Home Remedies and Babies – Are they Really Safe?
Parents are always looking for ways to help sooth their children. This is
certainly nothing that is new, but there are many new parents who are often
concerned that they are making a bad decision when it comes to whether it is
really safe to use a home remedy for their baby. Trying to make the best
decision possible when you are a new parent is extremely frightening. There are
plenty of ways that you can make a mistake, but in general, it is very important
to ensure you are getting the best results and this means ensuring that your
baby stays comfortable.
If you suspect that your baby has a serious ailment or is completely dehydrated
then it is best to see a doctor. However, the small ailments that may plague
your child are often quite easy and simple to treat with a home remedy. Just be
sure that you closely monitor their condition. Many parents who do watch serious
problems develop notice rather quickly when they are in over their head.
However, if you do not carefully watch your child you will find it much harder
to actually tell if your child is developing further complications.
A simple home remedy using natural ingredients in small dosages is typically
quite safe for babies. However, you should be very careful not to over use the
remedy which could potentially cause your baby significant problems. Always talk
to your doctor if you have any serious questions about which home remedies are
safe to use for your baby. Talking to your doctor is typically a great way to
learn which home remedy methods are safe and which should be avoided.
It is also extremely important to ensure you carefully watch for any allergic
reactions with any home remedy that you are trying. This is particularly
important for babies since they cannot tell you if they are suffering a
reaction. Most babies respond quite well to home remedies though, especially as
long as you are careful to properly follow all of the instructions.
With home remedies for babies helping everything from teething to colic,
stomachaches, and even colds there are plenty of ways to offer your child relief
without having to always run to the doctor. Of course, there are some times when
venturing to the doctor is essential, but you can certainly look towards home
remedies to help reduce the occurrence of doctor’s visits easily.
You will of course grow much more comfortable using home remedies with your
children as your child gets older. There is little to worry about as long as you
are careful though, just be certain to avoid anything that is potentially toxic
especially with extremely young children. A quick trip to the doctor is quite
possible, but it is certainly not a lot of fun. A small home remedy for your
baby will allow you to avoid most of the doctor’s visits and also enable you to
be absolutely certain that you are getting the proper results that you really
Going to the doctor is never any fun, but if you really need to take your baby
to the doctor then it should be done. Always making the time to go to the doctor
will ensure your baby stays healthy and also provide ample opportunity to talk
to your doctor about any remedies that you are curious about.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Home Remedies for Your Pets
Home Remedies for Your Pets
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Does the idea of spending massive amounts of money on the medications that your pet need leave you with a bad feeling? This occurs quite frequently, but sadly, your pet cannot tell you how they are actually feeling. In order to get the biggest benefit possible you need to be well aware of all of the details pertaining to a home remedy for your pet to ensure that they are safe, no matter what you are trying to do. With a bit of research put into finding the best home remedies you are certain to find some results that are highly effective, yet much friendlier for your wallet.
One of the biggest problems that strikes at pets is fleas. These little pests are extremely difficult to get rid of once you have them, but as miserable as they make you it is worse for your pet. A cheap way to rid your pet of fleas and have them smell great with no greasy feel is to use Pert Plus shampoo. This is actually a remedy that is highly recommended by groups such as Greyhound rescues since so many flea treatments are actually toxic to the breed. Using the shampoo to bathe your pet not only keeps them smelling great, but it is wonderful for their skin as well. With affordable prices, you can give weekly baths to keep them looking great without hurting your wallet, or potentially overdosing them on the treatment.
If you suspect that your pet has dirty ears that need to be cleaned thoroughly cleaned reaching for the vinegar is a safe and cheap cleaner that you can use. Carefully using the solution and thoroughly drying the ear after cleaning will help to clean your pet’s ear and also reduce the chances of an actual infection. However, if your pet does develop an actual ear infection then you can treat the infection using natural remedies such as Marigold and even Tea Tree oil. By inserting small amounts of the oil into the ear it is effective in killing the bacteria that causes the infection.
Other remedies that can be used is looking to Rosemary extracts to help build up the immunity of the ear. If the ear has a very weak dermal layer, it is much more likely to fail against an infection. A strong ear that is well protected, clean, and includes a sufficient dermal layer will hold up much better against ear infections and reduce the number of vet trips that you will need to make.
Another common problem that animals tend to have is their nails grow quite excessively. If the nails on your pet are quite long and you cut them slightly too far back you run the risk of them bleeding. To stop the bleeding and help soothe the nail you can apply a small amount of baby powder to the nail that was cut to the quick. This is extremely effective to help stop the bleeding and prevent the nail from becoming infected. If you leave the nail exposed without any protection, you will find it much easier to allow infection in.
A small bit of effort will allow you to ensure you are able to protect your pet from any undue pain or difficulty. A small bit of prevention is often essential to preventing the majority of problems for your pet, but at times, this is not always possible. If you suspect that your pet has a serious problem it is best to seek the advice of a vet who can determine the best treatment plan for your beloved pet. Never continue with a home remedy if it seems to be causing your pet additional problems.
With affordably priced home remedies easily available, you will typically find that getting the perfect home remedy for your pet is quite possible. There is no reason to worry that you will not be able to use a home remedy for your pet. There are plenty of great options that you can use to keep your pet happy and healthy.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Health Benefit and Nutrition of Top Super Foods
Health Benefit and Nutrition of Top Super Foods
Get ready to experience a volume of information of the healthiest foods in the world. Here is a list of the top ten super foods that most health experts agree on. You should tell everyone you know about these foods and enjoy them at your next meal. From fruits and vegetables, to whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes, this power-packed nutritional inventory will take you into the best years of your life and beyond.
1. Cantaloupe
Only a quarter of cantaloupe provides almost all the vitamin A needed in one day. Since the beta-carotene in a cantaloupe converts to vitamin A, you get both nutrients at once. These vision-strengthening nutrients may help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Like an orange, cantaloupe is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps our immune system. It is also is a good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, niacin, and potassium, which helps maintain good blood sugar levels and metabolism. This pale orange power fruit may help reduce our risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
2. Blueberries
These mildly sweet (and sometimes tangy) berries offer a high capacity to destroy free radicals that can cause cancer. Low in calories, they offer antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which enhance the effects of vitamin C. These antioxidants may help prevent cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer.
3: Tomatoes
Tomatoes help us fight against heart disease and cancers such as colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and cancer of the pancreas. Tomatoes are also good sources of vitamin C, A, and K. In a 2004 study, it was found that tomato juice alone can help reduce blood clotting.
Fresh, organic tomatoes deliver three times as much of the cancer-fighting carotenoid lycopene. Even organic ketchup is better for you than regular ketchup! Look for tomato pastes and sauces that contain the whole tomato (including peels) because you will absorb 75% more lycopene and almost two times the amount of beta-carotene.
4: Sweet Potatoes
As an excellent source of vitamin A, C, and manganese, sweet potatoes are also a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Those who are smokers or prone to second- hand smoke may benefit greatly from this root vegetable that helps protect us against emphysema.
For a unique dessert, cube a cooked sweet potato and slice a banana. Then lightly pour maple syrup over the top and add a dash or two of cinnamon. Add chopped walnuts for an even healthier kick.
5: Spinach and Kale
A cancer-fighter and cardio-helper, spinach and kale top the list as far as green leafy vegetables are concerned. Much like broccoli, they provide an excellent source of vitamin A and C. Kale is a surprisingly good source of calcium at 25% per cup, boiled. Vitamin K is abundantly found in spinach as well, with almost 200% of the Daily Value available, to help reduce bone loss.
Whole Grains
6: Whole Grain Bread, Pasta and Brown Rice
Whether it’s bread or pasta, the first thing to check for when purchasing whole grain bread and pasta is to make sure it is 100% whole grain. Remember to check the list of ingredients on the package. For example, look for the exact phrase "whole wheat flour" as one of the first ingredients listed in whole wheat bread. If it’s not listed as such, then it’s not whole grain. Wheat bran is a cancer-fighting grain that also helps us regulate our bowel movements.
Brown rice is also a better choice than refined grain (white rice) for the same reason as choosing whole wheat bread. Whole wheat flour or brown rice that turns into white flour or white rice actually destroys between 50-90% of vitamin B3, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids we need. Even when processed white flour or white rice is "enriched," it is not in the same form as the original unprocessed kind. In fact, 11 nutrients are actually lost and are not replaced during the "enrichment" process!
7: Walnuts
These nuts are packed with omega-3 fats, which is one of the "good" fats. A quarter cup of walnuts would take care of about 90% of the omega-3s needed in one day. Walnuts provide many health benefits including cardiovascular protection, better cognitive function, anti-inflammatory advantages relating to asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. They can even help against cancer and also support the immune system.
Beans and Legumes
8: Black Beans and Lentils
While black beans are a good source of fiber that can lower cholesterol, so are lentils. The high fiber content in both black beans and lentils helps to maintain blood sugar levels. Also a fat-free, high quality protein with additional minerals and B-vitamins, black beans and lentils fill you up and don’t expand your waistline.
A complete, one-stop source of using a variety of beans and lentils comes easy when you can find a bag of 15-bean mix (includes black beans, lentils, navy, pinto, red, kidney, etc.) at the grocery store. Consider making a delicious soup with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and your favorite spices with this bean mixture.
9: Skim Milk and Yogurt
Skim milk (or low-fat) helps to promote strong bones, offering an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. These nutrients help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals, bone loss, migraine headaches, premenstrual symptoms, and childhood obesity. Recent studies also show that overweight adults lose weight, especially around the midsection, when consuming low-fat dairy such as skim milk and yogurt.
Yogurt also includes the essential nutrients such as phosphorous and vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, and protein. Yogurt’s live bacterial cultures also provide a wealth of health benefits that may help us live longer and strengthen our immune system.
10: Salmon
Salmon is high in protein, low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fats (the essential fatty acids that are also found in those walnuts mentioned earlier). Salmon is a heart-healthy food and is recommended to eat at least twice a week. When choosing salmon, it’s best to stay away from farm raised and select wild instead. Research studies show that farmed salmon may cause cancer because it may carry high levels of carcinogenic chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Green Tea and "Power" Water
Although not food per say, the health benefits of these beverages are worthy of mentioning.
Green tea has beneficial phytonutrients and lower levels of caffeine than all other teas. The more research studying green tea, the more health benefits are found. A cancer fighter as well, green tea has antioxidant effects that lower risks of bacterial or viral infections to cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis.
Water packed with vitamins and/or naturally sweetened fruit are also the newest trend. Some offer a full day’s supply of vitamin C while others promise no artificial sweeteners with a full, fruity taste.
As you can see, the top ten super foods are worth every bite (or sip). Now that you know which foods can help save your life, what’s more important than investing in your health?
Get ready to experience a volume of information of the healthiest foods in the world. Here is a list of the top ten super foods that most health experts agree on. You should tell everyone you know about these foods and enjoy them at your next meal. From fruits and vegetables, to whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes, this power-packed nutritional inventory will take you into the best years of your life and beyond.
1. Cantaloupe
Only a quarter of cantaloupe provides almost all the vitamin A needed in one day. Since the beta-carotene in a cantaloupe converts to vitamin A, you get both nutrients at once. These vision-strengthening nutrients may help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Like an orange, cantaloupe is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps our immune system. It is also is a good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, niacin, and potassium, which helps maintain good blood sugar levels and metabolism. This pale orange power fruit may help reduce our risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
2. Blueberries
These mildly sweet (and sometimes tangy) berries offer a high capacity to destroy free radicals that can cause cancer. Low in calories, they offer antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which enhance the effects of vitamin C. These antioxidants may help prevent cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer.
3: Tomatoes
Tomatoes help us fight against heart disease and cancers such as colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and cancer of the pancreas. Tomatoes are also good sources of vitamin C, A, and K. In a 2004 study, it was found that tomato juice alone can help reduce blood clotting.
Fresh, organic tomatoes deliver three times as much of the cancer-fighting carotenoid lycopene. Even organic ketchup is better for you than regular ketchup! Look for tomato pastes and sauces that contain the whole tomato (including peels) because you will absorb 75% more lycopene and almost two times the amount of beta-carotene.
4: Sweet Potatoes
As an excellent source of vitamin A, C, and manganese, sweet potatoes are also a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Those who are smokers or prone to second- hand smoke may benefit greatly from this root vegetable that helps protect us against emphysema.
For a unique dessert, cube a cooked sweet potato and slice a banana. Then lightly pour maple syrup over the top and add a dash or two of cinnamon. Add chopped walnuts for an even healthier kick.
5: Spinach and Kale
A cancer-fighter and cardio-helper, spinach and kale top the list as far as green leafy vegetables are concerned. Much like broccoli, they provide an excellent source of vitamin A and C. Kale is a surprisingly good source of calcium at 25% per cup, boiled. Vitamin K is abundantly found in spinach as well, with almost 200% of the Daily Value available, to help reduce bone loss.
Whole Grains
6: Whole Grain Bread, Pasta and Brown Rice
Whether it’s bread or pasta, the first thing to check for when purchasing whole grain bread and pasta is to make sure it is 100% whole grain. Remember to check the list of ingredients on the package. For example, look for the exact phrase "whole wheat flour" as one of the first ingredients listed in whole wheat bread. If it’s not listed as such, then it’s not whole grain. Wheat bran is a cancer-fighting grain that also helps us regulate our bowel movements.
Brown rice is also a better choice than refined grain (white rice) for the same reason as choosing whole wheat bread. Whole wheat flour or brown rice that turns into white flour or white rice actually destroys between 50-90% of vitamin B3, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids we need. Even when processed white flour or white rice is "enriched," it is not in the same form as the original unprocessed kind. In fact, 11 nutrients are actually lost and are not replaced during the "enrichment" process!
7: Walnuts
These nuts are packed with omega-3 fats, which is one of the "good" fats. A quarter cup of walnuts would take care of about 90% of the omega-3s needed in one day. Walnuts provide many health benefits including cardiovascular protection, better cognitive function, anti-inflammatory advantages relating to asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. They can even help against cancer and also support the immune system.
Beans and Legumes
8: Black Beans and Lentils
While black beans are a good source of fiber that can lower cholesterol, so are lentils. The high fiber content in both black beans and lentils helps to maintain blood sugar levels. Also a fat-free, high quality protein with additional minerals and B-vitamins, black beans and lentils fill you up and don’t expand your waistline.
A complete, one-stop source of using a variety of beans and lentils comes easy when you can find a bag of 15-bean mix (includes black beans, lentils, navy, pinto, red, kidney, etc.) at the grocery store. Consider making a delicious soup with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and your favorite spices with this bean mixture.
9: Skim Milk and Yogurt
Skim milk (or low-fat) helps to promote strong bones, offering an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. These nutrients help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals, bone loss, migraine headaches, premenstrual symptoms, and childhood obesity. Recent studies also show that overweight adults lose weight, especially around the midsection, when consuming low-fat dairy such as skim milk and yogurt.
Yogurt also includes the essential nutrients such as phosphorous and vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, and protein. Yogurt’s live bacterial cultures also provide a wealth of health benefits that may help us live longer and strengthen our immune system.
10: Salmon
Salmon is high in protein, low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fats (the essential fatty acids that are also found in those walnuts mentioned earlier). Salmon is a heart-healthy food and is recommended to eat at least twice a week. When choosing salmon, it’s best to stay away from farm raised and select wild instead. Research studies show that farmed salmon may cause cancer because it may carry high levels of carcinogenic chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Green Tea and "Power" Water
Although not food per say, the health benefits of these beverages are worthy of mentioning.
Green tea has beneficial phytonutrients and lower levels of caffeine than all other teas. The more research studying green tea, the more health benefits are found. A cancer fighter as well, green tea has antioxidant effects that lower risks of bacterial or viral infections to cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis.
Water packed with vitamins and/or naturally sweetened fruit are also the newest trend. Some offer a full day’s supply of vitamin C while others promise no artificial sweeteners with a full, fruity taste.
As you can see, the top ten super foods are worth every bite (or sip). Now that you know which foods can help save your life, what’s more important than investing in your health?
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Home Remedies to Disburse Bugs
Home Remedies to Disburse Bugs
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
With home remedies capturing the minds and imaginations of so many people it is no wonder that a lot of people have also taken the time to ensure that there are plenty of viable options for ridding the home of pests as well. While the house with pests and bugs can be a huge problem, what about if you have bugs in your actual garden! This can become a huge problem if you are trying to grow the majority of your family’s fruits and vegetables. In order to combat the bugs naturally you need some assistance. Knowing how to get rid of bugs without chemicals is not only great for the environment, but it is also substantially cheaper than using those pesky chemicals.
The majority of people realize that bugs are a danger to any garden. If you have a large garden or even a small garden you are going to battle bugs at some point. Rather than trying to get the bugs to move out with the usage of expensive chemicals start turning to some natural options instead. In order to really improve your garden you do not have to necessarily use stinky supplies either. In fact, you can expand your garden even more, and rid yourself of the bugs.
If you like herbs, then you are certainly in for a treat. Herbs such as fennel, dill, cilantro and also parsley are all fabulous to have in a garden. These herbs tend to heavily attract the Ladybug. This is actually one bug you do want in your garden. Not only are they actually on the cute side, but they are great for eating many of the harmful bugs that could be wreaking major damage on your garden. Spider mites and even aphids are certainly no match to the Ladybug and having just a couple of Ladybugs in your garden that are encouraged to stay by the herbs will allow you to rid your garden of some serious problems.
Search for a Praying Mantis. I know it sounds strange, I have not only suggested you bring Ladybugs into your garden but now we are suggesting you bring yet another bug into the garden. Does this seem rather counterproductive? In reality, the Praying Mantis will eat just about any harmful bug you have in your garden. They eat a lot, and because they are not harmful to people they make a fabulous option for removing bugs without the usage of chemicals. From grasshoppers, crickets, flies, and even aphids the Praying Mantis is one of the hardest working bugs you could ever put in your garden.
If you are running into a problem of no clue what type of bug you are up against you should take a few potatoes and cut them into pieces. You then want to take each piece and poke a small stick or skewer through it. You will then need to bury each potato into the ground just a few inches so that it is covered. Space all of the potatoes out by approximately one foot, and try to plant them as close to the roots of your plants as possible, without actually damaging the roots. After a week you can come pull the potatoes up. Not only should you now be able to see what exactly your bug problem is, they should also be trapped within the potato and eating that, rather than your actual garden.
Growing a natural garden really is possible, but to get the best effects you need to be willing to do your homework. You cannot simply toss some plants into the ground and hope for the best results. Learning how to help the plans grow as healthily as possible will allow you to enjoy your garden, and also remove the majority of the bugs that you would otherwise be fighting all during the gardening season. There is no reason to resort to expensive chemicals when there are plenty of great inexpensive solutions.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
With home remedies capturing the minds and imaginations of so many people it is no wonder that a lot of people have also taken the time to ensure that there are plenty of viable options for ridding the home of pests as well. While the house with pests and bugs can be a huge problem, what about if you have bugs in your actual garden! This can become a huge problem if you are trying to grow the majority of your family’s fruits and vegetables. In order to combat the bugs naturally you need some assistance. Knowing how to get rid of bugs without chemicals is not only great for the environment, but it is also substantially cheaper than using those pesky chemicals.
The majority of people realize that bugs are a danger to any garden. If you have a large garden or even a small garden you are going to battle bugs at some point. Rather than trying to get the bugs to move out with the usage of expensive chemicals start turning to some natural options instead. In order to really improve your garden you do not have to necessarily use stinky supplies either. In fact, you can expand your garden even more, and rid yourself of the bugs.
If you like herbs, then you are certainly in for a treat. Herbs such as fennel, dill, cilantro and also parsley are all fabulous to have in a garden. These herbs tend to heavily attract the Ladybug. This is actually one bug you do want in your garden. Not only are they actually on the cute side, but they are great for eating many of the harmful bugs that could be wreaking major damage on your garden. Spider mites and even aphids are certainly no match to the Ladybug and having just a couple of Ladybugs in your garden that are encouraged to stay by the herbs will allow you to rid your garden of some serious problems.
Search for a Praying Mantis. I know it sounds strange, I have not only suggested you bring Ladybugs into your garden but now we are suggesting you bring yet another bug into the garden. Does this seem rather counterproductive? In reality, the Praying Mantis will eat just about any harmful bug you have in your garden. They eat a lot, and because they are not harmful to people they make a fabulous option for removing bugs without the usage of chemicals. From grasshoppers, crickets, flies, and even aphids the Praying Mantis is one of the hardest working bugs you could ever put in your garden.
If you are running into a problem of no clue what type of bug you are up against you should take a few potatoes and cut them into pieces. You then want to take each piece and poke a small stick or skewer through it. You will then need to bury each potato into the ground just a few inches so that it is covered. Space all of the potatoes out by approximately one foot, and try to plant them as close to the roots of your plants as possible, without actually damaging the roots. After a week you can come pull the potatoes up. Not only should you now be able to see what exactly your bug problem is, they should also be trapped within the potato and eating that, rather than your actual garden.
Growing a natural garden really is possible, but to get the best effects you need to be willing to do your homework. You cannot simply toss some plants into the ground and hope for the best results. Learning how to help the plans grow as healthily as possible will allow you to enjoy your garden, and also remove the majority of the bugs that you would otherwise be fighting all during the gardening season. There is no reason to resort to expensive chemicals when there are plenty of great inexpensive solutions.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Health Benefit of Barley-- An Ancient Super Food Rediscovered
Health Benefit of Barley-- An Ancient Super Food Rediscovered
Most people would be surprised to find out that the number-one cause of premature aging and disease in the Western world is the over-consumption of food. This is true not only because too much food can make us fat, but also because everything we eat must be processed by our bodies, which requires an expenditure of energy. Because the body has to be continually processing calories, we suffer much wear and tear. Within each cell of the human body, vitamins, minerals, antioxidan...
Most people would be surprised to find out that the number-one cause of premature aging and disease in the Western world is the over-consumption of food. This is true not only because too much food can make us fat, but also because everything we eat must be processed by our bodies, which requires an expenditure of energy. Because the body has to be continually processing calories, we suffer much wear and tear. Within each cell of the human body, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthful fats, and other important nutrients are the important parts that create energy and repair the wear and tear that our body is continually fighting. The modern diet is extremely abundant calories, but yet extremely light on these healing, renewing substances. A diet that is calorie-dense yet nutrient-poor has a serious effect on the state of our health, causing us to be overfed and malnourished.
Barley in the most energy-efficient food available in nature, having major implications for those who are concerned with maximizing longevity, avoiding disease, increasing athletic performance, and fighting obesity. Barley is much more than a supplement found at your local health food store, it is a complete food which has been converted into a super food through an all-natural process, making it so powerful and functional that it can be used to nourish those who are struck by famine. Actually, the United Nations uses it as a relief food for those in famine-stricken countries because of its ability to support human life better than any other single food.
In ancient Rome, sprouted barley gruel was used as a food for gladiators and also as a staple for the roman army. Sprouting is known as a way to transform grains or beans into a more nutrient-dense food that is easier to digest. The unique activating procedure, where the grain isn’t sprouted but pre-sprouted instead, uses a low-temperature process that was first used as a replacement for mother’s milk, as a formula for infants who were unable to nurse. The process that is used to activate barley preserves enzyme activity, vitamins, and minerals, bringing it just to the point where it’s ready to sprout then putting it into a state of suspended animation, where it is then transformed into a powder that mixes easily into any drink or recipe.
Barley transforms into a gel in the GI tract, slowing its passage through the body, which in turn allows maximum nutrient absorption. It also stabilizes glucose levels and is great for use by diabetics. Its composition is unique among others, being extremely energy dense, providing four hundred percent more energy than barley that hasn’t been pre-sprouted. Barley is often used to improve athletic endurance, help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, control hunger, boost the immune system, and detoxify the blood. It has a very low glycemic index, allowing it be used in low-carbohydrate diets. This super food is rich in soluble fiber and beta-glucans, which explains its healthy effects on cholesterol, blood sugar balance, and the immune system. The pre-sprouting process that is used also to increase the grain’s content of beta-glucan a substance known to boost the immune system. Have you had your barley today?
Most people would be surprised to find out that the number-one cause of premature aging and disease in the Western world is the over-consumption of food. This is true not only because too much food can make us fat, but also because everything we eat must be processed by our bodies, which requires an expenditure of energy. Because the body has to be continually processing calories, we suffer much wear and tear. Within each cell of the human body, vitamins, minerals, antioxidan...
Most people would be surprised to find out that the number-one cause of premature aging and disease in the Western world is the over-consumption of food. This is true not only because too much food can make us fat, but also because everything we eat must be processed by our bodies, which requires an expenditure of energy. Because the body has to be continually processing calories, we suffer much wear and tear. Within each cell of the human body, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthful fats, and other important nutrients are the important parts that create energy and repair the wear and tear that our body is continually fighting. The modern diet is extremely abundant calories, but yet extremely light on these healing, renewing substances. A diet that is calorie-dense yet nutrient-poor has a serious effect on the state of our health, causing us to be overfed and malnourished.
Barley in the most energy-efficient food available in nature, having major implications for those who are concerned with maximizing longevity, avoiding disease, increasing athletic performance, and fighting obesity. Barley is much more than a supplement found at your local health food store, it is a complete food which has been converted into a super food through an all-natural process, making it so powerful and functional that it can be used to nourish those who are struck by famine. Actually, the United Nations uses it as a relief food for those in famine-stricken countries because of its ability to support human life better than any other single food.
In ancient Rome, sprouted barley gruel was used as a food for gladiators and also as a staple for the roman army. Sprouting is known as a way to transform grains or beans into a more nutrient-dense food that is easier to digest. The unique activating procedure, where the grain isn’t sprouted but pre-sprouted instead, uses a low-temperature process that was first used as a replacement for mother’s milk, as a formula for infants who were unable to nurse. The process that is used to activate barley preserves enzyme activity, vitamins, and minerals, bringing it just to the point where it’s ready to sprout then putting it into a state of suspended animation, where it is then transformed into a powder that mixes easily into any drink or recipe.
Barley transforms into a gel in the GI tract, slowing its passage through the body, which in turn allows maximum nutrient absorption. It also stabilizes glucose levels and is great for use by diabetics. Its composition is unique among others, being extremely energy dense, providing four hundred percent more energy than barley that hasn’t been pre-sprouted. Barley is often used to improve athletic endurance, help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, control hunger, boost the immune system, and detoxify the blood. It has a very low glycemic index, allowing it be used in low-carbohydrate diets. This super food is rich in soluble fiber and beta-glucans, which explains its healthy effects on cholesterol, blood sugar balance, and the immune system. The pre-sprouting process that is used also to increase the grain’s content of beta-glucan a substance known to boost the immune system. Have you had your barley today?
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Home Remedies for Anxiety
Home Remedies for Anxiety
If you are suddenly finding yourself nervous, scared, really worried and have no clue why you are feeling this way you could discover that you are part of a growing trend of people suffering from anxiety. This is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something that demands a large amount of medication to treat. Of course, there are some people who can only find relief from anxiety in prescription drugs, but many others find some more natural solutions in home remedies that are extremely effective. Working to find the best solution for you can be a rather trying experience, but there are plenty of great home remedies for anxiety that can prove to be extremely effective.
It is largely reported by people suffering from anxiety that they feel much more anxious after they have consumed large amounts of alcohol. This points to cutting back the intake of alcohol as one of the most effective treatments that you can do to reduce your anxiety level. If we must be brutally honest though, this will have a limited effect. After all, if you are only a slight social drinker there will be very little you can do to reduce your intake further. This means this particular method is much more suited for those who tend to drink at least a few drinks a week.
Other suggestions include getting as much sleep as possible to ensure you are well rested. A lack of sleep has been attributed to increasing the occurrence of anxiety attacks. In addition to the additional rest as needed taking some additional B vitamins such as can be found in most vitamin supplements has also shown great promise to help relieve symptoms. An additional benefit to the vitamins is the ability to allow you to pick up any additional nutrients that you might be missing out on due to your typical dietary habits.
Many people have had great amounts of success by limiting their intakes of sweetener’s as well. This includes natural sugar, as well as the artificial sweeteners. In order to really obtain the biggest benefit you should try to watch your reactions to certain sweeteners. There are some that can make the problems worse for you, while others may not bother you in particular. If there is a sweetener that you can safely use, it is important to stay with it, while avoiding the others that tend to aggravate your anxiety.
Due to the increase in nervousness, it is also recommended that you avoid any products that are extremely high in caffeine. Because caffeine is extremely likely to spike anxiety many people who are anxious tend to suffer much more than necessary. Reducing caffeine intake can often provide some rather rapid differences that might otherwise never come. If you are in a habit of drinking coffee each morning, you can simply switch to decaffeinated in order to reduce your caffeine intake while still enjoying your morning cup of coffee.
Another suggested home remedy that has provided great benefits is getting up and starting to walk around or exercise whenever you feel extremely anxious. By getting up and moving around you are taking your mind off of the anxiety that you are feeling and allowing yourself to slowly clam down at your own pace. This is extremely effective for most people since it will allow you to refocus your attention to the activity that you are doing, rather than on the actual anxiety that you are presently feeling.
By avoiding the use of medication to treat anxiety you are sure to feel much better about yourself. Additionally you will be able to avoid many of the harsh side effects that are otherwise experienced in the treatment. It may take a while to find the perfect solution for your needs depending on exactly what factors are encouraging the stress, but a solution really is possible with the right effort.
If you are suddenly finding yourself nervous, scared, really worried and have no clue why you are feeling this way you could discover that you are part of a growing trend of people suffering from anxiety. This is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something that demands a large amount of medication to treat. Of course, there are some people who can only find relief from anxiety in prescription drugs, but many others find some more natural solutions in home remedies that are extremely effective. Working to find the best solution for you can be a rather trying experience, but there are plenty of great home remedies for anxiety that can prove to be extremely effective.
It is largely reported by people suffering from anxiety that they feel much more anxious after they have consumed large amounts of alcohol. This points to cutting back the intake of alcohol as one of the most effective treatments that you can do to reduce your anxiety level. If we must be brutally honest though, this will have a limited effect. After all, if you are only a slight social drinker there will be very little you can do to reduce your intake further. This means this particular method is much more suited for those who tend to drink at least a few drinks a week.
Other suggestions include getting as much sleep as possible to ensure you are well rested. A lack of sleep has been attributed to increasing the occurrence of anxiety attacks. In addition to the additional rest as needed taking some additional B vitamins such as can be found in most vitamin supplements has also shown great promise to help relieve symptoms. An additional benefit to the vitamins is the ability to allow you to pick up any additional nutrients that you might be missing out on due to your typical dietary habits.
Many people have had great amounts of success by limiting their intakes of sweetener’s as well. This includes natural sugar, as well as the artificial sweeteners. In order to really obtain the biggest benefit you should try to watch your reactions to certain sweeteners. There are some that can make the problems worse for you, while others may not bother you in particular. If there is a sweetener that you can safely use, it is important to stay with it, while avoiding the others that tend to aggravate your anxiety.
Due to the increase in nervousness, it is also recommended that you avoid any products that are extremely high in caffeine. Because caffeine is extremely likely to spike anxiety many people who are anxious tend to suffer much more than necessary. Reducing caffeine intake can often provide some rather rapid differences that might otherwise never come. If you are in a habit of drinking coffee each morning, you can simply switch to decaffeinated in order to reduce your caffeine intake while still enjoying your morning cup of coffee.
Another suggested home remedy that has provided great benefits is getting up and starting to walk around or exercise whenever you feel extremely anxious. By getting up and moving around you are taking your mind off of the anxiety that you are feeling and allowing yourself to slowly clam down at your own pace. This is extremely effective for most people since it will allow you to refocus your attention to the activity that you are doing, rather than on the actual anxiety that you are presently feeling.
By avoiding the use of medication to treat anxiety you are sure to feel much better about yourself. Additionally you will be able to avoid many of the harsh side effects that are otherwise experienced in the treatment. It may take a while to find the perfect solution for your needs depending on exactly what factors are encouraging the stress, but a solution really is possible with the right effort.
Friday, 23 November 2012
How to have Good Sleep with Home Remedies
How to have Good Sleep with Home Remedies
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Have you ever laid around in bed and wished that the freight train noise next to you would stop? This occurs in far too many households for you to be alone in this problem. For the vast majority of people there is nothing worse than sleeping with a snoring spouse. However, it is a reality that does occur. The other side of the problem finds people who are unable to sleep because they themselves snore. Working to reduce this problem is critical and should be a top priority so that everyone in the house can sleep much better.
One of the biggest home remedies that is passed along the most is the advice of having the serial snorer sleep on their side. For some people this is easy to do, however for anyone who is in a habit of sleeping on their stomach or even their back it can be a bit more difficult. There are some attachments and bumpers that you can buy though which will help to ensure you remain on your side. Though there are also some cheaper alternatives such as piling up books, cushions and other materials to help discourage you from sleeping in a position other than on your side.
If you find that sleeping on your side is either completely uncomfortable for you or you are not getting the desired results it is time to move along to another common solution. This involves cutting out all meals and also alcoholic beverages for several hours before bed. Many people who take sleeping medication also experience increase risk of snoring as well. This is not always something that can be avoided, particularly if you require the medication in order to obtain any sleep at all. However, it is possible to talk to your doctor to see if there is a different medication that you can try which might reduce the snoring problem.
Sadly, obesity is another major factor for snoring. While it may seem as though it is merely as excuse to pick on someone who has a weight problem it is a proven fact that additional weight can cause the air pipes to shrink slightly due to the increase of fat in the neck area. Losing a bit of weight can help to remove the pressure on the air pipes and often significantly decrease the amount of snoring that you experience. This is also great for helping you to get into shape, and lower the risk of snoring excessively. Starting to lose weight slowly will be the best bet though, in order to ensure that you are losing the fat and reducing the skin in your neck area evenly.
Most people are well aware that serious snoring will involve treatment from a doctor. Taking some time to find a home remedy for snoring will not only help you get a much better night’s sleep but it will help you to ensure that everyone else in your house can sleep much better as well. Ignoring a snoring problem will not only cause you more difficulties sleeping than necessary but it will also substantially reduce the quality of the sleep that you are able to receive. Getting a grip on some great sleep will provide you with ample energy, while avoiding seeking help for snoring can find you suffering from exhaustion and even fatigue.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Have you ever laid around in bed and wished that the freight train noise next to you would stop? This occurs in far too many households for you to be alone in this problem. For the vast majority of people there is nothing worse than sleeping with a snoring spouse. However, it is a reality that does occur. The other side of the problem finds people who are unable to sleep because they themselves snore. Working to reduce this problem is critical and should be a top priority so that everyone in the house can sleep much better.
One of the biggest home remedies that is passed along the most is the advice of having the serial snorer sleep on their side. For some people this is easy to do, however for anyone who is in a habit of sleeping on their stomach or even their back it can be a bit more difficult. There are some attachments and bumpers that you can buy though which will help to ensure you remain on your side. Though there are also some cheaper alternatives such as piling up books, cushions and other materials to help discourage you from sleeping in a position other than on your side.
If you find that sleeping on your side is either completely uncomfortable for you or you are not getting the desired results it is time to move along to another common solution. This involves cutting out all meals and also alcoholic beverages for several hours before bed. Many people who take sleeping medication also experience increase risk of snoring as well. This is not always something that can be avoided, particularly if you require the medication in order to obtain any sleep at all. However, it is possible to talk to your doctor to see if there is a different medication that you can try which might reduce the snoring problem.
Sadly, obesity is another major factor for snoring. While it may seem as though it is merely as excuse to pick on someone who has a weight problem it is a proven fact that additional weight can cause the air pipes to shrink slightly due to the increase of fat in the neck area. Losing a bit of weight can help to remove the pressure on the air pipes and often significantly decrease the amount of snoring that you experience. This is also great for helping you to get into shape, and lower the risk of snoring excessively. Starting to lose weight slowly will be the best bet though, in order to ensure that you are losing the fat and reducing the skin in your neck area evenly.
Most people are well aware that serious snoring will involve treatment from a doctor. Taking some time to find a home remedy for snoring will not only help you get a much better night’s sleep but it will help you to ensure that everyone else in your house can sleep much better as well. Ignoring a snoring problem will not only cause you more difficulties sleeping than necessary but it will also substantially reduce the quality of the sleep that you are able to receive. Getting a grip on some great sleep will provide you with ample energy, while avoiding seeking help for snoring can find you suffering from exhaustion and even fatigue.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Fabulous Pet Remedies to Solve Your Problems
Fabulous Pet Remedies to Solve Your Problems
With pets becoming a very popular addition to most households there are plenty of occasions when a well planned home remedy can be extremely effective. Trying to ensure that life with your pet is just as happy as you have always dreamed is not always simple but if you are able to make some small adjustments to your lifestyle, you will be able to live happily with a healthy pet for a very long time.
The majority of problems that can be treated with home remedies for pets are extremely easy to handle. Most will involve pests of some sort, but if caught quickly it is not something that should overtake you. The vast majority of people are not comfortable with the little pests that tends to cling to their pets; this can range from fleas to ticks to even ear mites. Working to remove these from not only your pet but also your home is critical. If you ignore problems with various pests on your pets it can spread to your house itself rather quickly. This makes it critical that you invest the time to avoid pest problems before they start it any way possible.
The vast majority of pets will be prone to fleas at a minimum. Flea treatments themselves are not only expensive, but they are also extremely difficult to handle. They turn the pet greasy feeling as well which is not something most families are interested in when they have young children in the house especially. Working to avoid this need for chemical flea treatments really is possible, the first home remedy that you can try simply involves using the shampoo Pert Plus, this would allow you to quickly and easily remove the fleas. This is something that is quite easy and quick to do, especially since you are able to use this anytime you are giving your pet a bath and keep them smelling great as well.
There are also some serious issues with ticks that most people are just unable to accept. For the majority of problems with ticks sprinkling some Borax around the house, as well as your garden will work to help repel the little critters. This will help to substantially avoid the risk of your pets bringing ticks into the house by treating the yard. Additionally, by treating your entire house it will help to ensure you are not allowing any ticks to continue living along with your pets.
There are several ways to fight the smell that pets tend to acquire especially after playing outside when it is damp. The first place to begin is by taking a used fabric softener sheet and rubbing this over your pet once they come back inside will help to remove the smell. Other ways to remove the smell include using some of the sprays that are available at the pet store. The fabric softener sheets are extremely reasonably priced, and because you are using a used sheet the smell will be quite faint without being completely overbearing.
These small techniques are great ways to make living with your pet much easier to do. There are plenty of problems that you may encounter with your pet, but knowing how to avoid these complications will allow everyone in your house to live together peacefully.
With pets becoming a very popular addition to most households there are plenty of occasions when a well planned home remedy can be extremely effective. Trying to ensure that life with your pet is just as happy as you have always dreamed is not always simple but if you are able to make some small adjustments to your lifestyle, you will be able to live happily with a healthy pet for a very long time.
The majority of problems that can be treated with home remedies for pets are extremely easy to handle. Most will involve pests of some sort, but if caught quickly it is not something that should overtake you. The vast majority of people are not comfortable with the little pests that tends to cling to their pets; this can range from fleas to ticks to even ear mites. Working to remove these from not only your pet but also your home is critical. If you ignore problems with various pests on your pets it can spread to your house itself rather quickly. This makes it critical that you invest the time to avoid pest problems before they start it any way possible.
The vast majority of pets will be prone to fleas at a minimum. Flea treatments themselves are not only expensive, but they are also extremely difficult to handle. They turn the pet greasy feeling as well which is not something most families are interested in when they have young children in the house especially. Working to avoid this need for chemical flea treatments really is possible, the first home remedy that you can try simply involves using the shampoo Pert Plus, this would allow you to quickly and easily remove the fleas. This is something that is quite easy and quick to do, especially since you are able to use this anytime you are giving your pet a bath and keep them smelling great as well.
There are also some serious issues with ticks that most people are just unable to accept. For the majority of problems with ticks sprinkling some Borax around the house, as well as your garden will work to help repel the little critters. This will help to substantially avoid the risk of your pets bringing ticks into the house by treating the yard. Additionally, by treating your entire house it will help to ensure you are not allowing any ticks to continue living along with your pets.
There are several ways to fight the smell that pets tend to acquire especially after playing outside when it is damp. The first place to begin is by taking a used fabric softener sheet and rubbing this over your pet once they come back inside will help to remove the smell. Other ways to remove the smell include using some of the sprays that are available at the pet store. The fabric softener sheets are extremely reasonably priced, and because you are using a used sheet the smell will be quite faint without being completely overbearing.
These small techniques are great ways to make living with your pet much easier to do. There are plenty of problems that you may encounter with your pet, but knowing how to avoid these complications will allow everyone in your house to live together peacefully.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Controlling Acid Reflux Using Natural Home Remedies
Controlling Acid Reflux Using Natural Home Remedies
By: http://www.skybluecross.com/en/
With acid reflux causing so many significant problems for so many Americans it is very important to ensure you can find relief as quickly as possible. What many people do not realize is that it is possible to find relief from the pain that acid reflux causes quite quickly as long as you know where to look. Of course, there are plenty of medications that you can purchase, however these tend to be extremely expensive, in addition to the fact that they are also accompanied by a large number of side effects. This combined with a rather large price rag for all of the treatment means it can be extremely difficult to even afford the relief.
Home remedies are fabulous for acid reflux because there are several options to try out. This can range from the extremely simple, to those techniques that are a bit more advanced. In order to find the best solution for your needs it is important to ensure you try out several different methods. This will allow you to really find which method is best for you. If you are interested in preventing acid reflux before it even starts you should seriously consider the foods that you are eating.
By adjusting your diet and omitting foods that are extremely spicy, you can typically lower the occurrence of acid reflux. However, it is also extremely important to ensure that you are not missing out on the foods that you really enjoy. If you happen to discover that there are several foods you thoroughly enjoy which tend to aggravate then you can always try taking two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses each day. Blackstrap molasses is available at most health stores and it is extremely effective in helping to reduce the occurrence of acid reflux.
Other ways to help reduce the amount of reflux you suffer from is to reduce the size of your meals. If you are only eating two or three large meals each day, you will have significantly more difficulties lowering your symptoms. An easy way to lower your symptoms is to break your meals down into six or even seven substantially smaller meals. By doing this, you are putting less pressure on your stomach, and helping to soothe the occurrence of acid reflux.
It is also helpful to adjust your bed a bit. If you are able to raise the angle of your bed by only 6 inches or so you can significantly reduce the amount of acid that is attempting to move up your body. This can be extremely helpful if you are finding yourself continuously suffering symptoms while you are trying to sleep. Not everyone finds this to be helpful, but for people who suffer acid reflux symptoms while they are trying to sleep it can be a significant help.
Other suggestions to follow include looking to see if you can add more apples into your diet. If you consume an apple after each meal, it is said to substantially lower the amount of acid that you have in your stomach. By eating more apples as well you are able to also add better foods to your diet, but it is important to ensure that you are eating the apple raw, rather than cooking it before eating.
As you can see, there are several different options available for you to help improve your overall health. Getting the most out of your life is not impossible, lowering the amount of acid reflux you suffer from really is possible, but it will take a good bit of effort on your behalf. Acid reflux is much better handled when you are making changes to your lifestyle and using natural home remedies to treat it. The time and expense that is associated with medical treatments is never any fun. This can all be avoided simply by looking towards some extremely effective home remedies and trying to ensure that you are thoroughly satisfied with how you feel.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com/en/
With acid reflux causing so many significant problems for so many Americans it is very important to ensure you can find relief as quickly as possible. What many people do not realize is that it is possible to find relief from the pain that acid reflux causes quite quickly as long as you know where to look. Of course, there are plenty of medications that you can purchase, however these tend to be extremely expensive, in addition to the fact that they are also accompanied by a large number of side effects. This combined with a rather large price rag for all of the treatment means it can be extremely difficult to even afford the relief.
Home remedies are fabulous for acid reflux because there are several options to try out. This can range from the extremely simple, to those techniques that are a bit more advanced. In order to find the best solution for your needs it is important to ensure you try out several different methods. This will allow you to really find which method is best for you. If you are interested in preventing acid reflux before it even starts you should seriously consider the foods that you are eating.
By adjusting your diet and omitting foods that are extremely spicy, you can typically lower the occurrence of acid reflux. However, it is also extremely important to ensure that you are not missing out on the foods that you really enjoy. If you happen to discover that there are several foods you thoroughly enjoy which tend to aggravate then you can always try taking two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses each day. Blackstrap molasses is available at most health stores and it is extremely effective in helping to reduce the occurrence of acid reflux.
Other ways to help reduce the amount of reflux you suffer from is to reduce the size of your meals. If you are only eating two or three large meals each day, you will have significantly more difficulties lowering your symptoms. An easy way to lower your symptoms is to break your meals down into six or even seven substantially smaller meals. By doing this, you are putting less pressure on your stomach, and helping to soothe the occurrence of acid reflux.
It is also helpful to adjust your bed a bit. If you are able to raise the angle of your bed by only 6 inches or so you can significantly reduce the amount of acid that is attempting to move up your body. This can be extremely helpful if you are finding yourself continuously suffering symptoms while you are trying to sleep. Not everyone finds this to be helpful, but for people who suffer acid reflux symptoms while they are trying to sleep it can be a significant help.
Other suggestions to follow include looking to see if you can add more apples into your diet. If you consume an apple after each meal, it is said to substantially lower the amount of acid that you have in your stomach. By eating more apples as well you are able to also add better foods to your diet, but it is important to ensure that you are eating the apple raw, rather than cooking it before eating.
As you can see, there are several different options available for you to help improve your overall health. Getting the most out of your life is not impossible, lowering the amount of acid reflux you suffer from really is possible, but it will take a good bit of effort on your behalf. Acid reflux is much better handled when you are making changes to your lifestyle and using natural home remedies to treat it. The time and expense that is associated with medical treatments is never any fun. This can all be avoided simply by looking towards some extremely effective home remedies and trying to ensure that you are thoroughly satisfied with how you feel.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Health Benefit of Strange health food--Artichokes
Health Benefit of Strange health food--Artichokes
Artichokes have been around for a long time, but did you know how nutritionally benificial they are?
Artichokes have been around for a long time. Originally found around the Mediterranean Sea, they were used by the ancient Romans to treat poor digestion.
Somewhere along the line, the Romans realized artichokes also made great appetizers, and they have been a traditional Italian food ever since.
The Latin name for this greenish-purple vegetable is Cynara scolymus. Sometimes called French or Globe artichoke, it's the flower of the plant that is sold in grocery stores. But don't confuse it with the Jerusalem artichoke, which is really a tuber that grows in North America.
One medium artichoke supplies 20 percent of the vitamin C you need for the day. With only 60 calories, it's also a good source of potassium and magnesium, both important for a healthy heart. And like most fruits and vegetables, it's packed with disease-fighting antioxidants that nutritionists rave about.
3 ways artichokes keep you healthy
Steps up digestion.
As it turns out, the ancient Romans were onto something when it comes to artichokes and digestion. An ingredient in artichoke leaves helps your liver form bile - something necessary for good digestion. If your liver doesn't produce enough bile, your food doesn't get broken down properly, and you end up with stomach pains and indigestion.
If you feel sick to your stomach, overly full, and have abdominal pain after eating a normal-sized meal, you may suffer from dyspepsia - a fancy name for poor digestion.
Several scientific studies showed dramatic improvements in people with dyspepsia after being treated with artichoke extracts. You can also get help for your indigestion the way the ancient Romans did - by eating a delicious artichoke with your dinner.
Chokes out heart disease.
Bile from your liver does more than help you digest food. It also helps break down cholesterol from the fat you eat. But a liver that doesn't produce enough bile lets too much cholesterol get by - kind of like the I Love Lucy episode where the chocolate assembly line starts moving too fast for her to keep up. People with liver problems can have high cholesterol even if they eat a low-fat diet.
That's where artichokes come in. Because they can help you make more bile, you might be able to lower your cholesterol by eating them. A study in Germany showed that taking artichoke extract for six weeks caused LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, to fall by more than 22 percent. As a bonus, artichokes might also be able to block some new cholesterol from forming in your liver.
Lowers blood sugar.
Your liver is busier than you might think. In addition to breaking down fatty foods, it also stores extra glucose (sugar) in the form of glycogen and turns it back into glucose whenever it gets a phone call from your blood saying that supplies are too low. This is a great system in a perfectly working body. But some people have faulty phone lines, and their livers work day and night cranking out glucose their blood doesn't need. This overproduction of glucose can lead to diabetes and other health problems.
In animal studies, researchers found that substances in artichokes kept livers from making too much glucose. More studies need to be done, but scientists think artichokes might someday be useful to people with noninsulin-dependent diabetes. In the future, people might use plants, like artichokes, to keep their blood sugar production in check.
Pantry pointers
Choose artichokes with even, green color. Don't buy any that look wilted, dried out, or moldy. Heavy, small heads are best.
Small artichokes are good for appetizers, and larger ones can be used for stuffing with a variety of fillings and served as an entree.
Be sure to trim about an inch off the top with a sharp knife. And then trim about one-quarter inch from the tips of the leaves since this part is inedible and rough on your hands.
Artichokes can be steamed in a steamer basket or boiled in water. They should be tender and ready to eat in about 30 minutes. If you're in a hurry, you can microwave them more quickly. First, rinse them with water to add some moisture. Then wrap each one in microwaveable plastic wrap. For four artichokes, microwave on high for 10 to 15 minutes or until the meaty part at the base of the artichoke is tender.
You can serve these veggies hot or cold. Some people serve a dipping sauce with artichokes. It would be a shame to ruin a lowfat food with a rich sauce, so try a low-calorie, yogurt-based dip.
If you've never eaten an artichoke, you might be a little confused about what part is edible. The outer leaves are hard and a little bitter, but at the bottom of the leaf, where they pull away from the stem, there is a soft, velvety hunk of "meat" that you can eat by gently pulling the leaf through your teeth. After you've nibbled all the leaves this way, you're left with the best part of the artichoke - the heart. This is a soft, nutty-flavored center that can be eaten whole. Just scrape off the soft fuzz with a spoon before you dig in.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Reasons for Home Remedies
Reasons for Home Remedies
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Have you heard of the green movement? You likely have heard of this, but do you really know what it means? There are thousands of people all around the world who are struggling to ensure they start living a healthier lifestyle. For many this includes looking towards home remedies that are safe, rather than ingesting large amounts of toxins into their body. If you find that you want to start avoiding toxins and instead treating ailments with home remedies you are certainly not alone. A bit of help to get started is always a welcome sign, and in this nature it can help you to discover some of the many reasons for home remedies.
One of the biggest reasons to use home remedies tends to revolve around money. In order to survive many people turn to home remedies as the perfect solution. Many people discover rather quickly that always running to the doctor is just not an option when you are left paying all of the medical bills that are involved. In order to really obtain the best results it is extremely important to know and understand that you are going to need to save some money and home remedies often make the perfect solution.
Going to the doctor can also be extremely embarrassing in some circumstances. Do you really want to explain to the doctor how you managed to glue yourself… to yourself? Most people are not interested in sharing overly embarrassing stories with anyone else, not even the person who is trying to help them. In this respect it is extremely important to look at all of the options that are available to you and see what you can do about trying to lighten up the stress on your shoulders by turning to a home remedy rather than trying to hide your head the next time you are forced to recount that uber embarrassing story.
Home remedies also work wonders for people who are not really interested in ingesting toxins as well. While many people believe strongly in modern medicine, there are even others who do not think that taking medication for every small problem in the world is the right answer. For these people home remedies represent a large amount of freedom that just cannot be ignored. Working to ensure that you get the very best results will often require a bit of dedication to research but many small problems such as colds, earaches and other small ailments can be treated safely at home with no complications.
It is also important to realize if you live out in the country that it can be difficult to locate a doctor precisely when you need them. This can make it extremely difficult and complex at times. If you are using home remedies, it can actually be much easier to treat those issues that ail you when going to a doctor simply just is not reasonable to do. Many people heavily discount the problem that can occur with driving a long distance to a doctor. Going when you live near the city is typically quite easy; however going when you live very far away is not always quite so simple to do at all.
With all of the benefits that home remedies tend to offer it can be overlooked just how simple they are. Home remedies abound for just about anything imaginable. From treating bug bites to riding your home of insects there is no reason at all why you should suffer with treatments that are expensive and not always effective. Often finding the right home remedy is all that stands between you and getting the actual benefit that you really want, at a price that is reasonable to you. Your comfort as well as the effectiveness of your remedy should be considered very carefully to ensure that you select the right remedy for you. After all, many different ailments offer several different remedies that can be quite beneficial to your needs.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Have you heard of the green movement? You likely have heard of this, but do you really know what it means? There are thousands of people all around the world who are struggling to ensure they start living a healthier lifestyle. For many this includes looking towards home remedies that are safe, rather than ingesting large amounts of toxins into their body. If you find that you want to start avoiding toxins and instead treating ailments with home remedies you are certainly not alone. A bit of help to get started is always a welcome sign, and in this nature it can help you to discover some of the many reasons for home remedies.
One of the biggest reasons to use home remedies tends to revolve around money. In order to survive many people turn to home remedies as the perfect solution. Many people discover rather quickly that always running to the doctor is just not an option when you are left paying all of the medical bills that are involved. In order to really obtain the best results it is extremely important to know and understand that you are going to need to save some money and home remedies often make the perfect solution.
Going to the doctor can also be extremely embarrassing in some circumstances. Do you really want to explain to the doctor how you managed to glue yourself… to yourself? Most people are not interested in sharing overly embarrassing stories with anyone else, not even the person who is trying to help them. In this respect it is extremely important to look at all of the options that are available to you and see what you can do about trying to lighten up the stress on your shoulders by turning to a home remedy rather than trying to hide your head the next time you are forced to recount that uber embarrassing story.
Home remedies also work wonders for people who are not really interested in ingesting toxins as well. While many people believe strongly in modern medicine, there are even others who do not think that taking medication for every small problem in the world is the right answer. For these people home remedies represent a large amount of freedom that just cannot be ignored. Working to ensure that you get the very best results will often require a bit of dedication to research but many small problems such as colds, earaches and other small ailments can be treated safely at home with no complications.
It is also important to realize if you live out in the country that it can be difficult to locate a doctor precisely when you need them. This can make it extremely difficult and complex at times. If you are using home remedies, it can actually be much easier to treat those issues that ail you when going to a doctor simply just is not reasonable to do. Many people heavily discount the problem that can occur with driving a long distance to a doctor. Going when you live near the city is typically quite easy; however going when you live very far away is not always quite so simple to do at all.
With all of the benefits that home remedies tend to offer it can be overlooked just how simple they are. Home remedies abound for just about anything imaginable. From treating bug bites to riding your home of insects there is no reason at all why you should suffer with treatments that are expensive and not always effective. Often finding the right home remedy is all that stands between you and getting the actual benefit that you really want, at a price that is reasonable to you. Your comfort as well as the effectiveness of your remedy should be considered very carefully to ensure that you select the right remedy for you. After all, many different ailments offer several different remedies that can be quite beneficial to your needs.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
How to Prepare Your Kid's Favorite Healthy Foods
Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods is a battle in your home? If so, you’ll love these tips that will make your kids happy and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are feeding them foods that are good for them.
Start the Day Right
You can give your kids a delicious, healthy breakfast by getting rid of the ready to eat cereals and pastries and replacing them with bran pancakes and low-sugar syrup and/or fruit. Whole-wheat tortillas filled with fruit, scrambled eggs, or cheese and turkey bacon are delicious and your kids will have fun eating them, paying no attention to the fact that it is actually good for them.
Naturally Sweet
Most kids will ask for sweets such as candy and snack cakes. Instead of giving in to the pressure, give your kids applesauce and homemade oatmeal cookies prepared with a sugar substitute or honey rather than white sugar. Fruit snacks and dried fruit roll ups made from 100 percent fruit are great ideas for kids.
Replace fruit drinks and sodas with flavored tonic water and fresh fruit juice. Drink boxes containing pure fruit juice are relatively inexpensive and kids love the individual boxes, complete with straws.
Make it Fun
The secret is in the presentation. Arrange an assortment of healthy foods in a fun way on your child's plate. You can include smiley faces made from raisins or nuts and choose foods that are colorful. Kids will eat most things if they are presented in a unique design that makes eating fun.
Healthy Dinner
Dinnertime can include homemade pizza topped with cheese and vegetables, or soft tacos made with shredded chicken and cheese. Chicken strips prepared in the oven are always a hit and you could include an assortment of fresh vegetables and whole-grain breads. Fish sticks are relatively healthy if you prepare them in the oven rather than fried. Cheese and legumes are healthy choices.
It's not difficult to get kids to eat healthy foods. It just takes a little extra thought and planning. Start by using our tips and you may be surprised to see what your child will eat.
How to Prepare Your Kid's Favorite Healthy Foods
Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods is a battle in your home? If so, you’ll love these tips that will make your kids happy and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are feeding them foods that are good for them.
Start the Day Right
You can give your kids a delicious, healthy breakfast by getting rid of the ready to eat cereals and pastries and replacing them with bran pancakes and low-sugar syrup and/or fruit. Whole-wheat tortillas filled with fruit, scrambled eggs, or cheese and turkey bacon are delicious and your kids will have fun eating them, paying no attention to the fact that it is actually good for them.
Naturally Sweet
Most kids will ask for sweets such as candy and snack cakes. Instead of giving in to the pressure, give your kids applesauce and homemade oatmeal cookies prepared with a sugar substitute or honey rather than white sugar. Fruit snacks and dried fruit roll ups made from 100 percent fruit are great ideas for kids.
Replace fruit drinks and sodas with flavored tonic water and fresh fruit juice. Drink boxes containing pure fruit juice are relatively inexpensive and kids love the individual boxes, complete with straws.
Make it Fun
The secret is in the presentation. Arrange an assortment of healthy foods in a fun way on your child's plate. You can include smiley faces made from raisins or nuts and choose foods that are colorful. Kids will eat most things if they are presented in a unique design that makes eating fun.
Healthy Dinner
Dinnertime can include homemade pizza topped with cheese and vegetables, or soft tacos made with shredded chicken and cheese. Chicken strips prepared in the oven are always a hit and you could include an assortment of fresh vegetables and whole-grain breads. Fish sticks are relatively healthy if you prepare them in the oven rather than fried. Cheese and legumes are healthy choices.
It's not difficult to get kids to eat healthy foods. It just takes a little extra thought and planning. Start by using our tips and you may be surprised to see what your child will eat.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Be Careful Five "Health Foods" That May Be Making You Sick!
Be Careful Five "Health Foods" That May Be Making You Sick!
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Be Careful Five "Health Foods" That May Be Making You Sick!
There are many of us who are dieting and trying to live a healthy lifestyle. We exercise and go out of our way to eat the best foods we can. Most of us already know that trans-fats, white sugar and white flour are not the best health choices, especially if we want to keep our weight down.
Unfortunately some of the very foods that we think are healthy are ones that can cause a lot of trouble for our bodies, and even make us ill. Below is a list of some surprisingly unhealthy “health foods.”
Artificial Sweeteners
Many people who are dieting, whether it is low calorie or low carb diets, will opt for beverages with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Admittedly sugar is certainly a troublemaker and should be avoided, but artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you and could even be dangerous to your health.
All the artificial sweeteners are bad, but one of the worst sweeteners for us is NutraSweet (Equal, aspartame). There are over 92 different health related side effects associated with aspartame consumption, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. There are more adverse reactions to NutraSweet reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives combined.
A much better alternative to chemically derived sweeteners is stevia, which comes from a plant. It has been used for centuries with no know side effects. It can be purchased in most health food stores in the United States.
Sports Drinks
Although marketers would have us believe that sports drinks are what the body needs when exercising heavily, the truth is that sports drinks are filled with sugar (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) and salt (potassium and sodium) as well as artificial flavorings and colorings. Add a little salt to Cool-Aid and you have about the same thing. You would be much better off drinking spring water or diluted freshly squeezed juices while exercising.
Most Energy and Sports Bars
Most sports and bars are also filled with things that are not the best for our bodies, and are little better than candy bars. Many of them contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, chemicals, preservatives, and synthetic nutrients. Check the ingredients before you buy an energy bar. Try to find one that is made with whole foods, such as oats and flax seeds, fruits, and natural sweeteners.
Soy Products
This is one of the most surprising ones of all, after all soy has been used for countless generations in Asia. But the way we now use soy is very different than the way the Asians have traditionally used it. The ancient Asians knew that the soybean was hard to digest, so they had extensive fermenting processes that broke down most of the indigestible components, making it much healthier to eat. Examples of this would be products like soy sauce, tempeh, and miso. These were used in small amounts as condiments and flavorings, not as a meat replacement.
But the way we use soy as a meat alternative (texturized vegetable protein or TVP) can be very unhealthy, since soy contains large amounts of toxins or anti-nutrients. Some of the problems the anti-nutrients in soybeans cause are conditions of the pancreas, cancer and thyroid problems. Soybeans also can block the body’s absorption of essential minerals.
Granola (and Other Unprepared Grains)
For the last 30-40 years granola has been synonymous with heath food. But eating unprepared grains, or grains that have not been soaked, fermented or sprouted, has only come about in the last 50-100 years. People who lived before our time understood that unprepared grains could cause dietary distress.
There are anti-nutrients in grains (like there are in soybeans), such as phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, that make them harder to digest. These antinutrients can cause serious problems like Crohn's disease, colitis, and even mental disorders. Our failure to prepare our grains properly is one of the reasons that celactic disease is so prevalent now.
So, stay away from the granola. Oatmeal is an excellent addition to our diets, but use whole rolled oats (not instant) and soak them overnight before boiling them for breakfast. Go to our recipe blog at http://coconut-recipes.blogspot.com for a good recipe for coconut oatmeal.
Good breads to eat are those that have properly prepared grains, including whole grain sourdough and sprouted grain breads. You can usually find these in specialty grocery stores and health food stores.
If you are trying to lose weight and/or eat healthier, remember that just because a company markets a “healthy” product well or a health food store sells it, it doesn’t mean that it is really healthy for you. Do some research before you grab that sports bar, or better yet, reach for an organic apple, cherries, or some other natural (not processed) food. Your body will thank you and reward you for it.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Be Careful Five "Health Foods" That May Be Making You Sick!
There are many of us who are dieting and trying to live a healthy lifestyle. We exercise and go out of our way to eat the best foods we can. Most of us already know that trans-fats, white sugar and white flour are not the best health choices, especially if we want to keep our weight down.
Unfortunately some of the very foods that we think are healthy are ones that can cause a lot of trouble for our bodies, and even make us ill. Below is a list of some surprisingly unhealthy “health foods.”
Artificial Sweeteners
Many people who are dieting, whether it is low calorie or low carb diets, will opt for beverages with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Admittedly sugar is certainly a troublemaker and should be avoided, but artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you and could even be dangerous to your health.
All the artificial sweeteners are bad, but one of the worst sweeteners for us is NutraSweet (Equal, aspartame). There are over 92 different health related side effects associated with aspartame consumption, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. There are more adverse reactions to NutraSweet reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives combined.
A much better alternative to chemically derived sweeteners is stevia, which comes from a plant. It has been used for centuries with no know side effects. It can be purchased in most health food stores in the United States.
Sports Drinks
Although marketers would have us believe that sports drinks are what the body needs when exercising heavily, the truth is that sports drinks are filled with sugar (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) and salt (potassium and sodium) as well as artificial flavorings and colorings. Add a little salt to Cool-Aid and you have about the same thing. You would be much better off drinking spring water or diluted freshly squeezed juices while exercising.
Most Energy and Sports Bars
Most sports and bars are also filled with things that are not the best for our bodies, and are little better than candy bars. Many of them contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, chemicals, preservatives, and synthetic nutrients. Check the ingredients before you buy an energy bar. Try to find one that is made with whole foods, such as oats and flax seeds, fruits, and natural sweeteners.
Soy Products
This is one of the most surprising ones of all, after all soy has been used for countless generations in Asia. But the way we now use soy is very different than the way the Asians have traditionally used it. The ancient Asians knew that the soybean was hard to digest, so they had extensive fermenting processes that broke down most of the indigestible components, making it much healthier to eat. Examples of this would be products like soy sauce, tempeh, and miso. These were used in small amounts as condiments and flavorings, not as a meat replacement.
But the way we use soy as a meat alternative (texturized vegetable protein or TVP) can be very unhealthy, since soy contains large amounts of toxins or anti-nutrients. Some of the problems the anti-nutrients in soybeans cause are conditions of the pancreas, cancer and thyroid problems. Soybeans also can block the body’s absorption of essential minerals.
Granola (and Other Unprepared Grains)
For the last 30-40 years granola has been synonymous with heath food. But eating unprepared grains, or grains that have not been soaked, fermented or sprouted, has only come about in the last 50-100 years. People who lived before our time understood that unprepared grains could cause dietary distress.
There are anti-nutrients in grains (like there are in soybeans), such as phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, that make them harder to digest. These antinutrients can cause serious problems like Crohn's disease, colitis, and even mental disorders. Our failure to prepare our grains properly is one of the reasons that celactic disease is so prevalent now.
So, stay away from the granola. Oatmeal is an excellent addition to our diets, but use whole rolled oats (not instant) and soak them overnight before boiling them for breakfast. Go to our recipe blog at http://coconut-recipes.blogspot.com for a good recipe for coconut oatmeal.
Good breads to eat are those that have properly prepared grains, including whole grain sourdough and sprouted grain breads. You can usually find these in specialty grocery stores and health food stores.
If you are trying to lose weight and/or eat healthier, remember that just because a company markets a “healthy” product well or a health food store sells it, it doesn’t mean that it is really healthy for you. Do some research before you grab that sports bar, or better yet, reach for an organic apple, cherries, or some other natural (not processed) food. Your body will thank you and reward you for it.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
How to Choose Healthy Food ?
How to Choose Healthy Food ?
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
If it’s Thursday afternoon, you have thirty minutes to get from work, go by the house and pickup Heath, Jamie’s already at basketball practice, oh, and what about dinner? Does this scenario seem familiar? If you’re a working Mom, I can promise that it is a familiar scene.
So how do you make healthy food choices, when you only have fifteen minutes to prepare your meals? Well, the first thing you should realize is that quite often, healthy choices do not necessarily equate to two hour meals. You can make healthy food choices that are as quick to prepare or pickup as the unhealthy ones.
For example, sub sandwiches are a healthier alternative than pizza or burger and fries, but do not really take any longer to pickup. Salads can be prepared in just a few short minutes, and provide for the necessary vegetable daily requirement. Don’ care for the usual salad? Make a Waldorf or fruit salad, either way you’ve changed it up a bit, and still provided a health choice. As for the dressing, oil based or vinegar based dressings are much better for you than the cream based, and are really more tasteful.
Okay, suppose salads aren’t what your kids like. What about other prepared foods that are also healthy foods? Healthy Choice is a brand of frozen entrees or meals that take only a few minutes in the microwave to prepare, and are still healthy alternatives. Baked rather than fried is always a better choice, and many supermarkets today offer baked products fresh from their bakery, ready to go.
Still aren’t satisfied? You want a place to go and actually sit down and eat. There are still many healthy alternatives for a family when going to eat at a restaurant. Restaurants that offer buffet style meals are great choices. Thanks to many of the health conscious consumers out there, buffets have added baked, broiled, and fresh food choices to the display.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually always available on food bars, along with broiled or steamed vegetables. Meats are just about as varied, with many of the choices being offered in a fried and baked option. And if you’re up for dessert, watermelons and grapes are just as satisfying as the Boston cream pie.
You can always throw up objections when it comes to healthy eating, the real trick is in realizing it’s your body that will suffer. Or your children that will suffer from the unhealthy choices you make. Why not start with healthy options, set the right example, and you will have children that make health conscious intelligent decisions about their eating.
Okay, now back to our Thursday afternoon juggling act. You’ve dropped Heath at baseball practice, picked Jamie up from basketball, and you have exactly fifteen minutes to make a decision about dinner. As you sit at the red-light contemplating your options, there is a Subway, a Pizza Hut, and a grocery store with a deli in the same shopping center. How can this still be a difficult choice to make?
DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
If it’s Thursday afternoon, you have thirty minutes to get from work, go by the house and pickup Heath, Jamie’s already at basketball practice, oh, and what about dinner? Does this scenario seem familiar? If you’re a working Mom, I can promise that it is a familiar scene.
So how do you make healthy food choices, when you only have fifteen minutes to prepare your meals? Well, the first thing you should realize is that quite often, healthy choices do not necessarily equate to two hour meals. You can make healthy food choices that are as quick to prepare or pickup as the unhealthy ones.
For example, sub sandwiches are a healthier alternative than pizza or burger and fries, but do not really take any longer to pickup. Salads can be prepared in just a few short minutes, and provide for the necessary vegetable daily requirement. Don’ care for the usual salad? Make a Waldorf or fruit salad, either way you’ve changed it up a bit, and still provided a health choice. As for the dressing, oil based or vinegar based dressings are much better for you than the cream based, and are really more tasteful.
Okay, suppose salads aren’t what your kids like. What about other prepared foods that are also healthy foods? Healthy Choice is a brand of frozen entrees or meals that take only a few minutes in the microwave to prepare, and are still healthy alternatives. Baked rather than fried is always a better choice, and many supermarkets today offer baked products fresh from their bakery, ready to go.
Still aren’t satisfied? You want a place to go and actually sit down and eat. There are still many healthy alternatives for a family when going to eat at a restaurant. Restaurants that offer buffet style meals are great choices. Thanks to many of the health conscious consumers out there, buffets have added baked, broiled, and fresh food choices to the display.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually always available on food bars, along with broiled or steamed vegetables. Meats are just about as varied, with many of the choices being offered in a fried and baked option. And if you’re up for dessert, watermelons and grapes are just as satisfying as the Boston cream pie.
You can always throw up objections when it comes to healthy eating, the real trick is in realizing it’s your body that will suffer. Or your children that will suffer from the unhealthy choices you make. Why not start with healthy options, set the right example, and you will have children that make health conscious intelligent decisions about their eating.
Okay, now back to our Thursday afternoon juggling act. You’ve dropped Heath at baseball practice, picked Jamie up from basketball, and you have exactly fifteen minutes to make a decision about dinner. As you sit at the red-light contemplating your options, there is a Subway, a Pizza Hut, and a grocery store with a deli in the same shopping center. How can this still be a difficult choice to make?
DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
How to Free Stress with Home Remedies
By: http://www.skybluecross.com/
If you are suddenly finding yourself nervous, scared, really worried and have no clue why you are feeling this way you could discover that you are part of a growing trend of people suffering from anxiety. This is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something that demands a large amount of medication to treat. Of course, there are some people who can only find relief from anxiety in prescription drugs, but many others find some more natural solutions in home remedies that are extremely effective. Working to find the best solution for you can be a rather trying experience, but there are plenty of great home remedies for anxiety that can prove to be extremely effective.
It is largely reported by people suffering from anxiety that they feel much more anxious after they have consumed large amounts of alcohol. This points to cutting back the intake of alcohol as one of the most effective treatments that you can do to reduce your anxiety level. If we must be brutally honest though, this will have a limited effect. After all, if you are only a slight social drinker there will be very little you can do to reduce your intake further. This means this particular method is much more suited for those who tend to drink at least a few drinks a week.
Other suggestions include getting as much sleep as possible to ensure you are well rested. A lack of sleep has been attributed to increasing the occurrence of anxiety attacks. In addition to the additional rest as needed taking some additional B vitamins such as can be found in most vitamin supplements has also shown great promise to help relieve symptoms. An additional benefit to the vitamins is the ability to allow you to pick up any additional nutrients that you might be missing out on due to your typical dietary habits.
Many people have had great amounts of success by limiting their intakes of sweetener’s as well. This includes natural sugar, as well as the artificial sweeteners. In order to really obtain the biggest benefit you should try to watch your reactions to certain sweeteners. There are some that can make the problems worse for you, while others may not bother you in particular. If there is a sweetener that you can safely use, it is important to stay with it, while avoiding the others that tend to aggravate your anxiety.
Due to the increase in nervousness, it is also recommended that you avoid any products that are extremely high in caffeine. Because caffeine is extremely likely to spike anxiety many people who are anxious tend to suffer much more than necessary. Reducing caffeine intake can often provide some rather rapid differences that might otherwise never come. If you are in a habit of drinking coffee each morning, you can simply switch to decaffeinated in order to reduce your caffeine intake while still enjoying your morning cup of coffee.
Another suggested home remedy that has provided great benefits is getting up and starting to walk around or exercise whenever you feel extremely anxious. By getting up and moving around you are taking your mind off of the anxiety that you are feeling and allowing yourself to slowly clam down at your own pace. This is extremely effective for most people since it will allow you to refocus your attention to the activity that you are doing, rather than on the actual anxiety that you are presently feeling.
By avoiding the use of medication to treat anxiety you are sure to feel much better about yourself. Additionally you will be able to avoid many of the harsh side effects that are otherwise experienced in the treatment. It may take a while to find the perfect solution for your needs depending on exactly what factors are encouraging the stress, but a solution really is possible with the right effort.
If you are suddenly finding yourself nervous, scared, really worried and have no clue why you are feeling this way you could discover that you are part of a growing trend of people suffering from anxiety. This is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something that demands a large amount of medication to treat. Of course, there are some people who can only find relief from anxiety in prescription drugs, but many others find some more natural solutions in home remedies that are extremely effective. Working to find the best solution for you can be a rather trying experience, but there are plenty of great home remedies for anxiety that can prove to be extremely effective.
It is largely reported by people suffering from anxiety that they feel much more anxious after they have consumed large amounts of alcohol. This points to cutting back the intake of alcohol as one of the most effective treatments that you can do to reduce your anxiety level. If we must be brutally honest though, this will have a limited effect. After all, if you are only a slight social drinker there will be very little you can do to reduce your intake further. This means this particular method is much more suited for those who tend to drink at least a few drinks a week.
Other suggestions include getting as much sleep as possible to ensure you are well rested. A lack of sleep has been attributed to increasing the occurrence of anxiety attacks. In addition to the additional rest as needed taking some additional B vitamins such as can be found in most vitamin supplements has also shown great promise to help relieve symptoms. An additional benefit to the vitamins is the ability to allow you to pick up any additional nutrients that you might be missing out on due to your typical dietary habits.
Many people have had great amounts of success by limiting their intakes of sweetener’s as well. This includes natural sugar, as well as the artificial sweeteners. In order to really obtain the biggest benefit you should try to watch your reactions to certain sweeteners. There are some that can make the problems worse for you, while others may not bother you in particular. If there is a sweetener that you can safely use, it is important to stay with it, while avoiding the others that tend to aggravate your anxiety.
Due to the increase in nervousness, it is also recommended that you avoid any products that are extremely high in caffeine. Because caffeine is extremely likely to spike anxiety many people who are anxious tend to suffer much more than necessary. Reducing caffeine intake can often provide some rather rapid differences that might otherwise never come. If you are in a habit of drinking coffee each morning, you can simply switch to decaffeinated in order to reduce your caffeine intake while still enjoying your morning cup of coffee.
Another suggested home remedy that has provided great benefits is getting up and starting to walk around or exercise whenever you feel extremely anxious. By getting up and moving around you are taking your mind off of the anxiety that you are feeling and allowing yourself to slowly clam down at your own pace. This is extremely effective for most people since it will allow you to refocus your attention to the activity that you are doing, rather than on the actual anxiety that you are presently feeling.
By avoiding the use of medication to treat anxiety you are sure to feel much better about yourself. Additionally you will be able to avoid many of the harsh side effects that are otherwise experienced in the treatment. It may take a while to find the perfect solution for your needs depending on exactly what factors are encouraging the stress, but a solution really is possible with the right effort.
Monday, 12 November 2012
How to Fight Baldness with Home Remedies
How to Fight Baldness with Home Remedies
Of course, nobody likes the idea of being bald; this is something that affects a lot of men as well as women though. Working to regrow hair is not always easy; this can also cause a substantial amount of stress as you are trying everything under the sun to make hair actually grow back. Fret not, there are several home remedies that have been known to actually work, just finding what will work best for you is extremely time consuming since you need to give each remedy a chance to actually work.
How do you feel about onions? Most people are not huge fans of onion, particularly the smell. The benefits to your scalp are potentially huge though. Did you even stop to consider that the same food you put on your hamburger could also help you to regrow a bit of hair? This is a concept that is out of the realm for most people, but it is true. Taking a piece of onion and rubbing it over the bald part of your head until it is slightly red then applying honey for a short period has been known to help improve the circulation of the scalp and in turn improve hair growth.
Another popular choice is the usage of coconut milk and also a bit of aloe vera gel. By mixing together equal parts of the gel and coconut milk you will have a nice paste that you can use to spread around on your scalp and help stimulate the hair follicles to regrow hair. It is very important that you leave the treatment on for at least thirty minutes each time and do this a minimum of three times each week. After a couple of weeks, you should begin to notice some very small hairs regrowing.
Everyone knows that apple cider vinegar is a truly remarkable remedy. This can also be used to assist in hair growth as well. Adding this to the already long list of remedies that apple cider vinegar is capable of is certainly a shock for some people, but it is a reality. Add equal parts of the apple cider vinegar to a bit of sage tea and use it to rinse out the hair. This will help to also stimulate the hair follicles and help you to find a bit of fuzz regrowing.
If you do not see any immediate improvements try not to give up all of the hopes you have at first. There are several reasons why you might not see immediate results; this can range from a bad diet, to stress, to even problems with your overall health. Instead of looking to purchase any expensive treatments always take a bit of time to see a doctor and ensure that you are not experiencing any serious medical problems that could be impacting your hair growth negatively.
Perhaps the doctor will be able to find a problem, which would allow the remedy to work better. If nothing else, this would allow you to determine for certain that the remedy is not effective for your needs so that you can move onto pick out a new remedy to work with. Never just struggle along trying to force a remedy to work that is not effective. There are far too many choices that can help you to continue struggling for success.
Of course, nobody likes the idea of being bald; this is something that affects a lot of men as well as women though. Working to regrow hair is not always easy; this can also cause a substantial amount of stress as you are trying everything under the sun to make hair actually grow back. Fret not, there are several home remedies that have been known to actually work, just finding what will work best for you is extremely time consuming since you need to give each remedy a chance to actually work.
How do you feel about onions? Most people are not huge fans of onion, particularly the smell. The benefits to your scalp are potentially huge though. Did you even stop to consider that the same food you put on your hamburger could also help you to regrow a bit of hair? This is a concept that is out of the realm for most people, but it is true. Taking a piece of onion and rubbing it over the bald part of your head until it is slightly red then applying honey for a short period has been known to help improve the circulation of the scalp and in turn improve hair growth.
Another popular choice is the usage of coconut milk and also a bit of aloe vera gel. By mixing together equal parts of the gel and coconut milk you will have a nice paste that you can use to spread around on your scalp and help stimulate the hair follicles to regrow hair. It is very important that you leave the treatment on for at least thirty minutes each time and do this a minimum of three times each week. After a couple of weeks, you should begin to notice some very small hairs regrowing.
Everyone knows that apple cider vinegar is a truly remarkable remedy. This can also be used to assist in hair growth as well. Adding this to the already long list of remedies that apple cider vinegar is capable of is certainly a shock for some people, but it is a reality. Add equal parts of the apple cider vinegar to a bit of sage tea and use it to rinse out the hair. This will help to also stimulate the hair follicles and help you to find a bit of fuzz regrowing.
If you do not see any immediate improvements try not to give up all of the hopes you have at first. There are several reasons why you might not see immediate results; this can range from a bad diet, to stress, to even problems with your overall health. Instead of looking to purchase any expensive treatments always take a bit of time to see a doctor and ensure that you are not experiencing any serious medical problems that could be impacting your hair growth negatively.
Perhaps the doctor will be able to find a problem, which would allow the remedy to work better. If nothing else, this would allow you to determine for certain that the remedy is not effective for your needs so that you can move onto pick out a new remedy to work with. Never just struggle along trying to force a remedy to work that is not effective. There are far too many choices that can help you to continue struggling for success.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Taking Action to Reduce Back Pain
Taking Action to Reduce Back Pain
By: http://www.skybluecross.com/
The song, “My ankle bone is connected to my knee bone,’ comes to mind each time I write articles on back pain. Now I know why. Each bone within the structures of the skeletal muscles plays a vital part in our health. If any of these bones, muscles, tendons, etc are disturbed it can lead to serious back problems. Back problems include slipped herniated disks, broken back, fractures, and so on. Each condition is caused from a string of actions, activities, incorrect movement, overexertion, etc, which exceptions include disease.
Back pain is complex, since various aspects of the human makeup creates such pain. For instance, connective tissues can lead to serious back pain, quicker than bursa bruising. The baffling mechanisms behind back pain has lead scores of doctors off shore, since many struggle to see that the central nervous system alongside the spinal columns play a vital part in back pain creation.
According to statistics over a million people on a daily ricketier scale suffers either minor or severe back pain. About ½ or more of these people could have prevented back pain, and found relief without seeking medical treatment. The other half of this unstable, million scale may endure back pain for their course of their life, since they fail to use practicality in resolving the problem.
In some cases, such as a 1/3 of the ricketier scale of people, surgery is performed to correct the problems. Surgery often leads to major complications, including severe back pain. Go figure, yet surgical procedures are unhealthy and its history has proven this notion. Even if you damage a shoulder ligament or tendon, you can take measures to avert surgery and relieve your pain.
Did you know that loosing weight could reduce back pain? Obesity is spreading throughout the world and in every corner, thus adding pressure to the muscles, which lead to back pain. “Oh my feet are killing me,’ which is commonly heard. What this person fails to realize is that he/she may be overweight, wearing the wrong shoes, and overexerting the bearing joints. We can stop this pain in its track by wearing correct shoes, loosing weight, and remove excessive weight from the weight-bearing joints and muscles. The problem is more and more people are gaining weight, since our FDA has allowed additives in to meats, which promote cravings. Practicality tells us that organics is the way to stop FDA and meat manufacturers in their tracks, as well as stopping obesity to a large grade.
In view of the fact, you can graduate my dear “Sir Watson,” from elementary and move up to college.
How to relieve pain from slipped herniated disks?
You can choose the right way or the wrong way to relieve herniated disk damage. The wrong way can include alcoholism and drugs, which lead to bigger problems.
Ultimately, you can ignore the problem, continue adding weight and pressure to the area, and finally spend the rest of your life, lying down. On the other hand, you can learn how to lean and bend correctly, curl to relieve pain, loose weight (If applicable), wear correct fitting shoes, and so forth.
Did you know that curling up in a proper fetal position can reduce pain and agony at the back caused from herniated slipped disks? Well, get on your side and curl those knees up to your chest so you can find out for yourself. When you finish, let me know how you feel. When curling into a fetal position, place a cushion or pillow amid your knees and avoid folding tightly. Do not elevate the hips.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com/
The song, “My ankle bone is connected to my knee bone,’ comes to mind each time I write articles on back pain. Now I know why. Each bone within the structures of the skeletal muscles plays a vital part in our health. If any of these bones, muscles, tendons, etc are disturbed it can lead to serious back problems. Back problems include slipped herniated disks, broken back, fractures, and so on. Each condition is caused from a string of actions, activities, incorrect movement, overexertion, etc, which exceptions include disease.
Back pain is complex, since various aspects of the human makeup creates such pain. For instance, connective tissues can lead to serious back pain, quicker than bursa bruising. The baffling mechanisms behind back pain has lead scores of doctors off shore, since many struggle to see that the central nervous system alongside the spinal columns play a vital part in back pain creation.
According to statistics over a million people on a daily ricketier scale suffers either minor or severe back pain. About ½ or more of these people could have prevented back pain, and found relief without seeking medical treatment. The other half of this unstable, million scale may endure back pain for their course of their life, since they fail to use practicality in resolving the problem.
In some cases, such as a 1/3 of the ricketier scale of people, surgery is performed to correct the problems. Surgery often leads to major complications, including severe back pain. Go figure, yet surgical procedures are unhealthy and its history has proven this notion. Even if you damage a shoulder ligament or tendon, you can take measures to avert surgery and relieve your pain.
Did you know that loosing weight could reduce back pain? Obesity is spreading throughout the world and in every corner, thus adding pressure to the muscles, which lead to back pain. “Oh my feet are killing me,’ which is commonly heard. What this person fails to realize is that he/she may be overweight, wearing the wrong shoes, and overexerting the bearing joints. We can stop this pain in its track by wearing correct shoes, loosing weight, and remove excessive weight from the weight-bearing joints and muscles. The problem is more and more people are gaining weight, since our FDA has allowed additives in to meats, which promote cravings. Practicality tells us that organics is the way to stop FDA and meat manufacturers in their tracks, as well as stopping obesity to a large grade.
In view of the fact, you can graduate my dear “Sir Watson,” from elementary and move up to college.
How to relieve pain from slipped herniated disks?
You can choose the right way or the wrong way to relieve herniated disk damage. The wrong way can include alcoholism and drugs, which lead to bigger problems.
Ultimately, you can ignore the problem, continue adding weight and pressure to the area, and finally spend the rest of your life, lying down. On the other hand, you can learn how to lean and bend correctly, curl to relieve pain, loose weight (If applicable), wear correct fitting shoes, and so forth.
Did you know that curling up in a proper fetal position can reduce pain and agony at the back caused from herniated slipped disks? Well, get on your side and curl those knees up to your chest so you can find out for yourself. When you finish, let me know how you feel. When curling into a fetal position, place a cushion or pillow amid your knees and avoid folding tightly. Do not elevate the hips.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
The Important of Food Elements
The Important of Food ElementsBy: http://www.skybluecross.com
The purposes of food are to promote growth, to supply force and heat, and to furnish material to repair the waste which is constantly taking place in the body. Every breath, every thought, every motion, wears out some portion of the delicate and wonderful house in which we live. Various vital processes remove these worn and useless particles; and to keep the body in health, their loss must be made good by constantly renewed supplies of material properly adapted to replenish the worn and impaired tissues. This renovating material must be supplied through the medium of food and drink, and the best food is that by which the desired end may be most readily and perfectly attained. The great diversity in character of the several tissues of the body, makes it necessary that food should contain a variety of elements, in order that each part may be properly nourished and replenished.
The food elements.
The various elements found in food are the following: Starch, sugar, fats, albumen, mineral substances, indigestible substances.
The digestible food elements are often grouped, according to their chemical composition, into three classes; vis., carbonaceous, nitrogenous, and inorganic. The carbonaceous class includes starch, sugar, and fats; the nitrogenous, all albuminous elements; and the inorganic comprises the mineral elements.
Starch is only found in vegetable foods; all grains, most vegetables, and some fruits, contain starch in abundance. Several kinds of sugar are made in nature's laboratory; cane, grape, fruit, and milk sugar. The first is obtained from the sugar-cane, the sap of maple trees, and from the beet root. Grape and fruit sugars are found in most fruits and in honey. Milk sugar is one of the constituents of milk. Glucose, an artificial sugar resembling grape sugar, is now largely manufactured by subjecting the starch of corn or potatoes to a chemical process; but it lacks the sweetness of natural sugars, and is by no means a proper substitute for them. Albumen is found in its purest, uncombined state in the white of an egg, which is almost wholly composed of albumen. It exists, combined with other food elements, in many other foods, both animal and vegetable. It is found abundant in oatmeal, and to some extent in the other grains, and in the juices of vegetables. All natural foods contain elements which in many respects resemble albumen, and are so closely allied to it that for convenience they are usually classified under the general name of "albumen." The chief of these is gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley. Casein, found in peas, beans, and milk, and the fibrin of flesh, are elements of this class.
Fats are found in both animal and vegetable foods. Of animal fats, butter and suet are common examples. In vegetable form, fat is abundant in nuts, peas, beans, in various of the grains, and in a few fruits, as the olive. As furnished by nature in nuts, legumes, grains, fruits, and milk, this element is always found in a state of fine subdivision, which condition is the one best adapted to its digestion. As most commonly used, in the form of free fats, as butter, lard, etc., it is not only difficult of digestion itself, but often interferes with the digestion of the other food elements which are mixed with it. It was doubtless never intended that fats should be so modified from their natural condition and separated from other food elements as to be used as a separate article of food. The same may be said of the other carbonaceous elements, sugar and starch, neither of which, when used alone, is capable of sustaining life, although when combined in a proper and natural manner with other food elements, they perform a most important part in the nutrition of the body. Most foods contain a percentage of the mineral elements. Grains and milk furnish these elements in abundance. The cellulose, or woody tissue, of vegetables, and the bran of wheat, are examples of indigestible elements, which although they cannot be converted into blood in tissue, serve an important purpose by giving bulk to the food.
With the exception of gluten, none of the food elements, when used alone, are capable of supporting life. A true food substance contains some of all the food elements, the amount of each varying in different foods.
Uses of the food elements.
Concerning the purpose which these different elements serve, it has been demonstrated by the experiments of eminent physiologists that the carbonaceous elements, which in general comprise the greater bulk of the food, serve three purposes in the body;
1. They furnish material for the production of heat;
2. They are a source of force when taken in connection with other food elements;
3. They replenish the fatty tissues of the body. Of the carbonaceous elements, starch, sugar, and fats, fats produce the greatest amount of heat in proportion to quantity; that is, more heat is developed from a pound of fat than from an equal weight of sugar or starch; but this apparent advantage is more than counterbalanced by the fact that fats are much more difficult of digestion than are the other carbonaceous elements, and if relied upon to furnish adequate material for bodily heat, would be productive of much mischief in overtaxing and producing disease of the digestive organs. The fact that nature has made a much more ample provision of starch and sugars than of fats in man's natural diet, would seem to indicate that they were intended to be the chief source of carbonaceous food; nevertheless, fats, when taken in such proportion as nature supplies them, are necessary and important food elements.
The nitrogenous food elements especially nourish the brain, nerves, muscles, and all the more highly vitalized and active tissues of the body, and also serve as a stimulus to tissue change. Hence it may be said that a food deficient in these elements is a particularly poor food.
The inorganic elements, chief of which are the phosphates, in the carbonates of potash, soda, and lime, aid in furnishing the requisite building material for bones and nerves.
Proper combinations of foods.
While it is important that our food should contain some of all the various food elements, experiments upon both animals and human beings show it is necessary that these elements, especially the nitrogenous and carbonaceous, be used in certain definite proportions, as the system is only able to appropriate a certain amount of each; and all excess, especially of nitrogenous elements, is not only useless, but even injurious, since to rid the system of the surplus imposes an additional task upon the digestive and excretory organs. The relative proportion of these elements necessary to constitute a food which perfectly meets the requirements of the system, is six of carbonaceous to one of nitrogenous. Scientists have devoted much careful study and experimentation to the determination of the quantities of each of the food elements required for the daily nourishment of individuals under the varying conditions of life, and it has come to be commonly accepted that of the nitrogenous material which should constitute one sixth of the nutrients taken, about three ounces is all that can be made use of in twenty-four hours, by a healthy adult of average weight, doing a moderate amount of work. Many articles of food are, however, deficient in one or the other of these elements, and need to be supplemented by other articles containing the deficient element in superabundance, since to employ a dietary in which any one of the nutritive elements is lacking, although in bulk it may be all the digestive organs can manage, is really starvation, and will in time occasion serious results.
It is thus apparent that much care should be exercised in the selection and combination of food materials. Such knowledge is of first importance in the education of cooks and housekeepers, since to them falls the selection of the food for the daily needs of the household; and they should not only understand what foods are best suited to supply these needs, but how to combine them in accordance with physiological laws.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Chocolate a Favorite Health Food
Chocolate a Favorite Health Food
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Finally, the medical world has caught up with what the rest of us have known all the time, namely, chocolate is good for us. And I for one think it is about time.
Finally, the medical world has caught up with what the rest of us have known all the time, namely, chocolate is good for us. And I for one think it is about time.
According to recent medical research, chocolate has marvelous benefits for the human body. Who in their right mind did not know this? As a subscriber to the Old England Journal of Homemade Cures and Potions, I have known for a very long time that the consumption of chocolate carries with it healthy advantages. For years, this journal carried many delicious articles touting the benefits of chocolate. And I have eaten it all up not to mention several boxes of chocolate.
This introduces me to a disturbing thought. I’m grateful for the advancement of modern medicine and science but what I want to know is simply this: if the medical world was mistaken about chocolate, what else are they mistaken about? Could it be that my long-time suspicions about broccoli are right? Has the medical world, which boasted for years about the dietary benefit of broccoli, been wrong all these years?
With recent discoveries, I think this is a real possibility.
I have been saying for years that broccoli was bad for you and chocolate was good for you. It seems I have been half right and I suspect another few years will prove I am 100 percent right on both subjects.
Because I have been right about chocolate, I’m not going to take the chance I’m wrong about broccoli. I propose to eat as much chocolate as possible and avoid broccoli in any and every form.
In light of these recent discoveries concerning chocolate, I thought I would lend my expertise on the subject of how to eat chocolate. Because many people have for so long been under the delusion that chocolate was not healthy, most people do not know how to eat chocolate.
I offer myself as an expert on the art of eating chocolate and I have the empty boxes to support my boast.
Before giving my tips on eating chocolate, let me just say that the chocolate chip cookie is the basic host for chocolate for the novice chocolate eater. Each chocolate chip cookie carries the proper amount of chocolate for the person denied chocolate all these years.
So, start out with a chocolate chip cookie to make sure you’re on the safe side of this issue. To know the proper amount of cookies, take your weight divided by your height (in inches) and multiplied by your age. This formula never fails.
Because chocolate is rather a new food category for most people, let me offer a few tips as you begin the marvelous discovery of the chocolate world.
1. When you begin eating chocolate, make sure you do it one bite at a time. This is important. Do not succumb to the temptation of taking double or triple bites as you begin. Down the road as you become more adapt at eating chocolate you might grow into this facet of chocolate eating.
2. If you have a wrapped chocolate bar, remember, it must be unwrapped and allowed to breathe like a fine wine. Many people yield to the temptation of ripping open a candy bar and immediately taking a bite. This is wrong. Chocolate is delicate and must be nurtured carefully in order to enjoy its flavor to its fullest for the longest period of time.
3. When it comes to chewing chocolate, a person must be very careful. Each bite of chocolate must be chewed no less than 12 times out of respect for the cacao seed that sacrificed itself for your toothsome treat.
Eating chocolate is a slow, reverent and loving experience. Perhaps the reason so many thought chocolate was not good for a person is that they ate it too fast.
I once tried chewing a chocolate bar only 11 times and choked. I learned my lesson the hard way and I now wholly respect the delicate nature of chocolate.
4. One final tip I feel is quite important. Chocolate should always be eaten when you are alone for a very important reason. When a person is eating chocolate, his full concentration should be on the process of eating and enjoying the rich chocolaty flavor. Any distractions, even the presence of a loved one, diverts from the whole experience.
When you stop to think about this whole chocolate business, it is almost like a religious experience.
As religious experiences go, the only genuine experience centers on knowing God, as he desires to be known. When it comes to religion, most people rush through without giving it much thought. And of course, they really never get to experience the full benefit of their religious experience.
David understood this concept when he wrote, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10 KJV.)
In this rat race of a world, it is almost impossible to find the time or the place to get still enough to really experience the presence of God. We have time for everything but this.
Perhaps God gets a bad rap from people for the same reason chocolate for many years was given a bad rap. To really know chocolate is to love chocolate.
I honestly believe the same can be said for God. For the person who takes the time to get to know God he begins to understand God and consequently loves God.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Finally, the medical world has caught up with what the rest of us have known all the time, namely, chocolate is good for us. And I for one think it is about time.
Finally, the medical world has caught up with what the rest of us have known all the time, namely, chocolate is good for us. And I for one think it is about time.
According to recent medical research, chocolate has marvelous benefits for the human body. Who in their right mind did not know this? As a subscriber to the Old England Journal of Homemade Cures and Potions, I have known for a very long time that the consumption of chocolate carries with it healthy advantages. For years, this journal carried many delicious articles touting the benefits of chocolate. And I have eaten it all up not to mention several boxes of chocolate.
This introduces me to a disturbing thought. I’m grateful for the advancement of modern medicine and science but what I want to know is simply this: if the medical world was mistaken about chocolate, what else are they mistaken about? Could it be that my long-time suspicions about broccoli are right? Has the medical world, which boasted for years about the dietary benefit of broccoli, been wrong all these years?
With recent discoveries, I think this is a real possibility.
I have been saying for years that broccoli was bad for you and chocolate was good for you. It seems I have been half right and I suspect another few years will prove I am 100 percent right on both subjects.
Because I have been right about chocolate, I’m not going to take the chance I’m wrong about broccoli. I propose to eat as much chocolate as possible and avoid broccoli in any and every form.
In light of these recent discoveries concerning chocolate, I thought I would lend my expertise on the subject of how to eat chocolate. Because many people have for so long been under the delusion that chocolate was not healthy, most people do not know how to eat chocolate.
I offer myself as an expert on the art of eating chocolate and I have the empty boxes to support my boast.
Before giving my tips on eating chocolate, let me just say that the chocolate chip cookie is the basic host for chocolate for the novice chocolate eater. Each chocolate chip cookie carries the proper amount of chocolate for the person denied chocolate all these years.
So, start out with a chocolate chip cookie to make sure you’re on the safe side of this issue. To know the proper amount of cookies, take your weight divided by your height (in inches) and multiplied by your age. This formula never fails.
Because chocolate is rather a new food category for most people, let me offer a few tips as you begin the marvelous discovery of the chocolate world.
1. When you begin eating chocolate, make sure you do it one bite at a time. This is important. Do not succumb to the temptation of taking double or triple bites as you begin. Down the road as you become more adapt at eating chocolate you might grow into this facet of chocolate eating.
2. If you have a wrapped chocolate bar, remember, it must be unwrapped and allowed to breathe like a fine wine. Many people yield to the temptation of ripping open a candy bar and immediately taking a bite. This is wrong. Chocolate is delicate and must be nurtured carefully in order to enjoy its flavor to its fullest for the longest period of time.
3. When it comes to chewing chocolate, a person must be very careful. Each bite of chocolate must be chewed no less than 12 times out of respect for the cacao seed that sacrificed itself for your toothsome treat.
Eating chocolate is a slow, reverent and loving experience. Perhaps the reason so many thought chocolate was not good for a person is that they ate it too fast.
I once tried chewing a chocolate bar only 11 times and choked. I learned my lesson the hard way and I now wholly respect the delicate nature of chocolate.
4. One final tip I feel is quite important. Chocolate should always be eaten when you are alone for a very important reason. When a person is eating chocolate, his full concentration should be on the process of eating and enjoying the rich chocolaty flavor. Any distractions, even the presence of a loved one, diverts from the whole experience.
When you stop to think about this whole chocolate business, it is almost like a religious experience.
As religious experiences go, the only genuine experience centers on knowing God, as he desires to be known. When it comes to religion, most people rush through without giving it much thought. And of course, they really never get to experience the full benefit of their religious experience.
David understood this concept when he wrote, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10 KJV.)
In this rat race of a world, it is almost impossible to find the time or the place to get still enough to really experience the presence of God. We have time for everything but this.
Perhaps God gets a bad rap from people for the same reason chocolate for many years was given a bad rap. To really know chocolate is to love chocolate.
I honestly believe the same can be said for God. For the person who takes the time to get to know God he begins to understand God and consequently loves God.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Health Benefit of Milk to Teeth
Health Benefit of Milk to Teeth
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
The first set of teeth, or milk-teeth as they are called, are twenty in number; they usually appear in pairs, and those of the lower jaw generally precede the corresponding ones of the upper. The first of the milk-teeth is generally cut about the sixth or seventh month, and the last of the set at various periods from the twentieth to the thirtieth months. Thus the whole period occupied by the first dentition may be estimated at from a year and a half to two years. The process varies, however, in different individuals, both as to its whole duration, and as to the periods and order in which the teeth make their appearance. It is unnecessary, however, to add more upon this point.
Their development is a natural process. It is too frequently, however, rendered a painful and difficult one, by errors in the management of the regimen and health of the infant, previously to the coming of the teeth, and during the process itself.
Thus, chiefly in consequence of injudicious management, it is made the most critical period of childhood. Not that I believe the extent of mortality fairly traceable to it, is by any means so great as has been stated; for it is rated as high as one sixth of all the children who undergo it. Still, no one doubts that first dentition is frequently a period of great danger to the infant. It therefore becomes a very important question to an anxious and affectionate mother, how the dangers and difficulties of teething can in any degree be diminished, or, if possible, altogether prevented. A few hints upon this subject, then, may be useful. I shall consider, first, the management of the infant, when teething is accomplished without difficulty; and, secondly, the management of the infant when it is attended with difficulty.
Management of the infant when teething is without difficulty. ------------------------------------------------------------
In the child of a healthy constitution, which has been properly, that is, naturally, fed, upon the milk of its mother alone, the symptoms attending teething will be of the mildest kind, and the management of the infant most simple and easy.
Symptoms:- The symptoms of natural dentition (which this may be fairly called) are, an increased flow of saliva, with swelling and heat of the gums, and occasionally flushing of the cheeks. The child frequently thrusts its fingers, or any thing within its grasp, into its mouth. Its thirst is increased, and it takes the breast more frequently, though, from the tender state of the gums, for shorter periods than usual. It is fretful and restless; and sudden fits of crying and occasional starting from sleep, with a slight tendency to vomiting, and even looseness of the bowels, are not uncommon. Many of these symptoms often precede the appearance of the tooth by several weeks, and indicate that what is called "breeding the teeth" is going on. In such cases, the symptoms disappear in a few days, to recur again when the tooth approaches the surface of the gum.
Treatment:- The management of the infant in this case is very simple, and seldom calls for the interference of the medical attendant. The child ought to be much in the open air, and well exercised: the bowels should be kept freely open with castor oil; and be always gently relaxed at this time. Cold sponging employed daily, and the surface of the body rubbed dry with as rough a flannel as the delicate skin of the child will bear; friction being very useful. The breast should be given often, but not for long at a time; the thirst will thus be allayed, the gums kept moist and relaxed, and their irritation soothed, without the stomach being overloaded. The mother must also carefully attend, at this time, to her own health and diet, and avoid all stimulant food or drinks.
From the moment dentition begins, pressure on the gums will be found to be agreeable to the child, by numbing the sensibility and dulling the pain. For this purpose coral is usually employed, or a piece of orris-root, or scraped liquorice root; a flat ivory ring, however, is far safer and better, for there is no danger of its being thrust into the eyes or nose. Gentle friction of the gums, also, by the finger of the nurse, is pleasing to the infant; and, as it seems to have some effect in allaying irritation, may be frequently resorted to. In France, it is very much the practice to dip the liquorice-root, and other substances, into honey, or powdered sugar-candy; and in Germany, a small bag, containing a mixture of sugar and spices, is given to the infant to suck, whenever it is fretful and uneasy during teething. The constant use, however, of sweet and stimulating ingredients must do injury to the stomach, and renders their employment very objectionable.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
The first set of teeth, or milk-teeth as they are called, are twenty in number; they usually appear in pairs, and those of the lower jaw generally precede the corresponding ones of the upper. The first of the milk-teeth is generally cut about the sixth or seventh month, and the last of the set at various periods from the twentieth to the thirtieth months. Thus the whole period occupied by the first dentition may be estimated at from a year and a half to two years. The process varies, however, in different individuals, both as to its whole duration, and as to the periods and order in which the teeth make their appearance. It is unnecessary, however, to add more upon this point.
Their development is a natural process. It is too frequently, however, rendered a painful and difficult one, by errors in the management of the regimen and health of the infant, previously to the coming of the teeth, and during the process itself.
Thus, chiefly in consequence of injudicious management, it is made the most critical period of childhood. Not that I believe the extent of mortality fairly traceable to it, is by any means so great as has been stated; for it is rated as high as one sixth of all the children who undergo it. Still, no one doubts that first dentition is frequently a period of great danger to the infant. It therefore becomes a very important question to an anxious and affectionate mother, how the dangers and difficulties of teething can in any degree be diminished, or, if possible, altogether prevented. A few hints upon this subject, then, may be useful. I shall consider, first, the management of the infant, when teething is accomplished without difficulty; and, secondly, the management of the infant when it is attended with difficulty.
Management of the infant when teething is without difficulty. ------------------------------------------------------------
In the child of a healthy constitution, which has been properly, that is, naturally, fed, upon the milk of its mother alone, the symptoms attending teething will be of the mildest kind, and the management of the infant most simple and easy.
Symptoms:- The symptoms of natural dentition (which this may be fairly called) are, an increased flow of saliva, with swelling and heat of the gums, and occasionally flushing of the cheeks. The child frequently thrusts its fingers, or any thing within its grasp, into its mouth. Its thirst is increased, and it takes the breast more frequently, though, from the tender state of the gums, for shorter periods than usual. It is fretful and restless; and sudden fits of crying and occasional starting from sleep, with a slight tendency to vomiting, and even looseness of the bowels, are not uncommon. Many of these symptoms often precede the appearance of the tooth by several weeks, and indicate that what is called "breeding the teeth" is going on. In such cases, the symptoms disappear in a few days, to recur again when the tooth approaches the surface of the gum.
Treatment:- The management of the infant in this case is very simple, and seldom calls for the interference of the medical attendant. The child ought to be much in the open air, and well exercised: the bowels should be kept freely open with castor oil; and be always gently relaxed at this time. Cold sponging employed daily, and the surface of the body rubbed dry with as rough a flannel as the delicate skin of the child will bear; friction being very useful. The breast should be given often, but not for long at a time; the thirst will thus be allayed, the gums kept moist and relaxed, and their irritation soothed, without the stomach being overloaded. The mother must also carefully attend, at this time, to her own health and diet, and avoid all stimulant food or drinks.
From the moment dentition begins, pressure on the gums will be found to be agreeable to the child, by numbing the sensibility and dulling the pain. For this purpose coral is usually employed, or a piece of orris-root, or scraped liquorice root; a flat ivory ring, however, is far safer and better, for there is no danger of its being thrust into the eyes or nose. Gentle friction of the gums, also, by the finger of the nurse, is pleasing to the infant; and, as it seems to have some effect in allaying irritation, may be frequently resorted to. In France, it is very much the practice to dip the liquorice-root, and other substances, into honey, or powdered sugar-candy; and in Germany, a small bag, containing a mixture of sugar and spices, is given to the infant to suck, whenever it is fretful and uneasy during teething. The constant use, however, of sweet and stimulating ingredients must do injury to the stomach, and renders their employment very objectionable.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Raw Food Diet
Raw Food Diet
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. Raw food diets promote eating and drinking ‘living’ food. A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, starting with weight loss and detox. Read about all the benefits of a raw food diet and try some simple but yummy recipes! Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing. Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.
Why Raw Foods? Basically a vegetarian diet, the raw food diet promotes eating and drinking ‘living’ foods. Living foods and juices contain the maximum amount of fibre found in raw produce, fibre that can be lost in processing. Such foods are easily metabolised and tend to be lower in calories than the average diet. Heating food above 116°F destroys enzymes in food that aid in digestion and in absorption of food, diminishing its nutritional value.
Benefits of a Raw Food Diet A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, improved skin appearance, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fibre. Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.
The Basics of a Raw Food Diet Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk – even seaweed – can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example: - sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism - cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an anti-oxidant, as does Shitake mushroom -carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system You can use a sprouter such as the Easy Green automatic sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans – even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a ‘super food’ – organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement. Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and a good quality juicer, such as the Kempo Greenpower juicer, produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients.
A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel. Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis, it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese, plus zinc and vitamin B complex. The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins – particularly A, B, and E. They’re also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins. You can even use soy milk makers (such as SoyQuick) to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop). Essentially, the idea of a raw food diet is to eat unprocessed foods for at least 75% of the time. If the idea of raw food isn’t very appetising to you, you can warm the food a little as long as the food isn’t heated above 116°F.
Cautionary Note As with any major change in diet, it’s wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any medication. Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet.
Last But Not Least… A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well. Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is also an excellent weight loss method. If you’ve been feeling ‘a little off’, or just need a pick-me-up and some extra energy, then a raw food diet is certainly a good way to go.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. Raw food diets promote eating and drinking ‘living’ food. A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, starting with weight loss and detox. Read about all the benefits of a raw food diet and try some simple but yummy recipes! Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing. Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.
Why Raw Foods? Basically a vegetarian diet, the raw food diet promotes eating and drinking ‘living’ foods. Living foods and juices contain the maximum amount of fibre found in raw produce, fibre that can be lost in processing. Such foods are easily metabolised and tend to be lower in calories than the average diet. Heating food above 116°F destroys enzymes in food that aid in digestion and in absorption of food, diminishing its nutritional value.
Benefits of a Raw Food Diet A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, improved skin appearance, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fibre. Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.
The Basics of a Raw Food Diet Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk – even seaweed – can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example: - sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism - cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an anti-oxidant, as does Shitake mushroom -carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system You can use a sprouter such as the Easy Green automatic sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans – even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a ‘super food’ – organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement. Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and a good quality juicer, such as the Kempo Greenpower juicer, produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients.
A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel. Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis, it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese, plus zinc and vitamin B complex. The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins – particularly A, B, and E. They’re also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins. You can even use soy milk makers (such as SoyQuick) to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop). Essentially, the idea of a raw food diet is to eat unprocessed foods for at least 75% of the time. If the idea of raw food isn’t very appetising to you, you can warm the food a little as long as the food isn’t heated above 116°F.
Cautionary Note As with any major change in diet, it’s wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any medication. Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet.
Last But Not Least… A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well. Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is also an excellent weight loss method. If you’ve been feeling ‘a little off’, or just need a pick-me-up and some extra energy, then a raw food diet is certainly a good way to go.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Deficiency of Milk to Kid
Deficiency of Milk to Kid
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Deficiency of milk may exist even at a very early period after delivery, and yet be removed. This, however, is not to be accomplished by the means too frequently resorted to; for it is the custom with many, two or three weeks after their confinement, if the supply of nourishment for the infant is scanty, to partake largely of malt liquor for its increase. Sooner or later this will be found injurious to the constitution of the mother: but how, then, is this deficiency to be obviated? Let the nurse keep but in good health, and this point gained, the milk, both as to quantity and quality, will be as ample, nutritious, and good, as can be produced by the individual.
I would recommend a plain, generous, and nutritious diet; not one description of food exclusively, but, as is natural, a wholesome, mixed, animal, and vegetable diet, with or without wine or malt liquor, according to former habit; and, occasionally, where malt liquor has never been previously taken, a pint of good sound ale may be taken daily with advantage, if it agree with the stomach. Regular exercise in the open air is of the greatest importance, as it has an extraordinary influence in promoting the secretion of healthy milk. Early after leaving the lying-in room, carriage exercise, where it can be obtained, is to be preferred, to be exchanged, in a week or so, for horse exercise, or the daily walk. The tepid, or cold salt-water shower bath, should be used every morning; but if it cannot be borne, sponging the body withsalt-water must be substituted.
By adopting with perseverance the foregoing plan, a breast of milk will be obtained as ample in quantity, and good in quality, as the constitution of the parent can produce, as the following case proves:
I attended a lady twenty-four years of age, a delicate, but healthy woman, in her first confinement. The labour was good. Every thing went on well for the first week, except that, although the breasts became enlarged, and promised a good supply of nourishment for the infant, at its close there was merely a little oozing from the nipple. During the next fortnight a slight, but very gradual increase in quantity took place, so that a dessert spoonful only was obtained about the middle of this period, and perhaps double this quantity at its expiration. In the mean time the child was necessarily fed upon an artificial diet, and as a consequence its bowels became deranged, and a severe diarrhoea followed.
For three or four days it was a question whether the little one would live, for so greatly had it been reduced by the looseness of the bowels that it had not strength to grasp the nipple of its nurse; the milk, therefore, was obliged to be drawn, and the child fed with it from a spoon. After the lapse of a few days, however, it could obtain the breast-milk for itself; and, to make short of the case, during the same month, the mother and child returned home, the former having a very fair proportion of healthy milk in her bosom, and the child perfectly recovered and evidently thriving fast upon it.
Where, however, there has been an early deficiency in the supply of nourishment, it will most frequently happen that, before the sixth or seventh month, the infant's demands will be greater than the mother can meet. The deficiency must be made up by artificial food, which must be of a kind generally employed before the sixth month, and given through the bottle.
By: http://www.skybluecross.com
Deficiency of milk may exist even at a very early period after delivery, and yet be removed. This, however, is not to be accomplished by the means too frequently resorted to; for it is the custom with many, two or three weeks after their confinement, if the supply of nourishment for the infant is scanty, to partake largely of malt liquor for its increase. Sooner or later this will be found injurious to the constitution of the mother: but how, then, is this deficiency to be obviated? Let the nurse keep but in good health, and this point gained, the milk, both as to quantity and quality, will be as ample, nutritious, and good, as can be produced by the individual.
I would recommend a plain, generous, and nutritious diet; not one description of food exclusively, but, as is natural, a wholesome, mixed, animal, and vegetable diet, with or without wine or malt liquor, according to former habit; and, occasionally, where malt liquor has never been previously taken, a pint of good sound ale may be taken daily with advantage, if it agree with the stomach. Regular exercise in the open air is of the greatest importance, as it has an extraordinary influence in promoting the secretion of healthy milk. Early after leaving the lying-in room, carriage exercise, where it can be obtained, is to be preferred, to be exchanged, in a week or so, for horse exercise, or the daily walk. The tepid, or cold salt-water shower bath, should be used every morning; but if it cannot be borne, sponging the body withsalt-water must be substituted.
By adopting with perseverance the foregoing plan, a breast of milk will be obtained as ample in quantity, and good in quality, as the constitution of the parent can produce, as the following case proves:
I attended a lady twenty-four years of age, a delicate, but healthy woman, in her first confinement. The labour was good. Every thing went on well for the first week, except that, although the breasts became enlarged, and promised a good supply of nourishment for the infant, at its close there was merely a little oozing from the nipple. During the next fortnight a slight, but very gradual increase in quantity took place, so that a dessert spoonful only was obtained about the middle of this period, and perhaps double this quantity at its expiration. In the mean time the child was necessarily fed upon an artificial diet, and as a consequence its bowels became deranged, and a severe diarrhoea followed.
For three or four days it was a question whether the little one would live, for so greatly had it been reduced by the looseness of the bowels that it had not strength to grasp the nipple of its nurse; the milk, therefore, was obliged to be drawn, and the child fed with it from a spoon. After the lapse of a few days, however, it could obtain the breast-milk for itself; and, to make short of the case, during the same month, the mother and child returned home, the former having a very fair proportion of healthy milk in her bosom, and the child perfectly recovered and evidently thriving fast upon it.
Where, however, there has been an early deficiency in the supply of nourishment, it will most frequently happen that, before the sixth or seventh month, the infant's demands will be greater than the mother can meet. The deficiency must be made up by artificial food, which must be of a kind generally employed before the sixth month, and given through the bottle.
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