The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and
sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing
following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in
its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants
made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and
herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have
experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions.
As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and
emotional relief to several individuals.
Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never
fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of
the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the
nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that
stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and
calming effect which leads to relaxation.
A Look into its Top Benefits
Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits
that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that
aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a
person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to
modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its
effects are wonderfully healing.
For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.
It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France.
The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful
organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means
of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to
improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.
It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads
of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of
It improves the person's behavior. The massage clears the mind of all
negative things so the behavior likewise improves.
It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is
lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the
massage sessions.
It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage
which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.
It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the
massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male's sexual response. With the use of the appropriate
oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to
improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure
It contributes to a person's alertness. The massage can boost the energy
that enables a person to stay active.
It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique
with the aid of essential oils.
It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right
amount of pressure from the massage.
The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is
best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems
so that you will be given the due solution.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Anxiety Fear and Possible Treatment
Redefining Fear
Anxiety fear is an intense feeling of fear produced to an individual despite the absence of any real threat. This type of irrational fear affects even adults and situations that could produce severe levels of anxiety fear can result to panic attack. Therefore, those who suffer from this are recommended to respond or look for proper ways of dealing with the situation since it is potentially dangerous. Aside from that, the person suffering from anxiety attack lack the ability to think clearly or lose connection with reality.
To deal with anxiety fear, a person must realize that he or she has a choice in the way they respond to stimulus of fear. Knowing this will immensely alter and reframe the way you look at fear. Now, you will be able to gain power over your fear instead of being controlled by it. Because if not, then fear always finds a way to create negative impacts on your brain and the way you perceive things. Look at fear in a different light, so that it does not produce the same anxious feeling as it usually does on you.
Symptoms of Anxiety Fear
How do you know you have anxiety fear? Of course, it is important to identify the symptoms for this condition because only then can you make the proper diagnosis and take steps to improve your condition. Here are common symptoms shared by people with anxiety fear:
• intense sweating
• feeling of nausea
• breathlessness
• incontrollable shaking
• dry mouth
• heart palpitations
• loss of touch with reality
• inability to think clearly or focus
Treatment Options for Anxiety Fear
As with how you respond to fear, you also have a choice on treatments that will help reduce the symptoms of anxiety fear or get rid of it altogether. Therefore, you are able to respond to situations logically instead of letting the fear consume you. Here are possible options to consider:
The objective of this treatment is to reprogram your subconscious min, which is a contributor in creating those irrational fears. One you have altered that program in your brain, then symptoms are also consequently minimized. If you have any reluctance when it comes to the control of your brain programs, then you have to be assured that hypnotherapy is a safe method. Before you know it, you have let go of some brain programs that produce the high level of anxiety associated with your irrational fears.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
This method will serve to interpret how you produce your idea of reality. From an analysis of your own constructs, psychological professionals will suggest new ways in which you can create your perspective of the world. This will help you get rid of any form of thoughts that produce anxiety fear.
Energy Psychology
Like with the two treatment methods above, this one is a rapid and effective method. It is built around the same foundation as acupuncture, minus the needles. Instead, this method can be dubbed as emotional acupuncture wherein you change your behaviors and thought patterns, since they have been recognized as effective means to get rid of unnecessary fears in life.
Exercises to Combat Fear
One of the best ways to combat fear is to stop and take time to connect with your body. You can try following the steps below and find yourself free of any anxiety fear:
• Sit quietly or lie down while you keep your eyes shut.
• Starting from your feet and working your way upwards, scan your body for sensations.
• Take time to pause in each area of your body and give notice to the different sensations they undergo.
• Then, proceed to the center of your body – at the abdomen area or around the navel. Then, breathe into it.
• Try doing this technique at least once a day and you will notice you will feel relaxed after doing it. Indeed, meditation has been pointed out as one of the most effective methods of healing and you can do the same with anxiety fears.
Redefining Fear
Anxiety fear is an intense feeling of fear produced to an individual despite the absence of any real threat. This type of irrational fear affects even adults and situations that could produce severe levels of anxiety fear can result to panic attack. Therefore, those who suffer from this are recommended to respond or look for proper ways of dealing with the situation since it is potentially dangerous. Aside from that, the person suffering from anxiety attack lack the ability to think clearly or lose connection with reality.
To deal with anxiety fear, a person must realize that he or she has a choice in the way they respond to stimulus of fear. Knowing this will immensely alter and reframe the way you look at fear. Now, you will be able to gain power over your fear instead of being controlled by it. Because if not, then fear always finds a way to create negative impacts on your brain and the way you perceive things. Look at fear in a different light, so that it does not produce the same anxious feeling as it usually does on you.
Symptoms of Anxiety Fear
How do you know you have anxiety fear? Of course, it is important to identify the symptoms for this condition because only then can you make the proper diagnosis and take steps to improve your condition. Here are common symptoms shared by people with anxiety fear:
• intense sweating
• feeling of nausea
• breathlessness
• incontrollable shaking
• dry mouth
• heart palpitations
• loss of touch with reality
• inability to think clearly or focus
Treatment Options for Anxiety Fear
As with how you respond to fear, you also have a choice on treatments that will help reduce the symptoms of anxiety fear or get rid of it altogether. Therefore, you are able to respond to situations logically instead of letting the fear consume you. Here are possible options to consider:
The objective of this treatment is to reprogram your subconscious min, which is a contributor in creating those irrational fears. One you have altered that program in your brain, then symptoms are also consequently minimized. If you have any reluctance when it comes to the control of your brain programs, then you have to be assured that hypnotherapy is a safe method. Before you know it, you have let go of some brain programs that produce the high level of anxiety associated with your irrational fears.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
This method will serve to interpret how you produce your idea of reality. From an analysis of your own constructs, psychological professionals will suggest new ways in which you can create your perspective of the world. This will help you get rid of any form of thoughts that produce anxiety fear.
Energy Psychology
Like with the two treatment methods above, this one is a rapid and effective method. It is built around the same foundation as acupuncture, minus the needles. Instead, this method can be dubbed as emotional acupuncture wherein you change your behaviors and thought patterns, since they have been recognized as effective means to get rid of unnecessary fears in life.
Exercises to Combat Fear
One of the best ways to combat fear is to stop and take time to connect with your body. You can try following the steps below and find yourself free of any anxiety fear:
• Sit quietly or lie down while you keep your eyes shut.
• Starting from your feet and working your way upwards, scan your body for sensations.
• Take time to pause in each area of your body and give notice to the different sensations they undergo.
• Then, proceed to the center of your body – at the abdomen area or around the navel. Then, breathe into it.
• Try doing this technique at least once a day and you will notice you will feel relaxed after doing it. Indeed, meditation has been pointed out as one of the most effective methods of healing and you can do the same with anxiety fears.
Different Types of Fears and Overcoming Them
As much as there are several potential triggers to your fear, there are also as many types of fears. However, they can be categorized into three basic fears: external, internal, or subconscious. Among the three, the subconscious and internal type of fear are most difficult to find treatment to because the person must take the initiative to recognize the source of fear and take necessary steps to overcome it. Recognizing the category in which your fears fit into will help you know how to deal with it.
External Fear
Among the types of fear, this one is the easiest to diagnose and manage. It is similar to phobias wherein an outside source elicit a degree of internal fear or any manageable level of anxiety. For example, fear of spiders or fear of heights are among the most common phobias that several people share. A feeling of fear, anxiety or discomfort is experienced by the person with that particular fear when the situation confronts them with those triggers. Since the source of fear is easier to identify, then one can easily look for alternative ways in which to confront that trigger and overcome fear.
Since external fears are often caused by negative experiences in the past involving those external sources of fears, you can adapt some techniques that will help you understand the reality of the situation. Hypnosis or some other psychological methods are employed in order to erase any previous negative associations with these objects or creatures that elicit fear.
Internal Fear
This type of fear is closely associated with low levels of self esteem or confidence. But like with external fear, the triggers are coming from an outside source and yet it produces a negative emotion. This trigger will then produce internal reactions or fears such as self doubt or questioning one's capability to do something. Most often, when people begin to question their own abilities, failure is inevitable. This type of fear often impacts one's ability to interact with the social environment.
If you want to conquer internal types of fear, you often have to go back at your childhood years wherein character development is at its peak. This is the stage in people's lives wherein they build characters and develop fears. Some people seek professional help that enables them to adapt a new perspective in life and change any behaviors that produce such insecurities and fears.
Subconscious Fear
This type of fear is produced by accepted beliefs in your mind that serve to limit your potentials and worse, could end up in self sabotage. This one is somewhat associated with the internal type of fear wherein you have the tendency to question your capacity to achieve something. Thus, the tendency for self doubt and negative self talk. This one requires you to take active steps towards reversing those beliefs and enable you to maximize your potential.
Goals to Overcome Your Fears
One of the many reasons why people neglect the need to overcome their fears is the lack of motivation. Therefore, setting goals will help increase the desire to manage and overcome your fears. Aside from that, this will enable you to take careful methods toward your goal and provide a sense of direction. One benefit you can get from it is that aside from getting rid of your fears, it offers more focused direction in your everyday living as opposed to not having a clear idea of what you want to do in life.
Setting goals as motivation to overcoming your fears will also enable you to have a bigger grasp at the need to fight your fears as an opportunity to grow and delimit yourself.
As much as there are several potential triggers to your fear, there are also as many types of fears. However, they can be categorized into three basic fears: external, internal, or subconscious. Among the three, the subconscious and internal type of fear are most difficult to find treatment to because the person must take the initiative to recognize the source of fear and take necessary steps to overcome it. Recognizing the category in which your fears fit into will help you know how to deal with it.
External Fear
Among the types of fear, this one is the easiest to diagnose and manage. It is similar to phobias wherein an outside source elicit a degree of internal fear or any manageable level of anxiety. For example, fear of spiders or fear of heights are among the most common phobias that several people share. A feeling of fear, anxiety or discomfort is experienced by the person with that particular fear when the situation confronts them with those triggers. Since the source of fear is easier to identify, then one can easily look for alternative ways in which to confront that trigger and overcome fear.
Since external fears are often caused by negative experiences in the past involving those external sources of fears, you can adapt some techniques that will help you understand the reality of the situation. Hypnosis or some other psychological methods are employed in order to erase any previous negative associations with these objects or creatures that elicit fear.
Internal Fear
This type of fear is closely associated with low levels of self esteem or confidence. But like with external fear, the triggers are coming from an outside source and yet it produces a negative emotion. This trigger will then produce internal reactions or fears such as self doubt or questioning one's capability to do something. Most often, when people begin to question their own abilities, failure is inevitable. This type of fear often impacts one's ability to interact with the social environment.
If you want to conquer internal types of fear, you often have to go back at your childhood years wherein character development is at its peak. This is the stage in people's lives wherein they build characters and develop fears. Some people seek professional help that enables them to adapt a new perspective in life and change any behaviors that produce such insecurities and fears.
Subconscious Fear
This type of fear is produced by accepted beliefs in your mind that serve to limit your potentials and worse, could end up in self sabotage. This one is somewhat associated with the internal type of fear wherein you have the tendency to question your capacity to achieve something. Thus, the tendency for self doubt and negative self talk. This one requires you to take active steps towards reversing those beliefs and enable you to maximize your potential.
Goals to Overcome Your Fears
One of the many reasons why people neglect the need to overcome their fears is the lack of motivation. Therefore, setting goals will help increase the desire to manage and overcome your fears. Aside from that, this will enable you to take careful methods toward your goal and provide a sense of direction. One benefit you can get from it is that aside from getting rid of your fears, it offers more focused direction in your everyday living as opposed to not having a clear idea of what you want to do in life.
Setting goals as motivation to overcoming your fears will also enable you to have a bigger grasp at the need to fight your fears as an opportunity to grow and delimit yourself.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Back Pain and Tendons
The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto the organs and muscles. Collagen is produced from the muscle fibers, which the tendons surround the fibers via the softer tissues. (Paratenon)
Injuries in this area occur when a person suddenly stretches, or overexerts the tendons. The back muscles in the leg make up the gluteus medius, (Hamstrings) biceps femoris, (Hamstrings), gluteus maximus, iliotibial tract, Sartorius, adductor Magnus, gastrocemius, semitendinosus, and the soleus. In this area, the muscles can be completely ruptured, or incompletely ruptured. The soleus, tibia, fibula, Achilles, etc, is the areas that are usually strained, or ruptured. The pain can caused from the injury can also affect the back. Since the legs are limited, as well as the tendons, muscles, etc, mobility is limited, which restricts muscle movement. This means that muscles are not exerting daily on the level it requires to function properly. Tendons operate akin to the ligaments.
Ligaments are vigorous bands that mingle with threads of collagen fiber. The fiber connects to the bones. The fiber bands and bones connect and encircle the joints. We get our strength from these joints. Tendons are ligaments and muscles respectively, since tendons join with the muscles, which make up connective proteins and/or collagen. Tendons make up fiber proteins. The protein fibers are created in the cartilages, bones, skin, tendons, and interrelated connective tissues. Tendons are affected when various conditions interrupt its actions, including simple tendonitis, and peritendinitis.
Tendons are also interrupted when spinal or neck injuries occur. Neck injuries include whiplash, which many people believe is a head injury. Contrary to their notions, whiplash is a neck injury usually caused from rear-ends motorized collisions. Whiplash is neck damage, which can cause disjointed, fractures, ruptured spines, etc. Whiplash can lead to edema, hemorrhaging, and so forth. The problem causes pain around the neck and shoulders, but extends to the back. Whiplash can also depress the nerves, which leads to linear and/or comminuted difficulties. Comminuted difficulties arise from bone damage.
Spinal injuries often occur during falls, slips, inappropriate movement, muscle exertion, automobile accidents, trauma, and so on. In fact, the coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby can lead to serious problems, which the coccyx is non-supported. The coccyx creates the fused bones. The fused bones reside at the baseline of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone.
The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal structure, since the coccyx can break easily from falls, thus leading to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal that can create damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the airway, breathing, and blood circulation. Some injuries require resuscitation.
Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed by smoothly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If neck injuries are present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary. Once you clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and listen for breathing. You can also put the hand over the mouth to feel breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you will need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for circulation.
The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto the organs and muscles. Collagen is produced from the muscle fibers, which the tendons surround the fibers via the softer tissues. (Paratenon)
Injuries in this area occur when a person suddenly stretches, or overexerts the tendons. The back muscles in the leg make up the gluteus medius, (Hamstrings) biceps femoris, (Hamstrings), gluteus maximus, iliotibial tract, Sartorius, adductor Magnus, gastrocemius, semitendinosus, and the soleus. In this area, the muscles can be completely ruptured, or incompletely ruptured. The soleus, tibia, fibula, Achilles, etc, is the areas that are usually strained, or ruptured. The pain can caused from the injury can also affect the back. Since the legs are limited, as well as the tendons, muscles, etc, mobility is limited, which restricts muscle movement. This means that muscles are not exerting daily on the level it requires to function properly. Tendons operate akin to the ligaments.
Ligaments are vigorous bands that mingle with threads of collagen fiber. The fiber connects to the bones. The fiber bands and bones connect and encircle the joints. We get our strength from these joints. Tendons are ligaments and muscles respectively, since tendons join with the muscles, which make up connective proteins and/or collagen. Tendons make up fiber proteins. The protein fibers are created in the cartilages, bones, skin, tendons, and interrelated connective tissues. Tendons are affected when various conditions interrupt its actions, including simple tendonitis, and peritendinitis.
Tendons are also interrupted when spinal or neck injuries occur. Neck injuries include whiplash, which many people believe is a head injury. Contrary to their notions, whiplash is a neck injury usually caused from rear-ends motorized collisions. Whiplash is neck damage, which can cause disjointed, fractures, ruptured spines, etc. Whiplash can lead to edema, hemorrhaging, and so forth. The problem causes pain around the neck and shoulders, but extends to the back. Whiplash can also depress the nerves, which leads to linear and/or comminuted difficulties. Comminuted difficulties arise from bone damage.
Spinal injuries often occur during falls, slips, inappropriate movement, muscle exertion, automobile accidents, trauma, and so on. In fact, the coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby can lead to serious problems, which the coccyx is non-supported. The coccyx creates the fused bones. The fused bones reside at the baseline of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone.
The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal structure, since the coccyx can break easily from falls, thus leading to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal that can create damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the airway, breathing, and blood circulation. Some injuries require resuscitation.
Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed by smoothly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If neck injuries are present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary. Once you clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and listen for breathing. You can also put the hand over the mouth to feel breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you will need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for circulation.
Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma
Some of the common problems that cause back pain merge from musculoskeletal conditions and neurological conditions. However, back pain also arises from arthritis, muscle disorders, etc, including multiple myeloma. Muscle myeloma is abnormalities and proliferation of the plasma cells within the bone marrow. According to etiology aspects, doctors believe that multiple myeloma derives from genetics, environment, and unknown sources.
The physical condition merges from a single tumor, which starts in the bone marrow and disseminates into the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, bones, and kidney. Tumors of this nature set up in plasma cells, which manufacture abnormal counts of immunoglobulin. The tumor then triggers activities, such as osteoblastic, which leads to destruction of bones and extends all through the body.
Symptoms emerge from the actions, which include headaches, hemorrhaging, height loss, severe, and constant bone pain, splenomegaly, fractures, hepatomegaly, deformations of the skeletal muscles, ribs, sternum, and renal calculi. Multiple infections often emerge from the tumor as well.
As you can see, the symptoms will cause back pain as well, since the skeletal system, muscles, ribs, etc, are affected.
How multiple myeloma is noted:
Doctors order x-rays, bone marrow biopsy, blood chemistry, bone scan, hematology, urine chemistry, immuoelectrophoresis, and Bence Jones tests to note multiple myeloma.
If the doctor spots diffusions that point to spherical punch-outs of bone lesion, the search carries on to discover potential osteoporosis. As well, the doctor will look for osteolytic lacerations of the cranium, and widespread of demineralization.
Doctors will look for various signs that diagnose multiple myeloma, including monoclonal spike, increases in count of juvenile plasma cells, and so on. Once tests are completed management, interventions, and other steps are taking to avert paraplegia, gout, acute renal failure, seizures, hemorrhaging, urolithiasis, infections, and fractures.
If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is recommended that you sway away from lifting heavy objects. Lifting may cause constipation. In addition, you should avoid over-the-counter medications, since it to can cause variant symptoms to emerge. You will need to wear braces, casts, or splints also to avoid fractures.
Occult blood could set in if you have multiple myeloma, which doctors will often recommend that you watch for its symptoms. Strength training exercises or exercises that exercise the muscles is highly recommended to those with multiple myeloma. Doctors often set up medical management schemes, which include diet forced fluids, transfusion therapy, mouth and skin care, etc.
As the management scheme is setup, the doctor will monitor the patient, since falling is dangerous. In addition, the patient is monitored, since bruising and infections could set in and increase the symptoms. Activities and bed rest is incorporated into the scheme. The patient must also learn stress reduction strategies.
Post-radiation and post-chemotherapeutic treatments are issued in severe cases. In addition, the patient is monitored for infections, bleeding, and imbalances of electrolyte. Patients are encouraged to monitor symptoms at home, including symptoms that merge from fractures, seizures, and renal calculi.
If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, you will experience pain over the entire body. You can minimize the pain by following your physician’s recommendations. In addition, you will need to learn more information about your disease from the ACS. (American Cancer Society)
Unfortunately, back pain emerges from a variety of conditions, including cancerous diseases. In fact, hemophilia can cause back pain, which we can discuss briefly.
Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The disease is characterized by various symptoms, yet it is separated from Hemophilia A and B. VIII is the common disorder, which deficiencies. Deficiencies also emerge IX B disorders. To learn more about back pain, study diseases, disorders, muscle skeletal disorders, and so on.
Some of the common problems that cause back pain merge from musculoskeletal conditions and neurological conditions. However, back pain also arises from arthritis, muscle disorders, etc, including multiple myeloma. Muscle myeloma is abnormalities and proliferation of the plasma cells within the bone marrow. According to etiology aspects, doctors believe that multiple myeloma derives from genetics, environment, and unknown sources.
The physical condition merges from a single tumor, which starts in the bone marrow and disseminates into the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, bones, and kidney. Tumors of this nature set up in plasma cells, which manufacture abnormal counts of immunoglobulin. The tumor then triggers activities, such as osteoblastic, which leads to destruction of bones and extends all through the body.
Symptoms emerge from the actions, which include headaches, hemorrhaging, height loss, severe, and constant bone pain, splenomegaly, fractures, hepatomegaly, deformations of the skeletal muscles, ribs, sternum, and renal calculi. Multiple infections often emerge from the tumor as well.
As you can see, the symptoms will cause back pain as well, since the skeletal system, muscles, ribs, etc, are affected.
How multiple myeloma is noted:
Doctors order x-rays, bone marrow biopsy, blood chemistry, bone scan, hematology, urine chemistry, immuoelectrophoresis, and Bence Jones tests to note multiple myeloma.
If the doctor spots diffusions that point to spherical punch-outs of bone lesion, the search carries on to discover potential osteoporosis. As well, the doctor will look for osteolytic lacerations of the cranium, and widespread of demineralization.
Doctors will look for various signs that diagnose multiple myeloma, including monoclonal spike, increases in count of juvenile plasma cells, and so on. Once tests are completed management, interventions, and other steps are taking to avert paraplegia, gout, acute renal failure, seizures, hemorrhaging, urolithiasis, infections, and fractures.
If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is recommended that you sway away from lifting heavy objects. Lifting may cause constipation. In addition, you should avoid over-the-counter medications, since it to can cause variant symptoms to emerge. You will need to wear braces, casts, or splints also to avoid fractures.
Occult blood could set in if you have multiple myeloma, which doctors will often recommend that you watch for its symptoms. Strength training exercises or exercises that exercise the muscles is highly recommended to those with multiple myeloma. Doctors often set up medical management schemes, which include diet forced fluids, transfusion therapy, mouth and skin care, etc.
As the management scheme is setup, the doctor will monitor the patient, since falling is dangerous. In addition, the patient is monitored, since bruising and infections could set in and increase the symptoms. Activities and bed rest is incorporated into the scheme. The patient must also learn stress reduction strategies.
Post-radiation and post-chemotherapeutic treatments are issued in severe cases. In addition, the patient is monitored for infections, bleeding, and imbalances of electrolyte. Patients are encouraged to monitor symptoms at home, including symptoms that merge from fractures, seizures, and renal calculi.
If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, you will experience pain over the entire body. You can minimize the pain by following your physician’s recommendations. In addition, you will need to learn more information about your disease from the ACS. (American Cancer Society)
Unfortunately, back pain emerges from a variety of conditions, including cancerous diseases. In fact, hemophilia can cause back pain, which we can discuss briefly.
Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The disease is characterized by various symptoms, yet it is separated from Hemophilia A and B. VIII is the common disorder, which deficiencies. Deficiencies also emerge IX B disorders. To learn more about back pain, study diseases, disorders, muscle skeletal disorders, and so on.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Eat Better: The Health Benefits of Organic Foods
Organic foods have become easier and easier to obtain in recent years. Still, many consumers wonder if this type of food is
healthy enough to be worth the often extra cost. Many of the benefits of organic foods have come to consumers through word
of mouth and the promotions put on by advocates of organic eating. Fortunately, there has been research and several solid
arguments supporting the use of organic foods in everyday eating.
Several recent studies on farms which produce organic foods determined that organic farms don’t release synthetic pesticides
into the ground, the air and, most importantly, the water table. Some of the inorganic, chemical pesticides are known to be
harmful to wildlife and other animals. Organic farms also are superior to conventional farms when it comes to maintaining
surrounding natural ecosystems. This includes, maintaining healthy populations of natural plants, insects and indigenous
animals. They also rotate crops more often to maintain a healthy soil.
When researchers calculated the energy use per unit area or per unit of yield of organic food-producing farms, it was found
that organic farms used less energy and generated less packaging and chemical waste than conventional produce farms.
The yield in organic produce farms is about 20 percent less when those farms used half the fertilizer and 97 percent less
pesticide than conventional farming. Others feel that organically-used soil is of a higher quality and maintains higher
water retention than farms that raise produce conventionally. This factor may improve the yield of organic farms during
years when rainfall is less than average.
In one study on organic farming techniques, a comparison of an organic farm and a conventional farm during a drought
season, the yields of soybeans were between 50 and 90 percent better than the regular farms. Organic corn yields were
mixed but, on average, the farms were on par with conventional farms.
Consider the risk of pesticide exposure on farm workers. Farm workers on organic farms are spared the health risks of being
exposed to pesticides, which are great, even when used correctly. Pesticides made from organophosphates, in particular,
can cause serious acute health problems with over-exposure. Long term exposure, unfortunately, is associated with breathing
problems, memory problems, skin conditions, cancer, miscarriages and birth defects.
To make matters worse, those who eat food not grown in an organic fashion can be exposed to both pesticides and herbicides
that remain on the food. This is why all produce from conventional farms should be washed carefully. Exposure to certain
herbicides is known to cause birth defects, even in small doses. Sadly, one recent study showed that the greatest source
of pesticides in babies is through the dietary consumption of food not grown in an organic fashion.
On a happier note, another study found that a group of children who were switched from a regular diet to an organic diet
dramatically reduced their levels or organophosphate pesticide exposure. In addition, studies have shown that organic food
actually tastes better in taste tests than conventional food.
If you want to keep your family as healthy as possible, consider making the switch to organic foods. The benefits to the
environment and likely to your family’s health are considerable
Organic foods have become easier and easier to obtain in recent years. Still, many consumers wonder if this type of food is
healthy enough to be worth the often extra cost. Many of the benefits of organic foods have come to consumers through word
of mouth and the promotions put on by advocates of organic eating. Fortunately, there has been research and several solid
arguments supporting the use of organic foods in everyday eating.
Several recent studies on farms which produce organic foods determined that organic farms don’t release synthetic pesticides
into the ground, the air and, most importantly, the water table. Some of the inorganic, chemical pesticides are known to be
harmful to wildlife and other animals. Organic farms also are superior to conventional farms when it comes to maintaining
surrounding natural ecosystems. This includes, maintaining healthy populations of natural plants, insects and indigenous
animals. They also rotate crops more often to maintain a healthy soil.
When researchers calculated the energy use per unit area or per unit of yield of organic food-producing farms, it was found
that organic farms used less energy and generated less packaging and chemical waste than conventional produce farms.
The yield in organic produce farms is about 20 percent less when those farms used half the fertilizer and 97 percent less
pesticide than conventional farming. Others feel that organically-used soil is of a higher quality and maintains higher
water retention than farms that raise produce conventionally. This factor may improve the yield of organic farms during
years when rainfall is less than average.
In one study on organic farming techniques, a comparison of an organic farm and a conventional farm during a drought
season, the yields of soybeans were between 50 and 90 percent better than the regular farms. Organic corn yields were
mixed but, on average, the farms were on par with conventional farms.
Consider the risk of pesticide exposure on farm workers. Farm workers on organic farms are spared the health risks of being
exposed to pesticides, which are great, even when used correctly. Pesticides made from organophosphates, in particular,
can cause serious acute health problems with over-exposure. Long term exposure, unfortunately, is associated with breathing
problems, memory problems, skin conditions, cancer, miscarriages and birth defects.
To make matters worse, those who eat food not grown in an organic fashion can be exposed to both pesticides and herbicides
that remain on the food. This is why all produce from conventional farms should be washed carefully. Exposure to certain
herbicides is known to cause birth defects, even in small doses. Sadly, one recent study showed that the greatest source
of pesticides in babies is through the dietary consumption of food not grown in an organic fashion.
On a happier note, another study found that a group of children who were switched from a regular diet to an organic diet
dramatically reduced their levels or organophosphate pesticide exposure. In addition, studies have shown that organic food
actually tastes better in taste tests than conventional food.
If you want to keep your family as healthy as possible, consider making the switch to organic foods. The benefits to the
environment and likely to your family’s health are considerable
Eat Healthy with Organic Foods
When you go to the grocery store or supermarket to buy fruits or vegetables, do you pick just any produce or are you
particular about getting organic foods? There is a difference between the two and, after our discussion, you may decide
that organic foods are the way to go. Let’s take a look at the benefits of buying organic produce.
While both types of produce may look the same, organic foods must be able to meet specific standards of production,
including specific growing and processing conditions that are unique to foods that can be labeled “organic”. For crop
foods, the organic foods can’t be grown using any chemical pesticides, non-organic fertilizer, human waste fertilizer or
sludge from sewage. They also cannot be processed using ionizing radiation—a process that kills bacteria but that some
people believe is unsafe. Finally, the food can’t be genetically altered.
At one point, organic foods were grown on small farms, particularly those that were family-owned and operated. In today’s
time, however, organic foods are grown on larger farms and are more readily available in most supermarkets, co-ops and
health food stores. In the US, parts of Europe and Japan, the production of organic foods is currently federally regulated
and in other countries, specific organic certification is required before these foods can be sold.
Organic foods can include fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not processed and come directly from the growers through
farmer’s markets, supermarkets and roadside stands. Many of these products are only available during certain times of the
year. One can also get organic eggs, dairy products and meat in their fresh and unprocessed forms.
Organic eggs are generally provided by free-range chickens and not from those kept in cages in large, egg factories.
Organic meats must not come from animals that have been treated with any growth hormones, steroids or antibiotics.
Processed organic foods can be found in the organic food section of the supermarket but often are more expensive than
their conventional food counterparts. Processed organic foods can include canned products, frozen produce, prepared items
and even snack foods.
In truth, processed organic foods need only contain a certain percentage of organic ingredients. In Australia, for
example, a food can be labeled “organic” if it contains at least 95% organic ingredients. In other countries, however,
the percentage can be less than that. Even so, those non-organic ingredients must be free of artificial food additives
and no aspect of the food can be processed using chemical ripening techniques, genetic modification or irradiation. In
some cases, the organic food must be made using energy-saving techniques and packaged in recyclable or biodegradable
It’s not always easy to identify whether or not your food is truly organic. Sometimes, you need to buy directly from an
organic grower in order to be certain the food is organic. More recently, however, foods that are organic can be
identified by governmental labeling, stating that the food is “certified organic”.
Because of the safety and wholesomeness of organic foods, you may wish to do you and your family a favor by buying only
organic products. The food tastes excellent and you can be assured you’re getting a product that won’t be harmful to you.
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