covered are what foods you should avoid, and some surprising factors that can aggravate things.

Annemarie Colbin, in her book "Food and Healing", makes the interesting point that diets themselves, even healing diets, are not a cure per se. They do often work, but their route to health is actually a product of supporting the body's own healing processes.

Her view on skin conditions like acne is interesting. She sees acne as a result of the regular organs of elimination, the kidneys and lungs, being unable to eliminate all the toxic waster matter that we ingest into our bodies. She sees certain foods, like those that make up what she calls the Standard American Diet, as placing too great a stress on our body's ability to process them, at least if symptoms of ill health are appearing like acne. She has found from her own observations that a change in diet often clears up even the large, purplish types of acne. She found this with her own experiences with acne. Annemarie says it takes about ten days to three months to work.

Annemarie describes acne as falling into two main causes in her approach. The first is associated with fat, protein and excess sugar. Here she recommends eliminating foods like milk, cheese, ice cream, fatty meats, nuts and peanut butter. The second category is associated with what she calls mineral-water excess, which is s term she uses to describe all substances taken out of their natural context. She mentions iodized salt, or even multi vitamins or supplements like kelp. This is very much a personal relationship as what negatively affects one person may not do so for another.

The link between excess minerals or vitamin supplements relates to Colbin's idea of balance, which is that a living system always seeks to return to balance. Anatomy and physiology textbooks even define the processes of the body that way, and it is certainly a common idea in natural health systems, especially traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Colbin writes that excess minerals and vitamin supplements lead to an increased need for the macro nutrients protein, fat and carbohydrates. Salt is also in this category. The idea is that these vitamins and minerals, taken out of the context of the food itself, will lead to the body craving actual food to create a sense of balance. If we have a multi vitamin at mealtimes, within the RDA, I don't believe this is going to present a problem. Especially given that our foods are often depleted of the range of essential nutrients that they would normally have if they were grown organically and in nutrient dense soils. But it is certainly an argument in favor of approaching nutritional supplements in a balanced way also. Some people mistakenly think more is better. This clearly illustrates it is not.

References: Annemarie Colbin, Food As Healing (Ballantine Books, New York)
Simon Mills, The Essential Book Of Herbal Medicine (Penguin Arkana)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Learning to choose healthy foods

Learning to choose healthy foods

Today's hectic and demanding lifestyle as well as the emergence of convenient stores is among the major reasons why people skip their healthy meals. After learning how to depend on fast food stores and convenience stores, it is easier for people to just grab a food that contains less nutrition compared to those foods that matter.

With all these drastic changes in the habit of eating, food preparation and food options, people have become more prone to various diseases because their bodies fail to absorb the nutrients it needs. Contrary to common conception, healthy foods need not to be expensive, rare or hard to prepare. In fact, most of these recommended foods for healthy living is cheaper, abundant, and easier to prepare compared to those that can be bought in the nearest convenient store.

Why choose healthy foods?

Most food and nutrition experts say that healthy eating is not about what people cannot eat, it is about what people could eat in order to get the optimum nutrition that their bodies need.

If you are one of those who are on their way of learning to eat healthy foods, the best valuable thing that you can do when buying inside the grocery store or super market is to pick those that are fresh, unprocessed and whole. This is very ideal especially if you plan to buy fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and sprouts.

Considered as live foods, being fresh ensures that the food still contain the greatest amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that provides the body with optimum nutrition. Make sure that you eat fruits that are fresh, dried without sulfur dioxide or frozen without preservatives and avoid eating fruits that are canned and in heavy syrup because these have preservatives, additives, and sweeteners. Also, eat veggies that are fresh or raw, lightly steamed, baked and dried without sulfur and avoid eating veggies that are frozen with preservatives, additives, sweeteners.

Always opt for fresh sprouts and avoid veggies that are fried or overcooked. When it comes to grains, opt for whole grain products that are unprocessed, nonirradiated, non genetically modified, sugar free, no chemical additives, no preservatives and other whole grain & sprouted grain products like bread, muffins, tortillas, cereals, and pasta, crackers. Avoid products with white flour, unbleached flour, enriched flour, sweeteners, chemical additives, refined and processed grains, white rice, quick oats, instant oatmeal, and instant cereals.

When it comes to legumes, choose beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas. Avoid using canned legumes prepared without animal fat, with chemical additives, sweeteners, pork and beans, and soybeans. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, filberts, pine nuts, cashews, raw seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, raw nut butters, and tahini should be eaten raw. Avoid eating dry roasted nuts and seeds. Also, make sure that you choose animal foods such as eggs, poultry and other meat that are free range, hormone and antibiotic free as well as grass fed. In fish, opt for those that have the lowest exposure to mercury.

Aside from this, you should always consider eating organic foods over to those commercially-produced ones. Nutritionists say that organic foods are indeed the purest and healthiest foods out there because they are not yet contaminated with pesticides and have higher percentage of nutrition.

Lastly, learning to read and check the label of the food item that you are about to buy is one of the best ways to ensure that you will be eating healthy food. Checking if the item is properly labeled—especially these are pre-packaged—is your main defense and protection against possible adverse effects and unwanted ingredients or contents.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Tea Tree Oil and a Whole Foods Diet: A Complete Cure for Chronic Disease

Tea Tree Oil and a Whole Foods Diet: A Complete Cure for Chronic Disease

Tea tree oil has various uses in first aid treatments because of its triple antibiotic features: it's an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. To effectively treat chronic conditions, we have to treat the root of the imbalance; in many cases this can be accomplished through the use of tea tree oil along with dietary changes.

Tea tree oil has various uses in first aid treatments because of its triple antibiotic features: it's an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. The oil's first aid uses are fairly straightforward because we all know what to expect from a first aid treatment: we know we can use the substance to sanitize, heal cuts and wounds, and ease pain.

A chronic condition is more complex. It's common to hear someone with a chronic disease, such as acne, asthma or a yeast infection for example, say that "such-and-such a remedy" worked at first, or was effective for a while, and then the problem came back. Or maybe the symptoms were lessened but never completely disappeared. That's because many of the organisms responsible for these conditions occur naturally in our environments, or in our own bodies, and are kept in balance until something causes the balance to shift and the organisms to experience overgrowth. That's when we experience a severe acne outbreak, an asthma attack, or the symptoms of yeast infection.

In order to effectively treat the chronic condition, we have to recreate the state of balance, or in other words, we have to treat the root of the imbalance. I believe that in many cases this can be accomplished through the use of tea tree oil along with dietary changes.

In most cases, when I feel a cold coming on or sense the onset of a cold sore (things I rarely experience any more), I simply apply tea tree oil to my temples, throat and chest or wherever I feel the aches or the cold sore coming on, ingest a cough drop containing minute amounts of tea tree oil, and eliminate sugar from my diet. I also buy a bag of oranges and eat them freely, drink plenty of water, and get a few extra hours of sleep at night or by napping during the day. Also, a steamy hot bath with a few drops of tea tree oil in it works wonders. These things usually return me to good health.

As for a whole foods diet:

* Fresh vegetables and fruits
* Fish and poultry
* Flax seed (Linseed)
* Other essential fatty acids, such as olive oil and nuts
* Whole grains
* Organically raised foods where possible.
* Plenty of fresh water
* 1 tablespoon Psyllium seed husk fiber and/or 6 to 8 tablespoons flax seed meal and/or ¼ cup Oat bran daily

* Alcohol
* Animal fats
* Caffeine
* Dairy products
* Fast foods
* Hydrogenated oils and margarine
* Processed foods
* Junk foods
* Sugar
* White flour products

These days I usually feel dis-ease approaching during the winter months, because of bad eating habits during the holiday season, and because of occasionally using junk food to ease "cabin fever" symptoms (depression, uneasiness, lethargy). I may know better, but I'm not a saint! I've learned to forgive myself, then get back on the program with renewed vigor.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Antioxidants Naturally Found in Foods

Antioxidants Naturally Found in Foods

Why do we need to eat foods that are found to be naturally high in antioxidants?
What are antioxidants?
Which foods do we need to eat, in order to naturally fight free radicals?

Why do we need to eat foods that are found to be naturally high in antioxidants?
What are antioxidants?
Which foods do we need to eat, in order to naturally fight free radicals?

Scientists have found that the body forms unstable oxygen molecules, called free radicals; every cell produces tens of thousands of them each day. A free radical is basically an atom with an odd number of electrons in its outer ring. Since electrons have a very strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn convert those other atoms into secondary free radicals, thus setting up a chain reaction, which can cause substantial biological damage. This, in short, is bad. There are also many kinds of free radicals, which we are exposed to everyday, for example, pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides.

Antioxidants are thought to neutralise and stabilise these free radicals.

So, which antioxidants are naturally found in which foods?

We have:

Vitamin E: a fat-soluble vitamin found in vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals. Some of the foods containing the highest amounts of vitamin E are wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, kiwi and mango.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant vitamin involved in the metabolism of all cells. It protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body cells and prevents breakdown of body tissues.

Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin present in citrus fruits and juices, cabbage, green peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomato, kale, guava, cantaloupe, kiwi, papaya, and strawberries.
It is important in forming collagen, a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron, and helps maintain capillaries, bones, and teeth.

Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is present in liver, egg yolk, milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, yams, tomato, cantaloupe, peaches, and grains.
Studies have been done on beta-carotene's effectiveness for heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, fibromyalgia, male infertility, and psoriasis.

Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10 boosts energy, enhances the immune system, and acts as an antioxidant. A growing body of research suggests that coenzyme Q10 may help prevent or treat some of the following conditions: heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and others. Primary dietary sources of CoQ10 include oily fish, organ meats such as liver, spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat germ and whole grains.

Selenium: Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential to good health but required only in small amounts. It helps synthesize antibodies; helps synthesize co-enzyme Q10and helps transport ions across cell membranes. The best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, wheat germ, molasses, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread and dairy foods.

You should note that there are many other antioxidants naturally found in foods.
You should also note that the best way to take antioxidants is naturally, through fresh, vibrant food.
One more thing; sometimes less is more. Some of these antioxidants are only needed in small amounts, so check into whether you need to take more or not, before you start overdosing on antioxidants!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma

Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma
Some of the common problems that cause back pain merge from musculoskeletal conditions and neurological conditions. However, back pain also arises from arthritis, muscle disorders, etc, including multiple myeloma. Muscle myeloma is abnormalities and proliferation of the plasma cells within the bone marrow. According to etiology aspects, doctors believe that multiple myeloma derives from genetics, environment, and unknown sources.

The physical condition merges from a single tumor, which starts in the bone marrow and disseminates into the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, bones, and kidney. Tumors of this nature set up in plasma cells, which manufacture abnormal counts of immunoglobulin. The tumor then triggers activities, such as osteoblastic, which leads to destruction of bones and extends all through the body.

Symptoms emerge from the actions, which include headaches, hemorrhaging, height loss, severe, and constant bone pain, splenomegaly, fractures, hepatomegaly, deformations of the skeletal muscles, ribs, sternum, and renal calculi. Multiple infections often emerge from the tumor as well.

As you can see, the symptoms will cause back pain as well, since the skeletal system, muscles, ribs, etc, are affected.

How multiple myeloma is noted:
Doctors order x-rays, bone marrow biopsy, blood chemistry, bone scan, hematology, urine chemistry, immuoelectrophoresis, and Bence Jones tests to note multiple myeloma.

If the doctor spots diffusions that point to spherical punch-outs of bone lesion, the search carries on to discover potential osteoporosis. As well, the doctor will look for osteolytic lacerations of the cranium, and widespread of demineralization.

Doctors will look for various signs that diagnose multiple myeloma, including monoclonal spike, increases in count of juvenile plasma cells, and so on. Once tests are completed management, interventions, and other steps are taking to avert paraplegia, gout, acute renal failure, seizures, hemorrhaging, urolithiasis, infections, and fractures.

If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is recommended that you sway away from lifting heavy objects. Lifting may cause constipation. In addition, you should avoid over-the-counter medications, since it to can cause variant symptoms to emerge. You will need to wear braces, casts, or splints also to avoid fractures.

Occult blood could set in if you have multiple myeloma, which doctors will often recommend that you watch for its symptoms. Strength training exercises or exercises that exercise the muscles is highly recommended to those with multiple myeloma. Doctors often set up medical management schemes, which include diet forced fluids, transfusion therapy, mouth and skin care, etc.

As the management scheme is setup, the doctor will monitor the patient, since falling is dangerous. In addition, the patient is monitored, since bruising and infections could set in and increase the symptoms. Activities and bed rest is incorporated into the scheme. The patient must also learn stress reduction strategies.

Post-radiation and post-chemotherapeutic treatments are issued in severe cases. In addition, the patient is monitored for infections, bleeding, and imbalances of electrolyte. Patients are encouraged to monitor symptoms at home, including symptoms that merge from fractures, seizures, and renal calculi.

If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, you will experience pain over the entire body. You can minimize the pain by following your physician’s recommendations. In addition, you will need to learn more information about your disease from the ACS. (American Cancer Society)

Unfortunately, back pain emerges from a variety of conditions, including cancerous diseases. In fact, hemophilia can cause back pain, which we can discuss briefly.

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The disease is characterized by various symptoms, yet it is separated from Hemophilia A and B. VIII is the common disorder, which deficiencies. Deficiencies also emerge IX B disorders. To learn more about back pain, study diseases, disorders, muscle skeletal disorders, and so on.


Saturday, 8 September 2012

How to have Lifetime Fitness

How to have Lifetime Fitness

Many people end up abandoning perfectly good fitness programs and weight-loss regimens before they even lace up their sneakers.

Why? Because in a world filled with fast food, instant messaging, and a five-second disease-tracking device, anything without a quick payoff goes against the grain of the typical American instant gratification ethic. While it would be nice to actually drop inches in just a few days like what most miracle ads proclaim, managing weight and losing weight through physical fitness is a slow and steady process that takes time and commitment.

Setting weight management goals for yourself can be a good motivator. Gradual weight loss, for those people who wish to shed off some extra pounds, is usually the safest.

That is why health and fitness experts had come up with the idea of lifetime fitness in order to teach people set realistic goals. These lifetime fitness programs generates dietary regimens that cut your normal calorie consumption for your weight by 500 to 1,000 per day, so will burning the same amount with exercise. In turn, this will definitely encourage healthier weight loss.

Lifetime fitness teaches you how to maintain a physically fit body at the same time enjoy and live a happy, contented life. It gives you the chance to strike a balance between the two (exercise and diet), and make exercise, be it team sports, cycling, or walking, something you will truly enjoy.

That is why lifetime fitness embodies the concept that making a long-term healthy lifestyle change is essential to keeping the pounds off once they are gone.

To know more of the advantages and benefits that lifetime fitness can bring, here are some facts that you need to know:

1. Lifetime fitness programs offers you the most comprehensive and wide-ranging fitness and health encounter with quality services, in which the customers will feel gratified.

These fitness programs provide you the right method in maintaining health, build up and encourage your competence, and take care of your family’s physical fitness as well.

2. Because the goal of lifetime fitness is to provide you with long-term achievements as far as physical fitness is concerned, these programs utilizes numerous fitness equipments that will tone and manage your health and the different parts of your body.

There are fitness equipments that will give your cardiovascular system a lift. You can also opt for some sports facilities that will provide you with an alternative way of being physically fit.

3. Lifetime fitness programs and centers also provides nutritional products such as food supplements that will aid in the formation of good blood cells and tissues thereby making your body at its pink of health.

Lifetime fitness centers and programs also provide you with up-to-date fitness magazines that do not only give substantial information about fitness and health but inspirational stories as well. These articles will give you an insight on how to make you life balance and how to live a life that is healthy and fit.

Indeed, staying fit and healthy can be a long and winding road and there are instances wherein you may find your enthusiasm fading occasionally. Nevertheless, with the comprehensive programs provided by lifetime fitness plans, you can start heading back to the right track of a healthier you.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Fast Food and Vitamins Take Up Some Healthy Habits

Fast Food and Vitamins Take Up Some Healthy Habits

If you ask most adults why they don’t get the vitamins they need as part of their daily food intake, they’ll likely tell you that they just don’t have the time to eat like they should.

If you ask most adults why they don’t get the vitamins they need as part of their daily food intake, they’ll likely tell you that they just don’t have the time to eat like they should. It’s true that eating right does take some time and effort, but it’s also true that you can develop and maintain healthier eating habits without any drastic changes. Take a look at some facts and some alterations that can make a big difference in how you eat, and how you feel about what you eat.

Think the only healthy food is food that’s served on a plate that you eat with a fork? The truth is that many foods that are very rich in vitamins that your body needs everyday are available for your consumption on the go. And with some minor changes, even your fast foods can be healthy choices when you’re considering vitamins.

A cheeseburger from your favorite fast food place doesn’t have to be something you only indulge in now and then. While there are some other issues to consider (the amount of grease and salt, for example), a cheeseburger can provide you with many of the vitamins you need. A regular cheeseburger with a double patty gives you about 30 percent of your body’s B12 needs for the day and the dill pickles are a source of Vitamin K.

Instead of ordering French Fries to go with your burger, choose a salad. That doesn’t mean that you have to stop what you’re doing and sit down to eat the salad. Pile those veggies on the burger! The tomatoes are a source of Vitamin C, and the lettuce and mayonnaise has Vitamin K. Add it all up and a cheeseburger isn’t a bad choice when you’re trying to get the daily requirement of some necessary vitamins. Even a fast food taco can be a good source of Vitamin B12.

Sandwiches are generally not associated with healthy eating, but the same “cheeseburger rule” applies to any sandwich. Pile on the jalapeno or bell peppers for Vitamin C. Oils are also a good source of vitamins. Sunflower oil is very high in Vitamin E, for example.

Many foods that aren’t naturally high in vitamin content are fortified with vitamins. Most dairy products are fortified with Vitamin D. Taking just the time for a bowl of vitamin-fortified cereal in the morning can provide you with all the vitamins you need for the entire day. The next time you’re ready to dismiss a particular food as just empty calories, take a minute to evaluate what you’re really eating. You may be surprised to find the vitamin content is higher than you thought, or you may find that some simple changes can rectify the vitamin-poor choices.

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